Chapter 938 Unexpected
In Xicheng Police Station, Zhang Yunqiang went to work as usual since he handed over all the things he investigated to Song He. However, he seemed to be back to normal, but in his heart he was looking forward to the big operation Song He said was coming.

However, he also understands that part of the reason why he is looking forward to the big action Song He said is that he is eager to be reused by Wang Jinhu and make further progress in his work and position.

But after waiting for several days, the still calm police station made Zhang Yunqiang feel a little guilty, wondering if he should take the initiative to contact Song He.

On this day, Zhang Yunqiang came to the police station to work as usual with some anxiety and doubts in his heart, but before the chair was warmed up, he heard a burst of noisy voices outside the office.

"Why did the car from the province suddenly come?"

"I know the brands of those two cars. A bureau chief on the education gate was taken away by these two cars half a year ago!"

"I'll go! No way..."

Zhang Yunqiang, who heard a few key conversations, changed his mind, and suddenly realized that he couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in his heart, and walked quickly to the window to look out.

I saw two black off-road vehicles parked in the compound of the police station, and several men in professional uniform got out of the car and walked into the gate of the police station with solemn expressions.

Wang Ju’s action has begun!

In an instant, what Song He said flashed through Zhang Yunqiang's mind, and his heart beat twice faster than expected, and then he walked out of the office with anticipation to watch, hoping that he could get the latest information about the operation as soon as possible. information.

Soon, Zhang Yunqiang saw several men who got out of the car walked into Wang Jinhu's office.But just as he was waiting with great anticipation for the scene he expected to appear, he saw Wang Jinhu walking out of the office in disgrace surrounded by several men in business attire!

Well?what happened……

In an instant, Zhang Yunqiang was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning. He felt that the scene in front of him was so absurd that he still couldn't believe it after seeing Wang Jinhu being taken away!

Could it be that this is also part of the king's plan?
Are you planning to defile yourself first, see who jumps out, and then come back and clean it up in one fell swoop?

How can it be!

He is already the top leader of the Xicheng Police Station, do he still need to play such a trick that is easy to kill himself...

Zhang Yunqiang's mind was full of distracting thoughts, but he couldn't find a reasonable explanation. His heart sank and he subconsciously walked towards his office.
"Damn! I didn't even know that Bureau Wang was transferring assets overseas!"

"It's strange that you know! I heard that it seems to be reported by someone!"

"Who is so stupid!"

On the way back to the office, Zhang Yunqiang heard a few comments again, which made his almost chaotic brain sober for a moment.



Transfer assets...

It's Chen Ming!
Suddenly, Zhang Yunqiang thought of Wang Jinhu's nephew who had been studying abroad, and immediately decided that if anyone could help Wang Jinhu transfer assets, it could only be Chen Ming!
After thinking of this, Zhang Yunqiang suddenly became a little uneasy, because he suddenly realized that the fact that he had been in contact with Chen Ming recently seemed to have firmly tied him to the other party!
"how so……"

Feeling that he had taken a wrong step, Zhang Yunqiang could no longer maintain his composure, and hurried back to the office, his thoughts turned and he was desperately trying to find a way out, but he heard a phone ringing.

"Huh?" Zhang Yunqiang glanced at the phone, but seeing that it was "Chen Ming" calling, he immediately hung up in agitation.

But soon, the phone rang again, and it was still the number that made Zhang Yunqiang fall into the current passive situation.

"Hello." This time, Zhang Yunqiang did not hang up in anger, but calmed down and connected the phone and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"Huh?" Song He, who was still pretending to imitate Chen Ming's voice, let out a light snort, and suddenly said with a smile: "I thought you must be very anxious now, so I want to talk to you about life and ideals. "

"But I didn't expect that you could change your mind in such a short period of time and make up your mind to arrest me. To be honest, I underestimated you, Officer Zhang Yunqiang."

"You..." The thoughts in his heart were exposed by Song He's laughter, and Zhang Yunqiang suddenly tensed up, unable to speak, he didn't expect that he lost the initiative as soon as he got on the phone!
"Come on, have you lost the initiative?" Song He laughed, and said with a relaxed smile: "Officer Zhang, when did you have the illusion that you had taken the initiative in the conversation? You obviously haven't got anything, What are you talking about losing?"

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yunqiang asked the exact same question as a few days ago, but this time there was a lot of fear inexplicably.

"It's nothing, I just want to talk to you about life and ideals." Song He said with a relaxed smile.

"You will soon become a wanted criminal!" Zhang Yunqiang gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "If I were you, I would surrender immediately! Also, I have nothing to say to you!"

"I can't see it, Officer Zhang, you actually have the courage to make such a wise decision." Song He sighed with emotion, nodded in approval: "Indeed, rather than being involved in a whirlpool that ruins your future, it is better to find a way out as soon as possible. And catching me is the best way to get out."

"Then Officer Zhang, are you willing to continue to cooperate with me? I can guarantee your future is worry-free."

"Chen Ming, you can't escape!" Zhang Yunqiang resolutely suppressed the inexplicable thought in his heart, took a deep breath and said firmly: "Surrender yourself, your crime is not serious, and it is not worth absconding. If you insist on going your own way, the consequences will be very serious .”

"Okay, Officer Zhang, don't need to work hard." Song He resumed his original voice, and said indifferently: "Chen Ming has been brought under control, and you have been safe since the beginning."

"Hmm...who is being controlled?" Zhang Yunqiang was taken aback by Song He's words, and only after a while did he realize that the other party's voice had changed, and asked in surprise, "Who are you!"

"It doesn't matter who I am." Song He's voice was as free and easy as ever: "The key is Officer Zhang, you prove that you are capable of doing something, so you don't have to worry about gains and losses anymore."

"In three days, the investigation team will go to Xicheng to start work. The information you gave me a few days ago will become a starting point for this team to carry out the investigation."

"Therefore, Officer Zhang, you will rise to the top. Of course, the premise is that you will not do something that kills you, understand?"

Song He's words fell into Zhang Yunqiang's ears lightly, but it was like a gust of wind blowing through his mind. While clearing away some confusion for him, it also brought more puzzlement.

However, Zhang Yunqiang was really tormented by Song He to the point of being suspicious, and after hearing Song He's words at this time, he couldn't believe it.

"This time it's the truth." Feeling the doubts in the other party's heart, Song He was a little dumbfounded, and slowly explained: "Officer Zhang, don't worry, this kind of thing is easy to prove, I don't need to lie to you again."

"And, if everything goes well, I won't have the chance to lie to you again in the future."

Zhang Yunqiang, who believed Song He's words to [-]%, stared at the phone when he heard the words, and confirmed seriously: "Really?"

"Uh..." Song He hesitated and replied, "It should."

(End of this chapter)

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