Chapter 947
Late at night, a car carrying four sturdy men drove out of Heyu District and headed towards Fucheng.

At the same time, Caitou, who followed Song He's instructions and dialed Chen Xigua's phone number, found in disbelief that after he told Chen Xigua exactly what Song He had told him, Chen Xigua on the other end of the phone believed him immediately. And summoned a few confidantes to go straight to Fucheng City.

As a result, Caitou became more and more afraid of Song He, and the thought of resisting Song He, which was not very firm before, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Officer, what should I do next?" Caitou, who had changed his mind, asked proactively.

"Call Wang Jinyu." After reconfirming Wang Jinyu's location with the help of the murder-hunting system, Song He pointed to the mobile phone in Caitou's hand: "Tell him the news that Chen Xigua chased him to Fucheng City, and , don’t ask Wang Jinyu where he is.”

"If Wang Jinyu asks how you know it, you can say that you overheard it while following Chen Xigua."

With that said, Song He told Caitou a few more words, and then let Caitou make the call while he sat quietly and watched.

Soon after the call was over, because Song He expected all of Wang Jinyu's reactions, Caitou who ended the call fell into a brief shock again.

And Song He looked at Caitou who had completely fallen for him at this time and obeyed his words, and smiled with satisfaction: "Good performance."

Caitou smiled sheepishly when he heard this, but didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, I won't put Wang Jinyu in danger." Song He said lightly: "Remember, whenever you tell Chen Xigua about Wang Jinyu's location information, you must ensure that Wang Jinyu can escape safely from Chen Xigua's hands." .”

"Huh?" Caitou looked puzzled when he heard Song He's somewhat contradictory words, and bravely asked: "Officer, what...why is this?"

"In order to maintain world peace." Song Hemi glanced at Caitou: "Is this answer satisfactory?"

Song He's incomprehensible words made Caitou shudder inexplicably, and he dared not ask any more.

But Song He also knew that he couldn't just scare his new informant blindly, so he put on a slightly kind expression and explained: "Heyu District has been in chaos for too long, we intend to rectify it, but we need the cooperation of people who are familiar with the situation here action."

"In Fucheng, my colleagues are already prepared. As long as Chen Xigua does something out of line, he will be controlled by us."

"So whether Wang Jinyu can safely hold on until Chen Xigua is arrested depends on whether you can control the rhythm of their chasing and escaping. Do you understand?"

Caitou, who listened carefully, rolled his eyes, and immediately understood that Song He wanted to use his own hands to let Wang Jinyu and Chen Xigua fall into the hands of the police at the same time, so he nodded hurriedly: "Understood, I understand!"

"Just understand." Song He said, stood up and walked out: "Stay at home obediently, I will contact you at any time."

After that, Song He walked out of the door under Caitou's surprised and respectful gaze, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Five minutes after leaving Caitou's house, Song He's cell phone rang.

"Liuyun, is there any good news?" Song He asked casually after connecting to the phone.

"Boss, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Liu Yun's voice was unusually uncomfortable: "To be honest, the Wu Guihai you asked me to investigate is the cleanest guy I've ever seen!"

"Boss, you don't know, first, this guy has no abnormal communications! Second, he has no economic activities beyond his income level or assets of unknown origin! Third, he has no negative rumors or bad habits!"

"If you hadn't repeatedly said there was something wrong with this guy, I would have thought that Wu Guihai was a role model!"

After listening to Liu Yun's words, Song He frowned and said firmly: "That means that there is a big problem behind this guy."

"But I really can't find out what the problem is..." Liu Yun shouted depressingly, and then turned around and said, "Although Wu Guihai is as clean as distilled water, his brother is like a slop bucket compared to him .”

"The asset of unknown origin alone is enough for him to sit in prison until his son has a grandson. If you add the crimes that you entrusted to me to investigate, the boss, death reprieve is the best ending."

"That's why I say there is definitely something wrong with Wu Guihai." Song He said solemnly, "If even you can't find his tail, it means that the Fucheng Police Department is even less likely to find his tail."

"Faced with such a person, the only way is to let Wu Laosan enter the situation first, and then conduct a psychological interrogation involving Wu Guihai. However, in this way, a long investigation period will lead to an increase in variables, which will alert the snake and let Wu Guihai take action in advance. Be prepared."

Liu Yun, who knew Song He very well, knew that Song He was suffocating as soon as he was obedient, and quickly asked, "Boss, what are you going to do? How do you need my cooperation?"

"Wu Guihai has been the mayor of Heyu District for some years." Song He said slowly: "In these years, he has been living in an apartment assigned by his unit in the early years, and he hardly stays in other places outside of working hours. overnight."

"This shows that he trusts or values ​​the apartment he lives in. And in such an apartment, there must be something hidden in it that we usually don't see."

"So, I'm going to do some reconnaissance..."

"Boss, are you going to be a snitch?" Liu Yun shouted excitedly: "Don't worry, boss, I will take care of the surveillance around Wu Guihai's house for you, and I won't charge you this time if you leave any traces!"

Liu Yun's heavy promise made Song He roll his eyes helplessly, and then he explained a few more words before groping in the direction of Wu Guihai's house.

In the early morning, an official vehicle drove into the community where Wu Guihai lived, and left the community after receiving Wu Guihai.

And not long after the car left, Song He, who was in disguise, easily entered the community under the cover of Liu Yun, and arrived outside Wu Guihai's house not long after.

After confirming that there was no one around at this time, Song He was not in a hurry to open the door. Instead, after looking at the door and the details of the surroundings, he squatted down and fiddled with the door lock.

A moment later, with a soft click, the door opened, and at the same time, a piece of white paper scraps suddenly floated down from the crack of the door, flickeringly falling to the ground covered with a little dust!
And when the piece of paper fell in an irregular way, Song He, with a calm expression, suddenly stretched out his gloved right hand, and gently held the piece of paper when it was less than [-] centimeters from the ground, his movements were gentle and soothing. Not even the slightest breeze stirred.

"So cautious, no wonder we can't find the problem." Song Hehan smiled, put on the gloves and went into the house and closed the door. At the same time, he put the white paper back to its place, looked around with interest and said: "But doesn't this mean that this is the case? Is there a ghost?"

After that, Song He began to observe and search the house seriously, trying to find the secret hidden by Wu Guihai.

A few minutes later, Song He, who came to the study, frowned slightly, looking at a computer on the desk, feeling a little awkward in his heart.

This is an old desktop computer, whether it is the keyboard, the chassis, or the monitor and speakers, it has many design styles from a few years ago.

What makes Song He feel awkward is that there will be such a computer that is extremely incompatible with the surrounding environment in this study room that has been carefully organized and stylish.

So, Song He leaned over to the computer to observe carefully, and after a while, he found something that made him suspicious.

I saw that the desk with this computer was neat and tidy, which seemed normal at first glance.However, in Song He's eyes, on the desktop where the computer keyboard is located, there are faint wear marks caused by two elbows supporting the desktop for a long time.

And to form wear marks on such a desktop, it is obvious that Wu Guihai often sits here and uses the computer.

At the same time, Song He also found that the keyboard of the computer was clean, with very little dust, obviously either Wu Guihai used it frequently, or he often cleaned it.

But even with this clean keyboard, most of the keys do not have the smooth marks caused by frequent finger tapping. The keys that have marks of long-term use are actually some non-customary keys.

"It seems that these buttons should be something like a power-on password." Song He, who quickly came to a conclusion, frowned and said in wonder: "Relevant signs show that Wu Guihai spent most of his time on this computer after returning home from work. .”

"At the same time, Wu Guihai doesn't use the keyboard very often, which means that the things he often does don't need to use the keyboard. But in this way, why are there traces of elbow support next to the computer keyboard?"

"Also, there should obviously be something hidden in this computer, but why didn't Liu Yun say that there is something wrong with this computer?"

After thinking for a moment, Song He had more and more doubts in his mind. Finally, determined to find out, he sat in front of the computer and pressed the power button.

In the blink of an eye, the computer started up, and a password verification box appeared on the screen as Song He expected, and Song He easily guessed the password and passed the verification based on the abnormality of the computer keyboard and the investigation of Wu Guihai's information.

However, Song He was stunned for a second in the next second, because on the huge computer desktop, apart from a few common icons, there was only one software icon that he had never seen before.

This is an icon made up of several intertwined letters. At first glance, no matter how these letters are combined, they cannot form a meaningful word.

However, in the eyes of Song He, who has read many books, these letters can just form a very rare word in an ancient Nordic language family, and the meaning of this word is: dreams come true.

"What the hell is this dream come true software?" Song He muttered, checking the computer's background records, and soon discovered that Wu Guihai would open this dream come true software every time he turned on the computer, and would spend a lot of time on it every time he opened it.

"No way..." Song He pouted with a vague guess in his heart and said, "Could it be that this guy doesn't get married because he has some strange hobby?"

"No! If Wu Guihai really has any strange hobbies, he will never be able to hide from Liu Yun and I's investigation, so this software is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

Thinking of this, Song He couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore, dragged the mouse and double-clicked the software, intending to see what's tricky in it.

But what Song He didn't expect was that the moment he opened the software, a video dialog box to be connected popped up in an instant, and the software automatically sent out a video communication application!

In astonishment, Song He immediately realized that it was too late to hang up!

Because Wu Guihai spent a lot of time on this software, it is enough to show that the opponent is very familiar with Wu Guihai!
And the person receiving the communication application will definitely feel suspicious and confirm to Wu Guihai when they see a communication application that has been dialed out but then hung up immediately!
I rely on!

How could this be?

While thinking about it, Song He made a decision in an instant, quickly reached out to block the camera on the monitor, and then quietly waited for the communication to be connected.

And just after Song He blocked the camera for more than ten seconds, the video communication was connected suddenly!
The screen of the video dialog box lit up, and a figure with a strange mask appeared in it, and at the same time, a strange voice processed by a voice changer sounded from the speaker: "Mr. Wu, good morning... eh? Sorry, I can't see You, Mr. Wu."

Although the voice was weird, but Qin Xiayu, who spoke well, made Song He make a judgment that the other party was also from Qin Xia.

At the same time, Song He, who made up his mind to explore Wu Guihai's secrets, imitated Wu Guihai's voice, pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "Can't you see me?"

"Yes, it's pitch black." The other party spread his hands and smiled, "It seems that you need to repair the equipment, Mr. Wu."

The tone of the other party made Song He instantly clear the status relationship between Wu Guihai and the other party, so he lowered his attitude appropriately and said: "I'm really sorry, I will deal with it later."

"It's okay, this doesn't affect our communication." The masked mixed-race man waved his hands indifferently, and asked curiously: "If you count the time, you should be at work now."

"It must not be a trivial matter for you to drop your work and contact me suddenly, right?"

"That's true." Song He tried his best to imitate Wu Guihai's character and language habits, nodded and said in a deep voice: "What happened in Heyu District recently makes me very disturbed."

"Oh?" The mixed-race man asked with great interest: "As far as I know, Heyu District is still under your control. If there is no accident, you will still be able to firmly control Heyu in the next five years district."

"So, what is it that disturbs you?"

"It was an accident that happened around me." Song He recalled it, and found that Wu Guihai had no record of using Dream Come True software after Wu Laosan Hotel was smashed.

So he felt relieved, and told the story of the smashing of Wu Laosan's hotel from the perspective of the narrator.

"Well, it's a very interesting accident." The mixed-race man tilted his head and smiled: "I can check it for you. If there is really someone or something behind this matter that may threaten your status, I will notify you. Your."

"That's great." Song He pretended to be surprised and grateful: "Thank you very much for your help."

"It's nothing, this is what I should do." The mixed-race man shook his head indifferently, then moved closer to the camera, and asked slowly, "By the way, Mr. Wu, can I ask you a question?"

Song He, who was always tense, asked cautiously: "What's the problem?"

"It's a very simple question." The mixed-race man chuckled, tilted his head and asked word by word: "Do you know what you usually call me?"


Song Hewenyan's heart sank, and he immediately realized that the other party had already guessed that the person sitting here was not Wu Guihai himself!

"Can't you remember?" Just as Song He was thinking about countermeasures, the mixed-race man continued to ask with interest: "So, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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