Chapter 953
"Compared to the first one who was found dead, the second one was much more detailed in the news reports."

Song He muttered, looking at the news photos found on his mobile phone, and said: "The photos are so clear, no wonder it became a major case due to public opinion."

Since the first ones to discover the second body were several reporters who wanted to break the news, they took a large number of photos of the scene before notifying the police of the discovery.

Their behavior not only resulted in the outflow of a large number of on-site photos, but also caused extensive discussions and a certain degree of panic among the people of Kecheng, and also caused great damage to the crime scene in the process of hastily taking pictures.

"So the most valuable thing about the scene where deceased No. 2 was located is the photos taken by these reporters." Song He snorted unhappily, shaking his head while looking at the news photos:

"It's a pity that they only considered the impact of the pictures, so they focused most of the shots on the deceased, causing some important traces left on the scene of the crime to be destroyed before they could be photographed."

"The Kecheng Police Department is really unlucky to meet this kind of reporter."

With a sigh, Song He found a few of the clearest news photos, enlarged them one by one to the limit of recognition, and then restored them inch by inch in his mind, finally roughly restoring an incomplete crime scene.

"This is the limit." Song He flipped through the photos of the scene in the news again, and after confirming that he had made no mistake, he turned off his phone and slowly closed his eyes, and began to examine the crime scene constructed in his mind.

This is a deep forest that lacks sunlight, and a willow tree nearly ten meters high stands in the middle.

Due to the remote location and the lack of pruning and trimming, the willow tree does not grow straight, with many slender or thick branches protruding from the trunk.

About three meters above the ground, a thigh-thick branch grew horizontally from the trunk of the willow tree.

In the middle of the branch, a person is suspended from it, with his dangling feet about one meter above the ground.One end of an orange climbing rope was tied around the man's neck, and the other end was pulled half a circle around the branches and tied tightly to the trunk of the willow tree.

Song He lowered his gaze, glanced at the ground that was blurred by him due to lack of photos, and helplessly focused on the dead man and the rope.

"Male, about 1.7 meters tall and weighing about [-] kilograms. Judging from the degree of decay on the face and limbs, the time of death was three days ago..."

"The size of the clothes, pants and shoes that the deceased was wearing when he died was consistent with the body shape of the deceased. There was no abnormality in the matching and the clothes were generally neat. It can be determined that these clothes were the clothes of the deceased..."

"The price of these clothes, shoes and socks is in the middle to lower range, which shows that his economic status is average. And the joints of his hands and feet are thick and strong, so the work he does is probably manual labor..."

"At present, it seems that there are no signs of trauma on the body of the deceased. His hands are clean and right-handed. There are no other injuries on the face and exposed body parts except for signs of decay after death..."

"However, the state of decay and color of the corpse are a bit wrong. Could it be that he was poisoned before death?..."

After a while, Song He saw that he could no longer analyze anything more from the deceased, so he turned his gaze to the rope tied around the neck of the deceased.

"Mountaining rope, bright color, obviously prepared in advance. The rope is widely used and is a common model on the market. It can be used by mountain climbing, rock climbing, security and professional spidermen..."

"The knot tied around the neck of the deceased is a noose knot commonly used during hangings in Europe in the Middle Ages. Although the technique is simple, most people do not understand the binding method, so the murderer should have done it deliberately..."

"There are regular wear marks on the tree trunk where the rope is in line with the thickness of the rope, indicating that the murderer first knotted the rope around the neck of the deceased, then threw the other end over the branch, and then pulled the deceased up on the ground forcefully, while No resistance..."

"The direction of the wear marks is vertically downward. It is obvious that the murderer was standing beside the deceased when he dragged the deceased up. It also shows that the murderer should weigh more than 75 kilograms. He has a strong body and a certain strength..."

"The binding method of fixing the other end of the climbing rope to the trunk of the willow tree is a typical permanent knot used in outdoor activities. The technique is complicated and extremely difficult to untie."

"In this case, there was also the act of using this kind of knot to fix the rope, which shows that the murderer has strong personal emotions and tendencies, and he does not want the dead to fall easily..."

"Looking at the location of the permanent knot, we can roughly judge the murderer's height. Adding up his weight, we can basically determine that he is a man with a height of about 1.7 meters [-] and a weight of about [-] kilograms..."

Thinking of this, Song He shook his head slightly, feeling that he had basically finished digging out the information that could be analyzed from the news photos.

But Song He soon realized that something was wrong, because he felt that the appearance of the murderer he speculated seemed familiar...

"Familiarity? How come?" Song He frowned, thinking and muttering: "Height 1.7 meters five... over 75 kg... strong... strong body... damn it!"

Suddenly, Song He felt a flash of lightning flash across his mind, and his eyes suddenly widened!

He quickly turned on his mobile phone to search for news, and found out the report about No.1's found dead man!

In the blink of an eye, Song He found a distant photo of a man hanging from a tree with a crooked neck. Song He quickly deduced the physical characteristics of the deceased from the rough outline in the photo!

The height is close to 1.8 meters!

Weighing more than eighty kilograms!

Strong body shape!

"No way..." Song He whispered in disbelief, opened the murderer chasing system and checked it carefully, but saw that there were no tasks that met the requirements at all, and his heart sank: "If this is really the case, we will be in big trouble. …”

"I hope the first crime scene discovered has enough clues and traces left, otherwise it will be really difficult..."

An hour later, Song He walked out of Kecheng Railway Station shrouded in darkness, and saw a police car parked outside the pick-up gate and a middle-aged male police officer waiting anxiously beside the police car.

"Hello, I'm Song He." Song He walked forward quickly and stretched out his palm naturally.

"Hello." The middle-aged male police officer quickly looked up and down at Song He who came in front of him, nodded and shook hands with Song He before opening the passenger door: "Captain of the Criminal Police of Kecheng Police Station, Zhang Junhua."

"Thank you, Captain Zhang." Song He felt Zhang Junhua's eagerness, said a simple hello and sat directly in the passenger seat.

"I don't want to work hard, but there are always things I can't help." Zhang Junhua sighed, quickly got into the driver's seat and started the car, barely suppressing the anxiety in his heart and asked: "Let me tell Officer Song about the case..."

"Let me first talk about what I have learned." Song He stopped Zhang Junhua's words and said, "If there are any new discoveries that I haven't mentioned, can I ask Team Zhang to add something for me?"

"The case is like this...huh?" Zhang Junhua, who had just driven the car less than five meters away, was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what Song He was saying, and couldn't help being surprised: "Officer Song, you..."

"News." After spitting out two words, Quan Dang explained, Song He saw Zhang Junhua's face showed a bit of bitter understanding, and said with a relieved smile: "No one wants to encounter this kind of thing, but you can avoid it. There are really few.”

"I reconstructed the crime scene of deceased No. 2 based on the photos on the news, and found some details..."

After all, Song He told his discovery again, but he didn't express his doubts about the first person who was found dead.

After all, there are many people of similar size, and Song He has no way to pass through the preliminary crime scene restoration, so he is 100% sure that he is the murderer of No. 2 who was found dead.

But even so, what Song He said made Zhang Junhua, who was responsible for driving, almost lose his grip on the steering wheel!
"Officer Song, these..." Zhang Junhua's Adam's apple rolled violently, his eyes widened with the sound of swallowing, and he turned his head to look at Song He in disbelief.

"Team Zhang, you're driving." Song He subconsciously grasped the handle above the co-pilot's seat, and pointed to the night-empty road outside the car window ahead.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Zhang Junhua hurriedly turned his head to look at the road again when he heard the words, then turned the steering wheel to straighten the front of the car and said in surprise: "The things you just said were all discovered by Officer Song through news photos? "

"Almost." Song He has long been accustomed to Zhang Junhua's reaction, nodded and said: "Actually, there are still some analyzes about the murderer's psychological level and some speculations that cannot be determined for the time being. We need to understand the progress of the case investigation before analyzing it in detail."

"It seems that there is a reason why Qin Du sent you here this time." Zhang Junhua complimented, and the anxiety in his heart was relieved a lot, and at the same time, a little bit of anticipation was born.

But he soon thought of the difficulties in the case, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly: "You don't know, when we arrived at the crime scene where the deceased No. 2 was found, the scene was completely destroyed."

"In that case, there is basically no need to carry out on-site investigation work. Besides doing autopsies and confirming the identity of the deceased, most of our remaining energy is occupied by reporters and public opinion."

"As for the first deceased to be found, we did a detailed investigation, but this time not only did the on-site investigation fail, but we even encountered great difficulties in confirming the identity of the deceased."

Zhang Junhua's words made Song He's heart skip a beat: "Was the crime scene where the deceased No. 1 was found more seriously damaged? The fingerprints and appearance were also damaged?"

"That's right..." Zhang Junhua smiled wryly again: "There were traces of the deceased's children's activities at the scene, but they were timid and didn't dare to get too close. The traces are also easy to distinguish. If you investigate carefully, it won't disturb much."

"On the contrary, the villagers who reported the case came together to watch the fun, and trampled the scene into a mess. When we arrived at the scene, many village names gathered around the corpse and pointed fingers, and there were even children with Adults are running around."

"After investigation, it was found that before the children found the corpse, the murderer had destroyed all the traces of the crime scene, leaving us no valuable clues at all."

"What's even worse is that the fingerprints and appearance of the deceased were completely destroyed! But here, the murderer wants to hang him up! I don't even know what he wants!"

"I don't know what the picture is for the time being. I can only say that the murderer has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities." Song He thought for a while and asked: "Team Zhang, are the autopsy reports, on-site investigation conclusions and related investigation results here?"

"Yes!" Zhang Junhua raised his thumb and pointed to the back row: "It's all in the back, except for those, there are also the records of the visits and platoons and the transcripts of the relevant reporting personnel."

"Team Zhang is still well-prepared." Song Hewen said that he was not polite, and leaned over the back row to take each file box into his arms, and opened it one by one.

"The second deceased person found...had a small amount of cyanide traces in his body?" Song He frowned and asked, "Are you sure he had taken a lethal dose of cyanide?"

"That's right." Zhang Junhua knew the autopsy report by heart, and said while driving, "According to the forensic examination, his death was caused by oral cyanide poisoning."

"Furthermore, he was wearing neat plain clothes, and there were no signs of struggle or trauma on his body. It is very likely that he was poisoned and killed by the murderer, and then transported to the crime scene and hung up."

"It is indeed very possible." Song He nodded: "If cyanide is taken orally, it can only be given by others or swallowed voluntarily."

"And judging from his state when he was discovered, it is unlikely that he voluntarily swallowed it, so he must have taken the drinking water given to him by the murderer before he died..."

With that said, Song He quickly flipped through the autopsy report, looking for the test report on the residual substances in the digestive tract.

"Found it!" Song He quickly found what he was looking for, and after looking through it quickly, he thought, "After component analysis, it was found that macromolecular protein and dietary fiber are the majority?"

"That is to say, he died on the dining table before he had time to eat the staple food, so the possibility of him dying in the restaurant is very small."

"Whether it's ordering takeaway or cooking for yourself, the first crime scene can only be an undisturbed apartment or a secluded location."

Listening to Song He's analysis, Zhang Junhua nodded and said, "We also had similar considerations. We visited the communities and suspicious locations around the crime scene, but we were unable to find any valuable clues."

"What about the source of the cyanide?" Song He asked after thinking for a while, "Should this thing be under our control?"

"I have checked, but there is still no clue." Zhang Junhua shook his head angrily: "I have checked all relevant places in the electroplating plant of the chemical plant, and there is no unknown cyanide, and there is no suspicious person."

"But you also know that the lethal dose of this kind of thing is terrible for people. Even if a hundred milligrams is leaked or stolen, it is difficult to detect."

Song He, who knew that what Zhang Junhua said was true, nodded helplessly, then looked at the case information in his hand and said slowly: "It seems that we can only start with people."

(End of this chapter)

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