Chapter 957
"Hi, hello. Is this Ms. Liu Jinxian's son, Mr. Deng?"

"That's right, I'm a doctor at Jicheng Hospital."

"When I went to Gu'an Village for a free physical examination today, I found that your mother's blood pressure was a little high and her heart rhythm was also a little abnormal."

"It wasn't clear what the problem was so we arranged for a full check-up in three days' time."

"The physical examination is free, you can rest assured. And we will notify you as soon as the results come out."

"Okay, bye."

Hanging up the phone with a normal expression, Song He returned the phone to Deng Chuyu's mother, smiled and made an appointment with her for a re-examination, and then continued to perform physical examinations for other villagers.

A few hours later, the free medical examination for Song He and others to cover the investigation ended, and the group left Gu'an Village together with repeated thanks from the leaders of the village committee.

"I got the mobile phone number." After getting on the minibus, Song He wrote down the mobile phone number cheated from Deng Chuyu's mother and handed it to Zhang Junhua, and said seriously: "We still have to send someone to keep an eye on Deng Chuyu's mother. Possibly back."

"Don't worry, it's been arranged." Zhang Junhua glanced at the mobile phone number in his hand excitedly and sneered: "Sure enough, the number has been changed."

"With his cunning, it's strange that he didn't change his number," Song He nodded. "Judging from Deng Chuyu's current situation, although there is a possibility of him coming back, it's not great."

"On the one hand, although he does not doubt our identity, he does not fully trust us out of caution."

"On the other hand, he also knows that it is useless to come back at this time, so he should wait for his mother's examination results while continuing to abscond, and then decide where to go."

Zhang Junhua and all the police officers nodded after hearing the words, thinking that Song He's analysis was in line with Deng Chuyu's cautious and cunning character.

"And what we have to do is to wait for the opportunity while conducting a low-key investigation on his mobile phone number." Song He said clearly: "If he doesn't come back within three days, then we will take the initiative to attack."

"At that time, I will contact him after his mother has finished the physical examination, and while communicating with him, I will make his mother's medical examination results more complicated and serious."

"In this case, out of filial piety and concern, he will definitely fluctuate in emotion and mentality, and ask what is wrong with his mother's body."

"Therefore, I will try my best to prolong the call time so that Team Zhang and you can locate his location. At the same time, I will also suggest that he take his mother to a hospital with better medical equipment and conditions for follow-up consultation as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Zhang Junhua suddenly laughed: "At that time, it will be impossible if he doesn't come back!"

All the police officers smiled at each other upon hearing the words, and the smiles were full of success and expectation.

Three days later, the uneasy Liu Jinxian walked slowly into Jicheng Municipal Hospital and found Song He who had negotiated with the hospital and pretended to be a doctor.

"Ms. Liu, don't be nervous, the results will come out soon." Song He comforted Liu Jinxian with a smile, and took her to various departments while thinking about apologizing.

Two hours later, Liu Jinxian, who was somewhat dazed by Song He, finally finished the last project, and was sent back by Song He to wait for the result.

As soon as Liu Jinxian left, Song He joined Zhang Junhua and his party who had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing that Zhang Junhua and others had already set up the equipment and were waiting in battle, Song He was unambiguous, took out the medical examination report that had been prepared earlier, and dialed Deng Chuyu's phone number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Deng Chuyu, the son of Ms. Liu Jinxian?" Song He asked politely and then reported his family name: "I am Sun Xiaohai, the doctor of the city hospital who called you last time."

"Hello, Dr. Sun." Deng Chuyu's voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone, and his tone was full of concern: "How is my mother?"

"It doesn't look very optimistic at the moment." Song He's tone was a little low: "I told your mother that the result will come out in two days, and let her go back first. After all, with you here, it's better to hide some things from her. .”

Deng Chuyu on the other end of the phone was stunned by Song He's words. He lowered his posture and said, "Doctor Sun, what do you mean..."

"Don't worry, just listen to me slowly." Song He spoke slowly, and while gesturing to Zhang Junhua and others, he said, "It's like this. When I was doing abdominal color ultrasound for your mother today, I found..."

Twenty minutes later, Song He put Liu Jinxian's name on the test report of a liver tumor patient, explained it carefully to Deng Chuyu, and then said earnestly:
"Although it's not sure whether this irregular tumor is benign or malignant, I haven't informed your mother about it yet."

"As for whether to tell her or not, that's for you to decide."

The handset of the mobile phone was silent for a moment, and then Deng Chuyu's voice sounded again: "Doctor Sun, how can we determine whether this tumor is benign or malignant?"

"This is more complicated to say." Song He Lede extended the call time for Zhang Junhua and others to determine Deng Chuyu's location, and at the same time was willing to expand Deng Chuyu's psychological anxiety, so he explained it seemingly clearly but vaguely.

Deng Chuyu seemed like a human being, so he naturally knew that Song He didn't dare to jump to conclusions, so he asked instead: "Dr. Sun, you said to go to a more professional hospital for follow-up consultation, can you tell me which hospital it is?"

"Like the Provincial Cancer Hospital and the large hospitals in Qindu, the conditions of these hospitals are very good." Song He, who had planned ahead, mentioned the prepared hospitals, and then comforted him:
"Actually, your mother's condition was discovered quite early. If you intervene in the treatment this morning, the prognosis will be relatively smooth."

Hearing Song Heyou's intention to end the conversation, Deng Chuyu thought about it and said goodbye: "Thank you, Dr. Sun, I will not disturb you for now."

"Well, good." Song He nodded and hung up the phone.

"Go to Akagi!" Zhang Junhua, who was staring at the latest model locator he borrowed at a great expense, shouted excitedly: "The detailed location is also available. Now let's see how he runs!"

"Team Zhang, don't worry." Song He looked at the phone in his hand and said with a smile, "We have to give Deng Chuyu a chance."

Late one night, a tall and muscular man walked out of the train station carrying a backpack.

Looking closely at his appearance and figure, the tall man with dark skin, small eyes and nearly 1.9 meters is none other than Deng Chuyu, who has been absconding to this day.

I saw Deng Chuyu came to the side of the road outside the station, stopped a taxi casually, sat in the back row and gave an address, then lowered his head without saying a word, as if closing his eyes to rest his mind.

The driver didn't care, started the car and left the train station.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped at a certain location in Gu'an Village. Deng Chuyu paid the fare without saying a word and got out of the car, walking quickly along the path that was difficult for cars to walk.

However, after walking for less than 2 minutes, Deng Chuyu suddenly felt something strange behind him, turned his head cautiously, and saw a figure walking slowly behind him in the distance.

A warning sign suddenly rose in Deng Chuyu's heart, and while paying attention to the figure behind him, he quickened his pace and walked forward!
But when he passed a corner, his attention was attracted by the figure behind him, but he failed to see the figures lurking in the shadows at the first time!

In an instant, several short and lurking figures burst up at the same time, bringing a gust of wind, and at the same time rushed towards the unaware Deng Chuyu from all directions!
I saw Zhang Junhua and a few strong police officers he specially selected jumped up desperately, twisted their arms, twisted their shoulders, and pushed the strong and powerful Deng Chuyu to the ground in the blink of an eye!

And Deng Chuyu didn't wake up until his face was firmly pressed against the cold ground, and his eyes rolled around to look around.

At this time, Song He, who was following behind Deng Chuyu, attracting his attention and putting pressure on him, came quickly to Deng Chuyu, knelt down and said slowly: "Don't worry, your mother doesn't know."

Deng Chuyu, who couldn't move, was relieved when he heard the words, but soon he realized that the voice was inexplicably familiar, and he couldn't help being taken aback: "You are Dr. Sun..."

"The brain is really good." After Song He finished speaking, Deng Chuyu, who was handcuffed by Zhang Junhua and others, looked at him with concern, and immediately said: "Your mother is in good health, and there is no abnormality. The result of the physical examination is I lied to you."

As soon as the words fell, Deng Chuyu breathed a sigh of relief, and even his body, which had been tense because of resistance, relaxed.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Junhua glanced at Deng Chuyu in surprise, and then waved his hands to the police officers around him: "Take him away!"

In the night, Song He watched Deng Chuyu being escorted farther and farther by the police, shook his head and sighed: "Oh, it's a pity that he is a filial child."

Zhang Junhua also silently looked at Deng Chuyu when he heard the words, but sighed noncommittally.

An hour later, the tall and strong Deng Chuyu sat in the interrogation room. Because he was too tall, the interrogation chair he was sitting on looked much smaller.

"Deng Chuyu." Song He sat behind the interrogation table and looked into Deng Chuyu's curious and frank eyes and asked, "Do you know why you were arrested?"

"I know." Deng Chuyu didn't deny the behavior of sophistry at all, and directly admitted: "Murder."

It seems that there is no need to break through the defense...

Song He's heart moved, and he asked, "It's good to know. Who did you kill?"

"Wu Ze, Ma Chang was killed by Wu Ze." Deng Chuyu replied very cooperatively, "In Kecheng."

Song He, who originally planned to ask about the process of committing the crime, saw Deng Chuyu's behavior, so he changed the question and asked directly: "Why?"

"Because they killed my dad." Deng Chuyu's expression turned gloomy: "They still squander my dad's compensation for his death!"

Song He said as expected, and then asked: "How do you know it was them who harmed Deng Ming?"

"Because my dad would check his safety equipment repeatedly before going to work." Deng Chuyu said firmly: "The accident report said that my dad's safety buckle failed and caused him to accidentally fall from the building. This is simply impossible."

Song He Wenyan nodded secretly, because he restored Deng Ming's character and behavior habits based on the collected information before, and knew that he was an extremely stingy person.

People who are stingy and stingy are often very careful, not because they are cautious, but because they naturally like to pick up details.

Seeing Song He nodded, Deng Chuyu continued with a sneer, "And they disappeared after taking my father's compensation for death. If I hadn't taken the initiative to come to the door, they would have squandered all the money!"

"Tell me about the crime." Seeing that Zhang Junhua had written down everything Deng Chuyu said, Song He asked, "What reason did you use to convince Wu Ze to help you kill Ma Chang?"

"I was sure that after they partnered to kill my dad, I investigated them." Deng Chuyu said calmly, "Wu Ze is greedy for money and self-righteous, and thinks he is smart when he has no brains. Ma Chang has no brains than Wu Ze, he is delicious, lustful and impulsive. "

"I know that Wu Ze must be the one who came up with the idea, and Ma Chang, who is easily instigated to change my dad's safety buckle, must be the one who made the move."

"So I went to Wu Ze first, and said that a worker told me that he saw Ma Chang changing my dad's safety buckle, and wanted to seek revenge from him."

"And I told him that I would share with him the money recovered after revenge, and then he took the bait and took the initiative to find cyanide and said he would poison Ma Chang to death."

"Actually, Wu Ze doesn't know. I'm sure he's the mastermind, and I'm afraid that Ma Chang will tell the truth and sell him, so as long as I suggest, he will take the initiative to find a way to make Ma Chang shut up..."

Hearing this, Song He glanced at Zhang Junhua, and seeing the surprise in his eyes, he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Recalling what he saw in the surveillance video, Wu Ze couldn't wait to poison and kill Ma Chang in the car, which obviously had the reasons Deng Chuyu said.

Two hours later, Deng Chuyu's incomparable attitude brought the interrogation to a successful conclusion.

And Song He reached out his hand when Zhang Junhua got up to ask Deng Chuyu to sign, looked at Deng Chuyu whose expression was still indifferent, and asked softly: "It's not without reason that you cooperate so much, tell me, what do you want us to do?"

A trace of astonishment slowly appeared on Deng Chuyu's face, while Zhang Junhua took a long breath and sat back on the chair, quietly waiting for Deng Chuyu to speak.

"Don't tell my mother." After a long time, Deng Chuyu, whose face suddenly looked a bit defeated, looked at Song He seriously, with a rare pleading in his eyes.

"You knew..." Song He said halfway, and suddenly remembered Deng Chuyu's calm look when he explained the crime, shook his head and sighed: "We try not to let her know."

After finishing speaking, Song He left the interrogation room without looking back.

A while later, Zhang Junhua, who asked Deng Chuyu to sign the transcript, found Song He who was wandering alone in the police compound, but before he could speak, Song He said sullenly: "He knows that even if he reports the crime, Ma Chang and Wu Ze will not necessarily be sentenced to death."

"Officer Song..." Zhang Junhua didn't know how to answer the question, and after a moment of silence, he could only shrug his shoulders and say, "This..."

"It's nothing, just a few words of emotion." Song He Zhanyan smiled, patted Zhang Junhua on the shoulder and said: "My work is over, and the rest of the work will be hard for Team Zhang."

"Oh... no problem." Song He's unexpected change made Zhang Junhua a little confused about how to deal with it. He could only smile along with his words: "If Officer Song is going to get involved in the next thing, I should consider how to write it. Resignation report."

"That's okay, I'll leave first." Song He pointed to the gate of the police station, and he was about to leave at this time.

"Is it so fast?" Zhang Junhua was surprised.

"Too much work." Song He spread his hands helplessly, but a little tiredness flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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