Chapter 966
After saying what Lu Rong confessed to Song He, Xiao Guo looked at Song He who was calm and composed, with very complicated emotions.


Song He responded lightly, thinking in his heart that Lu Rong's call came in time, then pointed to the four tall men lying on the ground who were being checked by the staff of the scenic spot, smiled at Xiao Guo and said:

"Can you help me take care of the rest?"

Xiao Guo, who was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, subconsciously glanced at the direction Song He was pointing at, and suddenly came to his senses. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, Officer Song, I'll take care of it!"

After finishing his statement, Xiao Guo walked toward the scenic spot staff with a solemn expression, showed his ID, pointed at the tall man and others, and said something to the surveillance camera on the road along the shore of the salt lake.

"Look, doesn't this make it easier to use?"

Song He held Wu Xuerui's hand and chuckled: "Lu Rong called him instead of me, which in itself shows that he actually intends to subdue Xiao Guo."

"After all, he wants to do too many things now, and the problem of manpower shortage cannot be solved in the short term."

"This time, I will help Lu Rong one more time. Not only does he owe me a favor, Xiao Guo also has to thank me for giving him a chance."

"Chicken thief!" Wu Xuerui rolled her eyes, but ignored the others, picked up the camera hanging around Song He's neck, and began to check the photos in it.

With Xiao Guo coming forward, this incident was naturally handled smoothly.

In the end, the four tall men were taken away for criticism and education, while Song He and Wu Xuerui continued to walk along the lake without any interruption.

Three hours later, when Song He and Wu Xuerui left the Chaka Salt Lake Scenic Area in a happy mood, it was already noon, and Xiao Guo, whose mentality had changed, had already arranged lunch for them.

"Xiao Guo, I've cost you again."

Sitting in the private room, looking at the meals on the table that were obviously more sumptuous than the previous meals, Song He smiled clearly and said: "You can ask directly if you want to ask, there is no need to do this."

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Xiao Guo knew that Song He didn't drink, so he poured the prepared drink for Song He and said diligently: "Officer Song, this is a specialty of our Jing Province. It is not a rare thing. Please try it."

"Not bad, very good." Song He took a sip and felt the mouth was cold and sweet. He couldn't help nodding and smiling, and gave Wu Xuerui a glass instead.

Then he looked into Xiao Guo's eyes and said with a gentle smile, "I want to know what's going on with Fang Yuanzhong?"

Xiao Guo, who was really thinking about the reason in his heart, changed slightly when he heard this, but before he could speak, Song He shook his head and smiled, "Although I know about this matter, I can't tell you."

"But, there is something I can tell you, do you want to listen?"

Seeing this, Xiao Guo nodded quickly: "Yes, Officer Song, tell me!"

"Then listen carefully, to put it bluntly, it's actually something that you can figure out with your heart." Song He's expression became serious:
"The reason why your Army Corps was directly promoted from a third-tier city to a provincial capital city to be responsible for criminal investigation work is not only due to the efforts of the Financial Bureau, but also the consideration of the province."

After finishing speaking, Song He paused, giving Xiao Guo some time to think.

And Xiao Guo also began to turn his brain to ponder the meaning of Song He's words, and almost realized in the blink of an eye that things were far more complicated than what he saw on the surface.

After all, if Lu Rong's promotion is supported by the province, it means that Lu Rong will receive unimaginable resources and support in this position!
So if you still want to work in the criminal police team or the police station...

Thinking of this, Xiao Guo suddenly realized that it was necessary for him to rush back to the police station to show his loyalty to Lu Rong!

"Although you are right to think so, the focus is wrong..." Song He saw through Xiao Guo's thoughts at a glance, smiled and waved his hand:

"You Army Corps now has to make political achievements, so it is more important to work attitude and business ability."

"As for loyalty, at this stage, it's just one of the bonus points in his eyes."

Xiao Guo was suddenly stunned, and his expression became more focused.

And Song He also knew that he couldn't help Xiao Guo improve Lu Rong's most important business ability in a short period of time, so he put all his thoughts on changing Xiao Guo's work attitude.

In this way, when the lunch was over and the three of them walked out of the restaurant, under the "persuasion" of Song He's tongue, Xiao Guo had already made up his mind to follow Lu Rong's footsteps after returning to Xicheng, and completed every task in a down-to-earth manner. The work that Lu Rong explained.

But before that, Xiao Guo thought that he should try his best to entertain Song He and Wu Xuerui well, in order to repay the other party's "immortal guidance".

However, when he was sincerely and gratefully carrying Song He and Wu Xuerui into Xicheng City, Song He suddenly said, "Xiao Guo, just put us at the train station."

"Ah?" The surprised Xiao Guo asked puzzledly, "Aren't you going to meet with Team Lu?"

"No." Song He shook his head and said: "He is in the limelight now, many people are watching, I am not suitable to appear rashly. You go back and tell the original words, and he will understand."

"Besides, I've already bought a train ticket, so I'll be delayed if I take a long detour."

"Oh, good." Xiao Guo, who was already obedient to Song He, would naturally not object, and the car headed straight to the train station.

Soon after, watching Song He and Wu Xuerui walk into the station, Xiao Guo recalled what Song He said and returned to the police station to report to Lu Rong with excitement.

"Gone?" After learning that Song He and Wu Xuerui had left, Lu Rong scratched his head in doubt: "Did Officer Song say anything?"

Xiao Guo quickly said what Song He said, and even perfected his speech for Song He.

"That's right." Lu Rong thought for a while and found that what Song He said was right, and secretly thought that he could only repay the favor in the future, then looked up at Xiao Guo who had a new look, and smiled with satisfaction.

A day later, Song He and Wu Xuerui, who arrived in Lacheng, Zang Province, finally officially set foot on the land of Lacheng after passing the identity check that was not available at the exits of other stations.

However, Lacheng, which was at four o'clock in the afternoon, not only had a sun similar to that of Qindu at noon.At the same time, the sunlight cast by the sun high in the sky is far more venomous than that of other cities.

"The time zone is different, plus it is a plateau, there is no way."

Song He muttered helplessly, and while putting a large sun hat on top of Wu Xuerui's head, he also gently put on her sunglasses to protect her eyes.

"Guide Song is very considerate." Wu Xuerui happily enjoyed Song He's hospitality, smiling like a flower: "Then what?"

"Rest." Song He glanced at the time: "Tickets to the Potala Palace are fixed every day, and now is the peak tourist season, so it's hard to get a ticket."

"Although I have made enough preparations, I really don't have any acquaintances in Lacheng. If I can't do it, I can only ask the tour group."

"But if you want to get the tickets, you still have to pay a price. So tomorrow morning we will join a group for a half-day tour, and then we will have a chance to get the tickets."

The keen-minded Wu Xuerui was stunned for a moment: "It's just a chance to get tickets?"

"Yes." Song He waved his hand in the direction of the station square and said, "Fight for a chance with them."

Wu Xuerui followed Song He's arm and looked up, seeing a large crowd of people in the station square, she couldn't help but be speechless: "Looks like I'm going to try my luck."

"You should be fine, because your luck is the best I have ever seen." Song He said with a smile: "After all, you can find such a good husband, right?"

"Please show some face." Seeing that Song He started to act indecently again, Wu Xuerui couldn't laugh or cry and said, "I don't want to lose face and save myself."

Song He laughed, stretched out his hand to take Wu Xuerui's palm, and took her straight to the hotel that he had booked.

Because they had been on the train for almost a whole day and had to recharge their batteries to join the tour group, the two rushed to the hotel and fell asleep after a simple meal.

Early the next morning, just after six o'clock, Song He and Wu Xuerui came to the vicinity of the Potala Palace, and according to the guidance of the tour guide, they found the bus they were about to take.

Shortly after they got on the bus, more than a dozen people got on the bus, bringing the number of passengers on board to 30.

At this time, the well-dressed young male tour guide counted the number of people, then motioned for the driver to drive, and then picked up the microphone on the car when the car started.

He cleared his throat and said very quickly: "Hello everyone, I am your tour guide, you can call me Xiao Chen."

"I know that everyone who got on the bus today wants to go sightseeing in the Potala Palace, so I will tell you the things you should pay attention to when sightseeing..."

Seeing what Xiao Chen said, the passengers in the car immediately cheered up and began to listen to Xiao Chen's explanation attentively.

But Song He and Wu Xuerui soon discovered that although Xiao Chen was talking about the historical origin of the Potala Palace and some rumors about customs, the topic gradually changed direction.

And when he brought the topic to the living customs of the local aborigines, Song He suddenly realized, and whispered in Wu Xuerui's ear: "It seems that the first stop is to visit the home of the local aborigines."

"It can't be as simple as just being a guest." Wu Xuerui tilted her head, said in a low voice without moving her lips, "There should be some other project."

"Ten percent of it is a project that costs money." Song He subconsciously covered the pocket containing the money, acting like a money man.

The two talked and laughed all the way. When the tour guide completely turned the topic to the aborigines, the bus stopped in a village with good facilities.

As soon as the car came to a stop, a young woman wearing local ethnic costume stood outside the car, welcoming the tourists who got off the car with a smile on her face.

Naturally, Song He and Wu Xuerui were also very curious. They got out of the car and looked at the woman carefully, but they saw that the other party behaved gracefully and talked with the tourists with a bit of skill.

Looks like a skilled worker...

Song He and Wu Xuerui looked at each other, and the same thought arose in their hearts.

"Hi everyone, my name is Ram. I am very glad to be selected to receive you all. Please come with me..."

Just as Song He and Wu Xuerui made eye contact, the woman had already introduced herself and led a group of tourists towards her home.

Song and He naturally also wanted to watch the fun, so they followed up enthusiastically, and even listened intently to the woman explaining the local customs.

Not long after, a group of people came to a large courtyard with brick and stone structure, and after stepping into it, they saw four or five red brick houses side by side, one of which was particularly spacious.

The woman smiled and led everyone into the spacious room, and arranged for them to sit down.

"Together with chairs, benches and sofas, it can accommodate thirty people. It's not a strange thing if it's not deliberately arranged."

Song He who walked into the room complained in a low voice while looking at the furnishings in the house, and his hand holding the money pocket became tighter.

Seeing her husband behaving like this, Wu Xuerui was quite amused, but at the same time, she also looked forward to what the woman would say, so she waited curiously.

"Where are you all from?" the woman asked with a smile.

After everyone answered in turn, the woman first expressed her yearning for the place they were talking about with an envious face, and then began to tell everyone the local customs and interesting things and her own growth experience.

However, when everyone was listening with gusto, the woman suddenly seemed to have no intention of mentioning the long-lived and healthy elders in her family.

Then, after a few words, the woman mentioned the exquisite silver jewelry on her body and the incredible efficacy of these silver jewelry without any trace.

"It seems that the first stop is to sell silver jewelry." Song He immediately understood the situation, looked at the silver jewelry in the woman's hand seriously, and said in a low voice with a smile: "It's all bluffing stuff, there is too much white copper mixed in. .”

"However, although it is not a valuable item, the workmanship is still acceptable. If the price is right, it can be used as a gift."

"You are stupid!" Wu Xuerui glanced at the woman who was still eloquently introducing the efficacy of silver jewelry, and said angrily: "How can the price be right? It's already blown like the National Bank."

"That's because they didn't meet me." Song He shook his head very proudly, loosened his hand holding the money pocket a little, tilted his head towards the eloquent woman, and hummed in a low voice:

"Let them know today what sugar cock is!"

The woman who was trying her best to incite everyone's desire to buy didn't notice that Song He was staring at her, but she still shuddered for no reason, as if she was being stared at by some strange creature.

After more than ten minutes, the woman saw that the time was ripe, and she smiled and led everyone to a room with various exquisite silver ornaments, and among them were several young women wearing local ethnic costumes like her.

"Let me just say, if you want to guarantee the supply, you must be a team." Song He who walked into the room smiled as a matter of course, dragged Wu Xuerui around the room, and then came to a middle-aged woman as if unintentionally. at the counter.

"Which one did you like sir?" the middle-aged woman asked politely with a smile.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the person in charge here." Song He approached the counter and asked lightly, "I can buy more, can it be cheaper?"

The middle-aged woman looked Song He seriously, and asked in a solemn tone, "How much do you plan to buy, sir?"

"Of course it depends on how much cheaper you can get." Song He smiled lightly and whispered: "After all, there is a difference between Zang Yin and Guoyin, don't you think so?"

The middle-aged woman's face froze suddenly, and she glanced at the rest of the tourists, seeing that none of them heard Song He's words, she was a little relieved: "Sir, you can really joke, we are sterling silver s990."

"That's what you say." Song He waved his hands indifferently and said, "I think your workmanship is not bad, and it will be troublesome to get Zang Yin from other places."

"So to show my sincerity, I will not interfere with how you sell to others. How about you, just give me an accurate statement, how much can you give me?"

"This..." The middle-aged woman looked at Song He with a complicated expression, and then at the other tourists, feeling a war between heaven and man for a moment.

After a while, the middle-aged woman gritted her teeth, her face remained calm, but she secretly stretched out her right hand to make a number.

Song He calculated secretly, shook his head slightly and stretched out his right hand, making a number six, and said softly to the middle-aged woman whose face changed slightly: "After cost and labor, you still have to make money."

"It's not much, but it's better than not being sold, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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