Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 108: Persistence or Naivety

Chapter 108: Persistence or Naivety
"The fourth soul skill, magic hair puppet!"

The girl's soul ring lit up, and the next moment, her hair seemed to be born, and it grew in large numbers and came out, and then turned into a dozen puppets that looked exactly like her own.

"Go! Hang him around for me."

So a dozen puppets swarmed up and attacked the ice flow.

He has encountered puppet clone moves more than once in the previous soul fighting training, but this time it is definitely the lowest level he has encountered.He didn't even need to fight with them, he just fanned the ice feathers on his back, and then soared into the sky.Just jump over them and fly towards the girl herself.

The girl was so frightened that she turned around and ran away, but the flying speed of the ice stream was nothing compared to the ground.In an instant, he was pinned to the ground from behind.Immediately afterwards, a layer of frost slowly condensed on the surface of her body along the flowing hands.

"Hold on and don't move!"

"Okay, I won't move, you hurt me, take it easy!"

Bingliu would not relax his vigilance because of this, he pressed the girl's shoulder with one hand, and held her arm tightly with the other, a standard grappling technique.

"Say, who are you?"

The girl's voice was crying: "I... I... I am your uncle!"


Bingliu froze for a moment, suddenly felt that something was wrong with his hands, but found that the girl under her body had actually turned into a pile of hair.

"not good!"

Before he could react, the strands of hair seemed to come to life, wrapping him around in turn.In just such a short time, those puppets just jumped on his body, and in order to form a sea of ​​hair, they submerged him.

At the last moment when his sight was blocked, he saw the girl appearing naked in another place. She used her long hair instead of clothes to cover her body, and cast a resentful gaze here before turning around and disappearing into the night.

"Wait... uh!"

His vision was completely blocked, and he lost track of the girl because of this.

Of course, such strands of hair can't keep entangled with him, only a cold light flashed through the hair gap, and the next moment, the pile of strands of hair was instantly frozen, and then, a fist broke out from inside, and all the frozen strands of hair As a result, the silk was turned into little pieces.

Bingliu crawled out of it intact, looking at the empty roof, he let out a sigh.

"The martial soul is hair, the lowest level of the main body martial soul, and the highest is no more than a century-old soul ring, but it has mastered the soul skills of a substitute. It really is careless."

The so-called substitute soul skill is the ability to help the body get out of trouble and confuse the enemy when the body is trapped, and can escape for life at critical times.Of course, if it is used well, it can even become a carrier to directly fight instead of the main body, undertake skills, and activate skills.

The girl's substitute ability should be used to replace the main body with the posture simulated by the martial soul, while the main body appears in other places, or is swapped with a certain clone.

Obviously, when activating this skill, she switched with one of the puppets released in advance.However, her substitute is still a bit low-level, and the things she carries with her can't be taken away.

Looking at the clothes she left behind, Bingliu seemed to think of something, reached out and rummaged through it, and sure enough, he found the little notebook where the girl recorded things just now.Opening it and taking a second look, it turned out to be a diary, strictly speaking, a diary for her to lure and kill so-called villains.

Through this diary, Bingliu learned about the girl.At the beginning of the diary, it only recorded how much food and money was stolen every day, but from a certain day, it became the content of the girl killing and stealing.

And this day is the day when she got the so-called power from the girl.To put it bluntly, this power is the practice of the evil soul master.

The girl's name is Xiaowan, a very simple name, but it also reveals a trace of sadness. The reason why it is so simple is because she is an orphan with no name and name.Not only that, but on the day when the martial soul was awakened, it was also considered to have no talent.

Just as Bingliu thought, before she became an evil soul master, she was an ordinary person, and she was an ordinary person who spent all day scrambling in garbage dumps and human scum.

In order to survive, she suffered humiliation and bullying, and in order to survive, she basically did all kinds of dirty work.And she is not only for herself, behind her, there are several younger brothers and sisters whom she raised and raised.

Once, she came into contact with a mysterious group, where there was a mysterious person who did not receive any payment, and even gave them food for free, just asking them to learn a strange exercise.

At the beginning, Xiaowan didn't realize what it meant, until one day, when she was beaten to death by a group of people because of a failed theft, she unintentionally activated this exercise, and then these people turned into mummies.

She was terrified, and she ran away rolling and crawling.After calming down, I realized that I actually possessed human power in my body, and also found that my martial soul was more active than before.Only then did she realize what this power was.

When she found the mysterious person to explain her situation, not only was she not punished for killing her by mistake, but she was greatly praised.She got a lot of food and money, and with the encouragement of the other party, she completely accepted this power.

Originally, the objects she chose to steal were not good things, so the burden on her heart was not too great.After accepting this power, she became obsessed with it out of control.

In the beginning, she only used her strength to fight back when she was bullied, but later on, it slowly evolved into her actively looking for the target.None of the targets she stared at were villains, and she never once attacked innocent targets, even when she met some unsuspecting young soul masters.

You must know that their evil cultivation method is very restraining for soul masters, and if they are not prepared, they will easily be drained of their cultivation base and life.Even so, Xiaowan still has never laid hands on innocent people.

This made Bingliu very surprised, because the evil soul masters he had come into contact with, without exception, after absorbing the power of a few people, their personalities would become cruel and bloodthirsty.But at least through the description in the diary and the brief contact just now, Xiao Wan didn't seem to have such a phenomenon.

Could it be that there is something special about her?Bingliu's browsing speed became faster and faster, and the more he looked behind, the more frightened he was.

Obviously, the answer is not like this.Judging from Xiaowan's words and the number of murders she records every day, she is still affected by this exercise.

She did become bloodthirsty, but perhaps because she was devoted to goodness since she was a child, her conscience was preserved so little.But relatively, she found that she needed to kill more villains to make up for her bloodthirsty impulse.

Later, her approach became more and more bizarre, and even evolved into today's Bingliu saw fishing law enforcement, trapping and killing villains.And her target also changed from ordinary villains at the beginning, to soul master villains later, and even in the end, she set her sights on evil soul masters who practiced evil skills like her.

The most important thing is that she is also aware of her bloodthirsty problem now, so she also left her younger brothers and sisters on the surface, and just sent them food silently.Including normal times, she also tried her best not to have contact with ordinary people.Because she didn't know when, she would lose her mind and attack these people.

"It seems that she already knows that that practice will cause people to become evil. In other words, she is suppressing her own evil by killing evil."

Thinking of this, Bingliu trembled excitedly.

"This girl can still be saved! It's unbelievable, committing such a heavy killing, but still clinging to the last trace of conscience."

It's like when Cheng Lang faced the new evil soul masters who hadn't committed any crimes before, but because of their evil, he still managed to kill them.What Bingliu saw in this girl was the exact opposite. She committed a crime, but she can be saved!

Thinking of this, Bingliu turned on the communicator on the visor.

"No. 3 here, I'm applying for an investigation mission..."

An hour later, at the headquarters of the Soul Masters Guild, the bruised and swollen Liu Zhou wanted to beat Bingliu to death.

He didn't cherish giving this kid a chance to relax, and even went halfway to carry out some investigation mission alone. Once he applied for this mission, his fact that he was a VIP of Tianshui was exposed.The result can be imagined, he was severely taught by the old woman at home.

When he came to a door, in order to demonstrate the embarrassment in his heart, he coughed, and then pushed the door in: "Your confinement ended early."

As he spoke, he threw an indicator on his G3 belt over.

Cheng Lang followed the indicator steadily, frowned slightly, and asked, "What happened to that kid?"

Liu Zhou frowned, can you two stop being so tacit?In this way, you can tell that something happened to that boy Bingliu?By the way, don't you care about me?Are you blind with the wound on my face?
"That kid met an evil soul master who behaved strangely, and applied for a follow-up investigation..."

Now he briefly talked about Bingliu.

"An evil soul master who retains a trace of rationality?" Cheng Lang, whose face was completely gloomy, raised his eyebrows, "This bastard, how long is he going to be so naive? Doesn't he realize that this will hurt himself!?"

With that said, he put on his belt and rushed out.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Cheng Lang said without looking back: "Go find him! Isn't that why you came to lift my confinement?"

Seeing his leaving figure, Liu Zhou hesitated to speak.For some reason, he always felt like he had made a wrong decision at this moment.Vaguely, he seemed to see a crack appear between the two.

"Hey! Come back both of you intact!"

Not knowing whether Cheng Lang heard his words, Liu Zhou scratched his head a little irritably.

 This chapter has not been checked for typos. If there are, please forgive me. I will check and modify them later. There is another chapter before 12 o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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