Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 234 Survival Sickle Weasel

Chapter 234 Survival Sickle Weasel
[Survive! (survival form)]


With a high-pitched beast cry, all the green leaves in front of the four of them disappeared, and a black shadow kept moving in their line of sight, and finally stopped behind the ferret-shaped knight whose posture had changed.

Although the ferret-shaped knight was still thin and small at this time, the armor on his body was thicker and very shiny.Not only is there an extra layer of bright green animal-shaped armor on top of the original gray-black base, covering all the places that were not originally covered by armor.

The original ferret-shaped head armor part, viewed from the side, also seems to have become a roaring animal face.And the huge claws on his two arms not only made the sharp parts more ferocious, but also faintly revealed a green light.

The most striking thing was the scythe in his hand that was half a body taller than a human. This scythe replaced the sharp claws and became his new form of summoning machine.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who changed. After the shadow that had been running around just now stopped beside him, it also revealed its appearance. The weasel-shaped contracted beast that was standing up like a human now not only completely turned into a four-legged contracted beast. , and also doubled in size.

Like its contract owner, the surface of the gray-black mechanical body is also covered with a layer of bright green armor.The most eye-catching thing is the flexible tail behind it, which is longer than the body. At the end of the tail, there is also a huge sickle.

The sense of oppression brought by one person and one beast made the nerves of all four tense up.

"I'm going, what's the situation? Could it be that he has been upgraded?" Ma Hongjun swallowed, "Why is the aura suddenly not right?"

Fang Xin said in a low voice: "It's a survival card. His current form is the unique final form of the mirror knight, called the survival form. I don't know how far he can use this power, but we must be careful , the mirror knight in survival form is very strong."

"Is it the final form? God, my final form is not good enough."

Oscar, who also has the ultimate form, couldn't help but get nervous, because the spirit beast unlocked into Chimera in her body has a very high level of cultivation, and it is very compatible with the power of the beast rider, so she got it together with the power of the ultimate form.

But with her current level, she simply can't support such a powerful force.So she was very shocked that the fake Kamen Rider in front of them had stepped into the ultimate form.

In fact, Fang Xin was the most shocked. She herself is a mirror knight, and her starting point is very high. After all, her contract beast is not ordinary.But even so, she didn't have a survival card.

It wasn't that Yin Xiaoya refused to give it, but that he judged that Fang Xin, like Oscar, hadn't reached the point where he could support the ultimate form.At World Tree before, although she also got a blank summoning card, that card was not used to unlock the survival form.

"It hasn't been long since the survival game appeared. How could they bear the power of the survival form? And the survival card is also very strange. Such advanced items... Could it be that Odin gave it? Could it be that every mirror knight of his gave it to him? gone?"

At this moment, the other party spoke.

"I am Kamen Rider Itachi, this is my contracted beast, now you call it Survival Itachi. I will say it one last time, hand over that card."

Fang Xin was about to say something when Luo Pupu took a step forward.

"It doesn't matter what form he is, as long as there is one thing to be sure of now, that is, he is the enemy!"

As she said that, she fired a shot at the opponent, but the weasel rider blocked her grape shell with one hand.

Just when she was about to shoot again, the weasel rider and his contract beast disappeared from everyone's sight.


As soon as Fang Xin finished speaking, two black shadows flashed in front of Luo Pupu, and the next moment, two flames exploded in front of her, and then she flew upside down.


Seeing Luo Pupu being knocked into the air, Fang Xin quickly caught her, but was knocked into the air together.

"Bastard, watch me blast you to death!"

Having said that, Ma Hongjun couldn't catch up with the opponent's speed no matter what. His sonic cannon was indeed very fast, but if he didn't have a chance to aim it, it would still be useless.It was really a slap in the face to myself who just said he was slow.

Fortunately, his brain is still very bright, and he didn't even have a chance to aim, so he didn't use the sound blaster at all, but used the sound wave to cover the entire area, so that the opponent's actions would definitely be restricted.


A sound wave with a wider range than before, with Ma Hongjun's playing, covered the opponent's entire range of action.

Sure enough, a man and a beast that were moving fast just now were impacted by a wide range of sound waves, and their figures also appeared.However, it only reduced the opponent's speed to a normal level, and did not directly press the opponent until he could not move as before.

Under the action of the highly destructive sound waves, the building land within the range began to collapse, but the other party seemed to be fine.

"I let you, the old god, be here! The wood's breath can start a prairie fire!"


Originally a pure sound wave, following Ma Hongjun's thought, a large amount of green flames spewed out along with it.

[Guard Vent! (Defense down)]

As he sent the defense card into the summoning machine, the sickle weasel contracted beast jumped in front of him, and quickly turned its long tail with a sickle, forming a virtual wall, blocking the green flames ejected by Ma Hongjun. The gap, and the Weasel riding in the gap is naturally fine.

He unhurriedly took out another card.

【Strike Vent! (Assault comes)]

The huge scythe in his hand came out, bypassing the attack range of Agni Fire Sound Wave, while spinning, he slashed at Ma Hongjun directly.

He was so frightened that he stopped quickly and dodged to the side.But this scythe actually had the tracking ability, turned a corner, and slashed heavily on his back, tearing a long gash.

Ma Hongjun himself is fine, fortunately he is in the form of a sound cannon, his upper body is covered with a layer of green armor, this long cut only damaged this layer of armor.But also because his form was broken up and returned to the normal form of the ghost, the armor disc also fell beside him.

"Ugh...it hurts me to death."

Although the injury was not deep, the impact of the blow just now made him feel like his spine was about to break.

The huge scythe hovered in mid-air, and returned to the Weasel Rider's hand.Without the interference of the raging fire sound wave, his eyes turned to Fang Xin again.

"Hand over that card!"

As he spoke, he walked towards Fang Xin step by step.

But within a few steps, a spark exploded behind him.He was attacked, but the damage did not have much effect on him.Turning around, there was no one in sight.

At this moment, feeling a trace of breath, he naturally raised the sickle to block an attack from the side.

Of course, there was still no sign of the other party.

"Speaking of it, it seems that there is indeed one person missing. Is it the ability to be invisible?"

Ao Jia who was in the invisible state was extremely nervous, just now she used the power of the chameleon ring while Ma Hongjun was attacking him.Then enter the stealth mode and prepare for a sneak attack.

But what she didn't expect was that the survival weasel rider's defense was so high, and her attack only made his body pause for a while.Moreover, he is also highly perceptive, able to detect attacks that are invisible to the naked eye.

"His goal is Fang Xin, don't care!"

Oscar, who was willing to go all out, used the new ability of the chameleon ring, not only made the chameleon cloak spit out a long tongue, but also made his dice saber become like a tongue, binding the Weasel Rider's body up and down.At the same time, she herself emerges from her invisibility.

"Fang Xin, run fast!! Back to the real world!"


"What are you doing stupidly! Have you forgotten that these counterfeit and shoddy knights cannot maintain knight power in the real world? As long as you return to the real world, he will not be able to threaten you anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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