Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 267 Deal with the Royal Family

Chapter 267 Deal with the Royal Family
Two days later, Yin Xiaoya returned to Shrek Academy.

"Ah, Xiaoya, come back... eh? He he he he..."

Seeing Yin Xiaoya coming back, Su Xuan rushed to meet him, but when he saw the people behind him, he was stunned.

"Su Xuan, let me introduce you. This is Xuehua, the person I found to help Su Qilong wake up."

Su Xuan pulled Yin Xiaoya over, pointed at Xuehua who was still looking unhappy and asked, "Are you serious? Is it really him? Do you know who he is?"

"I know, the eldest prince of the Star Dou Empire."

"Then you still pull him over, the king's side..."

"Hey, it's all right, with the help of Her Royal Highness the Princess and Dean Yu Luomian, His Majesty the King has already passed."

"It's only been a few days since you've been there, why do you feel that a lot of things have happened?"

Yin Xiaoya sighed helplessly: "That's not right, it's really a long story. Let's go, let's go to the master's side first, and solve Su Qilong's problem before we talk about it in detail."

As he spoke, he also waved to Xuehua who was behind him.

"Let's go, Your Royal Highness, don't make a fool of yourself. It's time to show your value."

Xuehua's face darkened: "Hmph, is this prince able to show his value at this time?"

"Okay, don't be arrogant to me, have you forgotten who you are now?"

Su Xuan, who was following him, asked, "What is his identity now?"

Seeing Xuehua bowed his head in silence, Yin Xiaoya took out a document: "Give this to Dean Flender later, this product was personally approved by the king, and he is now a student of our Shrek. The price is to let him Be a human again."

"Be a man again?" Su Xuan looked at Xuehua with a strange face, "Speaking of it, it seems that I have heard that this person's reputation is not very good."

"Hey! Woman, be careful what you say, no matter how much the status of this hall changes, it is still the prince of the Star Dou Empire. And you not only didn't kneel down to salute me, but you dare to slander this hall, it is simply audacious!"


Su Xuan's brows twitched, and the veins on his forehead also jumped out.

"I really have to learn to be a man again."

Yin Xiaoya hurriedly slapped Xuehua on the head before Su Xuan got angry.

"Ouch, you dare to hit me!?"

"It's easy to hit you. His Majesty the King said that if you don't become what you want here, you will be deprived of your royal status completely. Have you forgotten this?"


Xuehua had a bitter look on his face, but Yin Xiaoya didn't show him any mercy.

"Listen, what I promised will definitely be done, but if you don't perform your duties well, what awaits you is definitely a future that is more painful than the pain of flesh and blood."

Don't look at Yin Xiaoya's strong performance, but he is actually helping Xuehua.

Strictly speaking, Su Xuan is not a complete member of the Star Dou Empire. She was born in the Holy Church. Although she faded out later, she still has the position of saint in the Holy Church.After entering Shrek, he also recognized his father's family, but because of his mother's affairs, he did not officially enter the family tree of his father's family.

Therefore, if one really compares status, Su Xuan's status is no lower than Xue Hua's, or even higher.After all, the Holy Church is not only a place of divine relics, it is also a veritable country, but it belongs to a religious country that does not like to establish diplomatic relations.

If Xuehua had a correct attitude and put aside his status as a prince to practice here, it would be fine.If he still uses his status as a prince to be domineering, it can only be said that he chose the wrong place.

Just then, Twelve rushed over.

"Sure enough, Brother Yin is back. As soon as you came back, I sensed the breath of Aries. It must be this one, right? That's great. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Only you can do this."

Twelve is a person who rarely cares about things on the stage, so he doesn't know Xuehua well.As soon as he came up, he greeted him very kindly.

I don't know if Yin Xiaoya's warning just now had an effect, or because of some other reason, Xuehua didn't show any dissatisfaction with Twelve Zilai's attitude.He just curled his lips, nodded and said, "Well, I am an Aries."

After officially getting the king's permission, Yin Xiaoya handed over the Aries switch to Xuehua, and told him about Su Qilong without reservation.Of course, I chose to say it without the presence of other people.

Originally, Yin Xiaoya thought that this matter was not easy to convince him, but he didn't think that Xuehua didn't have much obvious resistance, so he agreed to this matter.

On the way back, Yin Xiaoya thought he was submitting to the majesty of the king.But from Twelve's conversation with him just now, Yin Xiaoya seems to have seen a different side of Xuehua.

Only then did he realize that maybe this guy became what he is today just because he didn't have the opportunity to perform, and he didn't have the talent to be recognized.

"It's no wonder that he didn't show too much resistance to the matter of borrowing students. Maybe this made him realize the opportunity to get performance and the possibility of growth?"

Thinking of this, Yin Xiaoya trembled all over.

Damn, if that's the case, then it can only be said that he is worthy of being a royal family member.

"Xiaoya, what's the matter with you? You look a little bad?"

"It's not like, it's really bad. I seem to have been cheated by the Star Dou Royal Family."

The moment he realized that Xuehua was actually not that simple, Yin Xiaoya felt that the promise he made with Xue Qingxi before was probably a loss on his side.

In the final analysis, Yin Xiaoya needs Xuehua to become the envoy of Aries, not only because he wants to use the ability of Aries to help Su Qilong, what's more, he can't tell about Su Qilong.

Among them, it can be confessed, and the absolute main reason is to complete the star envoy plan discussed with Twelve before.

In order to deal with the cosmic threat that will come at an unknown time, Shrek Academy needs to obtain huge cosmic energy. For this reason, the power of the constellation apostles is very needed, especially the top twelve constellation apostles.

And in order to achieve the effect, it is best for the constellation apostles to be concentrated in Shrek Academy.This is still very difficult for a person who is a prince, even if he is a prince who is worthless and has been stared at all the time.

That's why Yin Xiaoya made a big promise to successfully bring Xuehua to Shrek Academy.

Among these promises, it is not only to help Xuehua become a talent again, but also to provide the empire with the help of Kamen Rider.He even had a hunch that if the matter of Doukai and Soul was made public in the future, he would give priority to the convenience of the empire.

Who made them have a good relationship with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School? If nothing unexpected happened, Ning Zhiyuan might be the lobbyist here.

It seems that the two sides are actually not losing money, but in fact, if Xuehua's identity is included, it is basically their Star Dou Royal Family who will benefit completely.

Not to mention, after Xuehua obtained the power of Aries, for him, he had actually obtained huge benefits.And Yin Xiaoya is currently in charge of another person, that is Xue Qingxi.

Yes, Xue Qingxi was also thrown to Yin Xiaoya, Ning Zhiyuan praised himself too much in front of the royal family, so that as a disciple, Xue Qingxi wanted to get acquainted with him very early on, taking this opportunity, She actually took the initiative to sell herself, expressing that she hoped to learn from Yin Xiaoya's side.

There is no way, after all, I have accepted the favor of others, so I can only agree to this matter.

Fortunately, as the student council president of Star Dou Royal Academy, she has a lot of work in her hands, and she won't come here until she officially completes the task of handing over.Seeing that he didn't have much to do, he was somewhat relieved.

"Then, I'll see you in a month or so. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the sealer to give you advice."

This was the last sentence Xue Qingxi said to herself after parting. At that time, she had already clearly seen the self-motivated (ambition) and thirst for knowledge (desire) hidden behind this woman's smiling expression.

Thinking of this, Yin Xiaoya couldn't help sighing again: "Oh, I feel like it's going to be rough again."

Several people came to Su Qilong's comatose room. After a simple exchange, Xuehua transformed into an Aries star envoy, and entered the supernova state very skillfully, and then performed the awakening ceremony to Su Qilong that had been agreed in advance.

It seems simple, but it is actually very complicated, because it is necessary to sneak into the depths of Su Qilong's heart, locate the consciousness of the Devil-eating Dragon, and make it enter a state of absolute sleep without harming the other personalities. Only then can Su Qilong be awakened.

This process was relatively long, and everyone did not chat.So Yin Xiaoya was always thinking about how to deal with the matter with the royal family in the future, and he was sweating.

"I'm worried about you." As he spoke, Su Xuan subconsciously wiped off the sweat on his forehead, as if the two of them had always done this skillfully, "No matter what happens, I will be with you."



Seeing Yin Xiaoya's surprised expression, Su Xuan realized that his actions were out of line.Hastily withdrew his hand, but could only turn away his blushing face, unable to say a word.

"I'm going to die, I was affected by the pictures I saw before. Be sober, those things didn't happen to me!"

Yin Xiaoya didn't know about the Daughter of Origin, so naturally he couldn't understand Su Xuan's current mood.But after all, it is her own Bai Yueguang, her actions of course made Yin Xiaoya's little heart rush a lot.

"Woo!!! This pair of dogs and men! I want to kill... oh oh!!!"

Different from the delicate atmosphere of the two, Xuanzang on the side looked like a Rakshasa, as if he was going to eat them.Of course, Bibi Dong and Mio Miao stopped him by standing up and covering their mouths.

Bibi Dong didn't want her to disturb Su Qilong's "treatment", while Miu Miao was watching the show with a suppressed smile.

At this time, Xuehua suddenly stopped his ability, and directly released the transformation. From his slightly pale face, it can be seen that the operation just now consumed a lot of strength.

However, Su Qilong did not wake up as everyone expected.

"what happened?"

Facing Yin Xiaoya's inquiry, Xuehua said impatiently: "I just want to ask what's going on, this monster is completely different from what you said before, okay?"

"What's different?"

"Didn't you say that besides the consciousness of a Devil-eating Dragon, there are other personalities in him?"

"Okay, what's the problem?"

"The problem is big. I haven't found any trace of those personalities at all, and the consciousness of the Devil-eating Dragon and this Su Qilong is also in a sober state. He also asked me to push him and the consciousness of the Devil-eating Dragon into the body together. In a state of deep sleep. One by one is true, and I will add unnecessary trouble to the hall."

(End of this chapter)

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