Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 271 Jade Gold Cicada

Chapter 271 Jade Gold Cicada
Since the king worms of Wanchong Valley got the soul contract from Yin Xiaoya, they have been looking forward to finding a suitable human being to combine with them all the time.

But when Yin Xiaoya came over, the Valley of Thousand Insects was in the midst of a hundred insects vying for hegemony. After the human world knew the news, no one chose to come to look for soul beasts during this period.So let alone suitable humans, the people Yin Xiaoya brought this time were the only humans they had seen recently.

So the king worms all exploded, and almost didn't fight because they wanted to fight for the top position.They are also very embarrassed to engage in Diyu Xiaogang.

Fortunately, the status of the instant bee is very high, and it is still useful to speak. Under its control, all the king insects quieted down.Of course, all eyes were fixed on Bibi Dong, Misty, and Dai Yin.

Especially Bibi Dong, not only is she the most talented among the three, but her martial soul is also of the insect type, many of the king insects staring at her are drooling.

Being scrambled by a group of king worms whose strength reached the Title Douluo level, the scene felt like protecting food, even Bibi Dong, whose martial soul was originally two worms, couldn't help but shudder.

"Sorry, humans, we soul beasts don't have any rules, please don't mind."

Shunfeng apologized to Yu Xiaogang. After all, it has very old qualifications. It can be seen at a glance that Yu Xiaogang's strength is very weak, but it has a high status in this group of people.

Yu Xiaogang's courage did not disappoint him either. After he came here, not only did he not feel weak at all because of being surrounded by the king worms, but he even showed curiosity and thirst for knowledge that were different from ordinary people.

As Yin Xiaoya said before, there are too many types of soul beasts in this world. Even if those extinct soul beasts are excluded, only about [-]% of the existing soul beasts can be known to humans .

So when he came here, Yu Xiaogang saw many soul beasts that he had never heard of, which was of great help to his research on soul masters.Especially through Yin Xiaoya recently, he has also expanded the research on souls, battle armors, and soul tools.All of these require a very high knowledge reserve of soul beasts.

"Well, we don't mind. Xiaoya has already told us about your situation. I can understand that you are eager to become souls to save your respective groups. But they are all my efforts, and they must be strictly selected. , if the fit is not enough, please forgive me."

As if sensing that the king worm's mood was fluctuating, Yu Xiaogang changed the subject and gave them a big candy.

"No matter what the result is today, there is one thing I can assure you. After that, I will provide a sufficient number of excellent soul masters to match with you. Because I am one of the heads of a soul master academy."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Chong's mood calmed down a little.However, he still stared at the three people beside him very fieryly.

Because the situation of Dai Yin and Miu Miao was uncertain, Bibi Dong was allowed to go out first, and now, the king worms really started commotion again.

"Little girl, I can tell that you also use poison. Choose me. There will be no mistakes."

"Go aside, what's the use of light poison, don't you see that she still exudes the aura of dark spells? Of course I'm more suitable!"

A group of king worms began to quarrel again, but this time before Shunfeng could stop, Yu Xiaogang pointed directly at an apparently inconspicuous king worm in the corner.

"You are the one."


All the king worms were silent for a moment, looking at Yu Xiaogang in disbelief.Even the king worm pointed at didn't expect to be chosen.

"Hey! Human, you are crazy, you don't choose us so many powerful ones, why choose the weakest one!?"

"That's right. Besides, it doesn't match the little girl's breath at all, so it can't help her at all. Isn't this just nonsense?"

The reaction of the king worms was very intense, and they all expressed that they could not understand Yu Xiaogang's choice.After all, he didn't choose anything at all. He just glanced at the king worm and chose a king worm that he didn't think would be selected.

At this time, a black figure about the size of the instant bee squeezed out from the king worm.Seeing its appearance, Dai Yin and Miu Miao were stunned, and even Bibi Dong covered her mouth in surprise.

Because it turned out to be a spider-shaped soul beast exuding dark green energy all over its body, and its name was Soul-eating Spider, and one of Bibi Dong's two spirits was the same-origin Soul-eating Spider Emperor.

So just standing here, there was a faint connection between it and Bibi Dong. After taking a deep look at Bibi Dong, it lowered its body and stared at Yu Xiaogang with its eight eyes, giving off the appearance of an adult woman. the sound of.

"From the moment she came here, I already knew that I would be selected. You can see the reason without me telling you. So I didn't fight as hard as these idiots. But your choice makes me unacceptable, I need an explanation .”

In the face of a coercive and terrifying king worm, Yu Xiaogang did not show any weakness.

"Indeed, there is no king worm that is more suitable for Bibi Dong than you, including this one that I chose."

"Then why are you still doing this?"

Yu Xiaogang smiled wryly: "Because the martial soul that Bibidong chose to pair with the soul this time is not the Soul-eating Spider Emperor, but the Death Spider Emperor. She absorbs it. If the two martial souls are cultivated at the same time, it is likely to bring an unbearable burden to the host, so before the martial soul of the Death Spider Emperor meets the requirements, the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor cannot move it."

"Death Spider Emperor... What a memorable name. Once in the Valley of Ten Thousand Insects, the Death Spider Clan was as powerful as our clan, but it was a pity that they were extinct because of Yanyang."

Glancing at Bibi Dong next to him, the Soul-eating Spider put away its coercion, and slowly raised its body.

"The reasons for not choosing me are acceptable. But this does not mean that I agree with the guy you chose. There are still existences stronger than him here, which can make the spirit of the Death Spider Emperor even stronger."

But Yu Xiaogang shook his head: "No, this is the most suitable place."

The Soul-eating Spider became enraged, raised its front legs that were sharper than metal, and pierced fiercely into the ground in front of Yu Xiaogang.


"Don't come here, leave it to me."

Yu Xiaogang stopped the three of them, and looked at the soul-eating spider calmly.

"Human, since this girl has inherited the royal power of the death spider, I will not allow you to mess around. She is the hope of the death spider family to stay in this world."

It can be seen that this soul-eating spider should have a good relationship with the extinct death spider family, so it is so excited.

"Uh... Well, I think it's really not suitable for me."

At this time, the soul beast chosen by Yu Xiaogang also came out to persuade him, its weak appearance really didn't fit in among this group of king worms.

As it got closer to the ground, everyone could see its appearance clearly. If Yu Xiaogang hadn't pointed at it before, they wouldn't have noticed this little guy.

Yes, among this group of king worms, this is a small soul beast, very inconspicuous, about the size of an adult.It is estimated that the Shining Kunma they had seen at the beginning was smaller than it.But there is one thing, it is very similar to Shining Kunyu, it looks like a golden body, and the stomach is emitting white light.

Misty blinked her eyes: "This is... a fly?"

Dai Yin shook his head helplessly: "You really have no eyesight, how can this be a fly, it is clearly a firefly."

The words of the two immediately shocked it, and said with a bit of aggrieved tone: "I... I am Yujin Chanzi."

Only then did the three of them realize that this was a cicada-shaped soul beast.

Piao Miao curled her lips: "Isn't this still a fly? In my hometown, cicadas are called big flies."

The soul-eating spider glanced at the soul beast named Yujin Chanzi very unhappily, and then threatened Yu Xiaogang viciously: "Do you know that this beast is neither as fast as the instant bee, nor as fast as Jin Ehong?" With the power of armor, even a coward like the god copper watermelon bug has one more powerful defense than it. The most ridiculous thing is that it doesn't even have the most representative toxicity of our bug-type soul beasts. How could it be possible? Worthy of a martial soul like the Death Spider Emperor!?"

At this time, the god copper watermelon worm shrunk in the other corner, expressing its innocence, and it shrunk itself into a ball very aggrieved by the arrow for no reason.

"But it has a characteristic that none of you have, and that is absolute neutralization."

Facing such a jade and gold cicada who is worthless in the eyes of the kings and insects, Yu Xiaogang is still very sure of his choice.

"Everything you just said is not what Bibi Dong needs. Choosing a soul is not choosing a soul ring. According to my research, the soul does not have to match the martial soul, it can make up for the defects of the martial soul itself."

There is no perfect martial spirit in this world, Yu Xiaogang knows this very well.Even the more powerful the spirit, the more deadly its shortcomings.These deadly places can be covered up by the superposition of spirit rings in the later stage, but the defects of Wuhun cannot be eliminated directly.

"Bibi Dong's Death Spider Emperor has been cultivating for a long time, which will cause the condensation of evil spirit and death energy. Of course, this is a powerful force for this martial soul itself. But this force can easily affect people's consciousness. This is very dangerous Let me ask you, when the death spiders were still alive, did they experience loss of consciousness, or even exchange their lifespan for strength?"

The Soul-eating Spider was stunned, and his reaction was as if he was saying how you would know.

"She has not yet reached the level where she can release the real body of the martial soul, so the influence is not too great. It is just right to use the characteristics of the soul to make up for the shortcomings of the death spider emperor, which will only make her stronger. Yujin Chanzi Absolute neutralization means that it can completely eliminate the side effects while ensuring that the power does not decrease. It is just right for Bibi Dong, both of whom are extremely dark insect-type martial souls. In this way, she can cultivate the soul-devouring spider emperor martial soul in the future When it is time, it will be able to combine with you more smoothly, and then produce more powerful power."

(End of this chapter)

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