Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 301 The Awakening of Anubis

Chapter 301 The Awakening of Anubis

"I said, Lord God, you seem to have made some mistakes. What you want to do to that kid has nothing to do with me. If he stops here, he can only blame him for his lack of ability. I'm really sorry, You threatened the wrong person."

The second wolf spread his arms, showing no concern for Anubis' threat.

Anubis was also a little stunned. Although she was now weakened because of supporting this space, she could still hear whether the other party was lying.Therefore, she can be sure that the wolf is really not lying.

"Hey, God-sama seems to be very confused. Anyway, let's take it as a friendly feedback to you and tell you something interesting. Do you know why you don't have elements that can stop Kamen Rider?"

Hearing this, Anubis' eyes under the wolf face mask widened.

"You even know about this?"

"Of course I know. In the gaps in the spaces of this world, there are still elements from other worlds that were attracted by the chaos. You gods in the old timeline have not hesitated to open the timeline's reset in order to prevent them from merging into this world." Plastic, but I didn't expect that only the elements of Kamen Rider's world didn't stop it. This also led to countless resets that couldn't be stopped later, right?"

Anubis' body trembled slightly, and his voice became low: "So, it really is you who pushed this to happen behind the scenes!"

"No, no, this is really wronged. You should also know that the power born from the destruction consciousness is all targeted, destroying people, gods, demons, etc., and it is not pure destruction , they will also collect the destroyed life forms at the same time."

"so what?"

"Don't understand? The destroyer of the world you know, he actually has the same origin as the consciousness of destruction. His birth was originally to destroy the world of Kamen Rider."

Speaking of this, Cilang couldn't help but slander in his heart.

That guy is now able to get the power of other knights for nothing without relying on destruction, and even the power of a non-Kamen Rider can be prostituted for nothing, hateful emperor!

And after hearing the explanation from the wolf, Anubis still couldn't realize why the Kamen Rider elements could successfully enter this world.

"So he couldn't be stopped by us because of the destructive power in Kamen Rider's power?"

The second wolf clapped his hands with a smile on his face: "Yes, now you understand. For the consciousness of destruction, the time and space of a world are meaningless. As long as they are recognized by it, they can only be destroyed. Indeed you At the beginning, I thought that the way to block the elements of other worlds would be to avoid being detected by the consciousness of destruction, but there is such an existence, which carries a little gene of consciousness of destruction. It made your plan come to nothing. But ah... ...Can this really be blamed on Kamen Rider?"

A sense of despair invaded Anubis's whole body, if she hadn't been holding a scythe, she might not be able to stand still.

Of course she knew that the Kamen Riders couldn't be blamed for this, because the root cause of the chaos in the Douluo World was all their own.

To be clear, Yin Xiaoya is also a victim.After all, he shouldn't have traveled to this world in the first place, and was pulled here completely by the influence of chaos.

"So, our world can only face destruction?"

"Who knows. But what is certain is that you now have no other choice but to bet your hopes on that kid."

"Why? Doesn't he also have the element of destroying consciousness?"

"It is precisely because of this that he can resist the power of destroying consciousness into this world."


Seeing the confusion in Anubis' eyes, Cilang couldn't help thinking of the silly faces of Kaiwu and Yajituo.

"Damn it, why are you all fools who can become gods? You don't understand when you say it so clearly? Listen carefully, the destructive power can only be targeted for destruction, so the elements that originally did not belong to the Douluo World are not in it. Within the scope of destruction, as long as these chaos are completely integrated into the world, the power of destruction will lose its effect. And now! There is no one else who can do this except that kid!"

Waking up with a single word, Anubis' eyes brightened.

"Destruction is born of chaos, but chaos has become the decisive factor in avoiding destruction. It is both a cause and an effect. It turns out...it turns out that we have all done wrong. Dear Outlander, what else can I do?"

The second wolf spread his hands, and still said casually: "Whatever you want. Oh, by the way, your companion in the space-time channel should have found the coordinates of this timeline. I heard that Emperor Qi even asked someone to give her After sending the equipment, she must have understood the current situation, and you can learn more from her then."

"Time channel... Zhu Zhuqing, the god of speed!" At this point, Anubis finally understood that the Kamen Riders were also helping them protect the world, "Please thank the World Destroyer Emperor for me..."

"Don't even think about it! If you have that chance, thank him yourself."

As soon as the words fell, the body of the second wolf suddenly emitted a blue light, and at the same time the familiar whistle sounded in his ears.

"That kid is calling me, that's all for now, my lord, as a wolf-shaped creature, I will give you one last piece of advice, don't affect that kid's growth. Well, that's it."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body was in the light, and he changed back to the posture of Garuru's holy sword again, and then disappeared at the end of the tunnel.

Anubis looked at the direction where he disappeared, reached out and slowly removed the wolf face from his face, revealing a beautiful face.

"It's just a decoration, and I'm not a wolf-type creature..."

As she spoke, she waved her hand gently, and countless pictures appeared in front of her, all of which were happening in the mysterious cave.She filtered the useless pictures, leaving only three pictures.

They are Yin Xiaoya who is fighting the soul beast, the ghost who has just entered the ruins, and Su Xuan who is coming down.

Her eyes stared at Yin Xiaoya's face, and then a purple light radiated out, and a thought radiated out.

"All soul beasts obey orders, don't hurt this person..."

Pausing for a while, she felt that it was not very good, so she added another idea.

"You can chase him. If he needs your strength, you can test him according to your own ideas, but don't hurt his life."

Almost at the same time, all the soul beasts on the 97th floor received Anubis' thoughts, and those soul beasts that were originally affected by the ghost's soul skills had their active soul skills also affected by her thoughts. Instantly crushed.

(End of this chapter)

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