Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 86 The Green Haired Old Turtle

Chapter 86 The Green Haired Old Turtle

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey, little whale whale, we meet again~~~ Would you like to come and ride me~~"

Upon hearing this obscene sound, the female axe-tailed leopard whale, which has been cultivated for nearly 2 years, panicked and fled towards the depths of the ocean at an alarming speed with a flick of its tail. shouted.

"Ah!!! Run!! That green fur turtle is here again!!"

The speed of the axe-tailed leopard whale is very fast, and the sound waves it emits can also penetrate a radius of nearly four to five kilometers.Within this range, all the female spirit beasts who heard that the green leather turtle was coming ran away like crazy.Some spirit beasts who were not good at speed immediately hid in the rocks.

"Why is this old bastard here again?"

"Hush! Keep your voice down, our speed is slow, we can only hide if we can't escape. Don't let that guy hear it."

"Before I heard that the Zijin Dolphin Princess next door was also defiled by this bastard. Is it true?"

"That's right, the Zijin dolphin family is still looking for it."

"My God, that is a child who is only three thousand years old."

"That's why we are hungry. For example, our ghost claw squid! Squid, us! It can also eat it. I heard that several of its fellow tribes were given by it... Sigh~"

"Is there such a thing? But why do I feel quite happy, after all, we are so handsome..."


Feeling the more fierce look in its companion's eyes, it quickly changed its mouth.

"No... No matter what, it can't be allowed to be so unscrupulous. Really, does it still have a bit of beastliness?"

And at this moment, a faint voice sounded behind them.

"No, no, two beautiful female beasts, to me, as long as they are female, they are all beautiful. As for whether I have animal nature, you will know if you try it, hehe~~~"

"Ah!! Appeared!!!"

A sad and beautiful cry sounded in the ocean. When a large number of male spirit beasts rushed over after hearing the news, this spirit beast they called the green turtle had already made a move on several female spirit beasts. Holding a beautiful golden bearded silver eel up and down in his hands.

"Damn green turtle, stop! Put down that gold-whiskered silver eel, let me... ah bah, stop your beastly behavior!"

"Ah?" The green-skinned turtle with a wretched attitude immediately turned into a bad tone when he heard the voice of a male soul beast, "I'm not interested in male soul beasts at all, let me go as far as I can!"

"Hey, I know you won't be obedient, so let you pay for your actions!"

The green-haired turtle caressed the body of the golden-bearded silver eel obscenely, and laughed arrogantly: "Not many king-level spirit beasts of 7 years can break through Lao Tzu's shell, even if I let you go together, there is nothing I can do." I!"

"Hahahaha, we naturally know the name of your crystal blue ape and tortoise, so we have already figured out how to deal with you early in the morning, and you have already been tricked."


At this moment, the golden bearded silver eel, which was being played with by it, immediately twisted its long body and tied up the green fur turtle. The voice that was originally female also instantly changed into the voice of a male soul beast.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that, our eel spirit beasts are hermaphroditic! It's just to lure you out on purpose. I specially turned into a female and waited for you to take the bait!"

Sure enough, when the other party was found to be male, the crystal blue ape tortoise lost a lot of green hair on its back shell.

"Don't! It's disgusting, males don't touch me!!"

Perhaps it was because of its great strength, and it broke free from the gold-bearded silver eel's bondage in a few strokes.

"Damn it, you used such a despicable method. You disgusted me, and you also succeeded in angering me. Today, I will drive all of you male soul beasts out. All the female soul beasts belong to me! !!"

As soon as these words came out, the male soul beasts surrounding it were also enraged.They all activated their soul power one after another, determined to fight this scum who destroyed the harmony of the soul beast society, and decide whether to live or die.

However, just as the crystal blue ape and tortoise said, each of these soul beasts has existed for more than ten thousand years, although they are not weaker than it in strength, and even stronger than it.But as long as it hides in the turtle shell, there is really nothing to do with it.

Seeing that they couldn't beat it, the crystal blue ape and tortoise immediately got into the shell, even though they bombarded themselves like kicking a ball, nothing happened.In the end, these male soul beasts were also tired.They all looked at the untouchable closed turtle shell in front of them with resentment.

"No, this guy's tortoise shell is too perverted, it can't be broken at all."

"If this continues, even if we are exhausted, we won't be able to hurt it at all."

"Do you just let it go?"

"Of course not! Today, no matter what, we have to get rid of this scourge... I have an idea, throw it outside the Great Trench, and let those human soul masters deal with it! Soul masters have various spirits, and I believe they can always handle it. Let it become a human soul ring."

This proposal was unanimously approved by all the soul beasts. Of course, the crystal blue ape turtle shrunk in its shell panicked.

"Don't think about it."

Just when they were about to move it, it opened the seldom-used tail hole behind its buttocks, and an indescribable gas gushed out along with the soul power, instantly producing a huge driving force, moving it to the ground at an astonishing speed. It pushed out and got out from the gap between these soul beasts.

"Not good, hurry up! Vomit~~ What the hell!"

"Ah!! I must kill it!!!"

The crystal blue ape tortoise successfully escaped from the siege of all the male soul beasts, and it only stopped after pushing for a long distance in this way.Getting out of the turtle shell, it glanced behind it, making sure that no spirit beast was chasing it, it sneered.

"Hmph, I will one day take back today's hatred from your female kin!"

It looked around and found that the light here was much brighter, so it immediately confirmed its current location, and said helplessly: "It's really a coincidence that I ran near the Great Trench."

At 5000 meters under the sea, there is no sunlight that can get in. The soul beasts living here have basically evolved the function of night vision.

But the place where it is now can be seen clearly even without night vision capabilities. This phenomenon can only occur near the Baimu Trench where the sun can directly illuminate the bottom.

"Come on, let's go back. I don't want to deal with humans... eh?"

At this moment, it suddenly sensed something approaching, and subconsciously thought it was the pursuers coming, but it came from the direction of Baimu Trench.Its line of sight was already very good, and there was a certain amount of light here, so it quickly saw the opponent's figure clearly.

It was a graceful blue figure, obviously a humanoid soul beast like himself, with a female upper body, blue and gold skin, and light blue silk hair floating in the water on his head, instantly Make it impossible to take your eyes off it.

What pierced its heart even more was the opponent's lower body, which turned out to be a long fish tail with blue scales. The crescent-like tip of the tail was gently swinging, and it was dexterously swimming in the water.

"Dong Dong!!"

The crystal blue ape tortoise swears that it has never seen such a soul beast.But even though he had never seen it before, he completely captured its heart at this moment.

It has not had such pure love for a long time. You know, a turtle like it does not have such a strong heartbeat. After seeing the figure of the other party, it beats so much that even the sea water trembles.

The other party apparently also spotted it, swam briskly to a distance of less than ten meters in front of it, and observed it up and down.Obviously the other party's face was blocked by a strange visor, but it clearly sensed the other party's scrutinizing eyes. For some reason, it, which was usually lawless, became shy at this time.

At this time, the other party spoke, and that voice was even more pleasant than that of the Zijin Dolphin known as the singer of the ocean, but the strange thing was that the other party spoke human language.

"Fuck! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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