i revived the scientist

Chapter 416 Jiang's cooperation?Daydreaming!Hostility!hostility!What's the harm in overthr

Chapter 416 Jiang's cooperation?Daydreaming!Hostility!hostility!What's the harm in overthrowing the ancients?

Come to the living room, watch tea, serve pastries, and have a conversation, very polite and harmonious.

At the end, Jiang Kong said: "We, Jiang's Life Science and Technology, want to cooperate with Rongguang Group on the joint development of gene medicine, so please ask Lin Zongzhu to introduce it for you."

Lin Qingxiang heard that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, no matter the Jiang family of the ancient clan, or Su Sheng's Rongguang Group, as long as they could make friends with each other, it would be a good thing for him, or for the entire Lin family. Whether or not the joint development of the largest agreement can be achieved, neither he nor the Lin family will lose anything, nor will they gain anything, but it is inevitable that the relationship between the three parties will become closer.

"Introduction is naturally not a problem. How about this? Tonight, I will send someone to send an invitation to invite Su Sheng to come. Let's sit down and have a meal and discuss, how about it?"

"It's best to be so natural."


At the same time, Su Sheng saw the sales reports and sell-out notices of hundreds of stores in the group, and couldn't help but smile, "It seems that the market response of genetic medicine is very good, and all the stocks on the shelves are all sold out. In this way, we Then the second set of plans can be opened, and large quantities of [-]-year and [-]-year-old genetic medicines will be released. As for the [-]-year-old genetic medicine, a limited number of [-] copies per day is enough!"

Lu Zhou nodded, "Well, yes, I have already prepared two genetic medicines with a [-]-year effect and a [-]-year effect. If you order, they will be put into production immediately!"

"Well, let's go! Let go and do it, and strive to let the entire land of Yangzhou know our glorious name within three months."


Su Sheng looked at Diheng, "President Diheng needs to open the store as soon as possible! Open up all channels!"

Diheng, who is familiar with Su Sheng's usual operation, nodded, "Quickly lay out the layout, and promote the Rongguang stores to all the main cities, districts, counties and towns in Yangzhou at the fastest speed! Moreover, I will establish Rongguang branches and subsidiary enterprise groups in various places. and offices."

Su Cheng nodded and smiled, this Diheng is growing very fast!Take the initiative to guess, grasp and know what he thinks, one word "fast"!
Rongguang's style of action is to be fast, precise, steady and ruthless!

"The group's specific decision-making, everything is arranged according to your own ideas. The result I want is that within half a year, I will be on the boundary of Yangzhou. Wherever I am, I must be able to hear the word "glory."

"I will do my best to live up to President Su's heavy responsibility!" Di Heng said resolutely, with a loud voice.

"Well, I have something to discuss with Lu Zhou. In Yangzhou, we can recruit some scientific research talents. Our glory is younger, so we should recruit some talents for future use."

It is not necessarily better for scientific workers to be older and more experienced. Young scientific researchers can also achieve greater achievements. Young scientific researchers dare to work hard and use unconstrained ideas to do things. Sometimes it is a bad thing not to consider the consequences, but in the In science, methodology and experimentation are even more important.

So, in a word, the Rongguang scientist team needs to inject more vigorous fresh blood!
There is Diheng for business, and Luzhou for scientific research. The future development of Yangzhou Rongguang Group can be expected!


In the evening of that day, Su Sheng went to Jinglin Garden for dinner at the appointment.

Rongguang Group can spread the situation in Yangzhou so smoothly. In addition to excellent products, it is more because of Lin's contribution of money and efforts to push Rongguang to the public in Yangzhou with a strong momentum. Lin has contributed a lot of resources, contacts and channels, so Well, Su Sheng is willing to give Lin's face and attend the appointment as scheduled, otherwise, Su Sheng will not show up at all for some meaningless social interactions.

In the invitation letter, it only said that Lin Qingxiang wanted to invite Su Sheng to dinner, that's all.

After arriving at Jinglin Garden, Su Sheng was greeted and sent to the banquet hall. Lin Qingxiang, Jiang Hu, and a group of elders from the Lin family came to meet him. It can be said that they gave Su Sheng enough face.

Su Sheng didn't put on airs either, and greeted everyone with a smile on his face.

Lin Qingxiang stepped forward to congratulate: "Congratulations to Su Keqing, whose products are selling well and gaining a firm foothold in Yangzhou."

Su Sheng would thank you: "Thanks to the Lin family for helping me, otherwise Rongguang Group would not have a chance to gain a foothold, let alone any products that sell well. So, thank you, Sect Leader Lin and the Lin family for helping me and the Rongguang Group. To me, it’s like sending charcoal in the snow.”

After flattering each other, Su Sheng counterattacked, thanked each other with courtesy, owed each other favors, gave guarantees to the other party, highlighted the important role of the other party in this matter, and one should be observant of words and deeds. Only in this way can both parties be happy.

Sure enough, Lin Qingxiang said in a deep voice, "No, no, with Su Keqing's products and background, it's nothing more than the difference between earlier and later to establish Glory in Yangzhou. My Lin family can only be regarded as icing on the cake."

After exchanging business with each other, Lin Qingxiang brought Su Sheng into the banquet hall, and said: "I will introduce two people to you later, they are all of the same clan of Brother Jiang, the real elders of the Jiang clan in Langya."

Su Sheng nodded and didn't speak. He was already muttering in his heart. He probably guessed that the Jiang family wanted to seek cooperation and business cooperation. If the cooperation is only in the direction of business, Su Sheng is actually willing. He only needs to entrust Qizhou to Langya Jiang family, with the face of the ancient Jiang family, it should be easy for the Rongguang Group to open up the Qizhou channel market, so Su Sheng, who is happy to see the success, moves briskly.

However, after the two sides got acquainted with each other, Jiang Kong said: "Mr. Su Sheng is young and promising, I don't know which ancient tribe or great civilization he comes from?"

Su Sheng smiled lightly, "A small civilization on the edge of the chaotic area is not worth mentioning."

"It's even more difficult for Mr. Su to get to where he is today on his own! What a terrifying young man!" Jiang Kong smiled and raised his glass to drink.

Su Sheng said modestly: "It's just a small fight, but it can't be compared with the Jiang clan of the ancient clan."

"Mr. Su, let's get back to business, how about a business deal?"

"That's what I meant." Su Sheng nodded.

Su Sheng thought that Jiang Kong wanted to get the Qizhou agency rights for Rongguang Group's genetic medicines. Unexpectedly, Jiang Kong said bluntly: "We, Jiang's Life Technology, want to share resources with the technical data of Zengshou Gene Technology. Both parties How about communicating with each other and jointly developing more effective genetic medicines?"

Su Sheng's originally smiling face gradually cooled down and became as indifferent as water, "Elder Jiang Kong means that we, Rongguang Technology, will announce the core of our technical resources to you?"

Jiang Kong shook his head, "It's not one-way, it's two-way. Jiang's Life Science and Technology Group entrusted me with full authority and said that it is willing to share the technical data of Jiang's gene technology with you, and your glory will also give us the technical data. Jiang’s shares, but don’t worry, regarding the economic interests of the market, Jiang’s is willing to share with the Rongguang Group fifty-fifty!”

President Su shook his head, intending to refuse, "I'm sorry Elder Jiang Kong, our Rongguang Group doesn't..."

Jiang Kong didn't look unhappy, but interrupted Su Sheng's speech in time, and continued: "Mr. Su, don't be too busy refusing, listen to me before making a decision."

"Well, please tell me." Su Sheng's face was still indifferent, without any extra expression, and no matter what you said, I was still majestic and undisturbed.

"The Jiang family belongs to the ancient clan, and has occupied the Kyushu star map for billions of years. It has a profound cultural heritage, and in terms of biotechnology, Jiang has always been the peak representative. Therefore, we urgently seek fresh blood to inject, so as to seek breakthroughs and Open up the shackles and constraints!
Moreover, Jiang's products in the field of biotechnology radiate the entire interstellar Pangu. It is an industry leader and a leading company. If Rongguang breaks in rashly, as an emerging group company, I am afraid that it will be weak and alone, which will not be conducive to the development of the company. , and the future is bright!

But by joining our Jiang Corporation and the cooperation plan, Rongguang Group can not only get a higher reputation promotion, but also get a lot of money and material... So, no matter how you think about it, it is not a disadvantage!Therefore, please trouble Mr. Su to think clearly, everything depends on man-made, don't make mistakes on your own, one person's strength is ultimately limited, and the way to survive is to join forces!
Moreover, the technical information of Jiang's Life Science and Technology has the complete scientific research information of Qianzai Gene Medicine, which is also a good opportunity for Rongguang to learn from it. "

As soon as Jiang Kong's words fell, the audience fell silent, Lin Qingxiang's smile froze on his face, the other elders of the Lin family bowed their heads in silence, and Jiang Hu's face was ugly, it really came to this step!The food of the big family is indeed ugly, but there is no way to do it. Whoever made the genetic medicine of the Rongguang Group become a favorite, the Jiang family of the ancient clan is jealous when they see it, it depends on how Su Sheng will choose, Jiang Hu sees it Seeing Su Sheng's indifferent face, I couldn't bear it. At the same time, I was looking forward to whether Su Sheng had the background to compete with him, and also looking forward to Su Sheng giving up resistance and cooperating with Jiang.

At this time, Su Cheng's heart was cold. Since Jiang's actions and words are so persuasive, why should he take care of his face?
An ancient tribe, if offended, offends, fears too much, at worst, breaks up and fights directly, anyway, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, and besides, behind the Glory Group, there is an Atlantean heritage that is not weaker than the ancients Si civilization, and the fourth-level elementary civilization firewood civilization that is comparable to the collection of prehistoric civilizations, so... Who is afraid of whom?
Life and death bearish!Just do it if you don't accept it!
(End of this chapter)

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