i revived the scientist

Chapter 53 Hacker Island, Hacker Knowledge

Chapter 53 Hacker Island, Hacker Knowledge

The speed of news diffusion is soaring on the Internet information highway!
Glory Technology became famous all over the world overnight, even Du Niang's entry said: Glory Technology, a well-known Internet technology company in China!One of the representatives of Hangzhou enterprises!

Now, the entire Glory is like a precision instrument, running non-stop, busy, every member is busy, and the busy figure is full of vigor and vitality. No one is lazy, sluggish, and working with negative will and emotions. Time can best tell whether a company is good or bad, a good company, a company that can retain people, don't draw big cakes and the future, just look at the present and spend money!Throw money hard!Compared with salary and benefits, whether the management leader is nice or not ranks second.

In Rongguang, Su Sheng made a decision, the capable go up and the mediocre go down, there is no seniority, no empiricism.

In Su Sheng's words, I don't talk about the future and dreams with you, but I talk about money with you. You say, how much money are you willing to do for this job?If you reach the psychological code price that is suitable for both parties, you can stay and work hard. If you can’t, just pack your bags. In addition, if you have special needs or feel that your skills have improved, it’s okay if your current salary can’t match and satisfy you. After passing the job function assessment, you can get a salary increase. If the Zhili leadership is embarrassed and deliberately refuses to pass, or wears small shoes, it doesn’t matter.

Therefore, Rongguang Technology is more suitable for young people. The young people of the new generation have more money than their dreams.What Su Sheng can do is to make people who are unwilling to be mediocre stand up and earn money.


Soon, the Rongguang Technology hotline department received orders and demand exploded. Lianxiang, Dell, Langchao, Shuguang, Hongqi... and other server industries were the first to come to the door to discuss cooperation. The global server supplier negotiation conference was held by Su Sheng established that at 24:[-] am on July [-]th and [-]:[-] pm on the same day, global microcomputer vendors, that is, pure computer and some computer operators will hold a business meeting, such as Huawei, Samsung, Rice, Yali, etc.

Server suppliers and computer vendors have a relationship of tolerance and tolerance, and some of them have an antagonistic relationship.

Microcomputer computer vendors may be server vendors, and server vendors are generally microcomputer computer vendors, but there are also suppliers that produce servers that do not make computers, even though the servers themselves are so-called "computers"!
Microcomputer is a large system concept, including servers, display screens and supporting network equipment, such as wireless network cards, optical modems, switches, routers, etc.

Similarly, large companies such as Yali and Huawei also manufacture microcomputers, but they are not server suppliers themselves, but manufacturers of their own microcomputer products.

There are still three days until July 24th. The hotline department and the business and marketing departments have successively received contacts for business negotiations. Not only are there major server and computer vendors in the world, but even relevant departments, major research institutes, national colleges and universities, scientific research institutes and The military, state-owned enterprises, etc. all want to seek cooperation, and everyone wants to have their own "supercomputer".

Rongguang Technology did not refuse, it accepted all orders, and did not refuse anyone to visit. As for the focus, of course, the company's interests are the most important, but if it involves complex relations in the international environment and special political demands, Su Sheng, as a citizen of Huaxia, is willing to serve Huaxia. Contribute a meager effort to let Huaxia officials give priority to using the most advanced configuration of Glory Cloud Server!

The entire Rongguang Technology is Su Sheng's most comfortable and leisurely, making a cup of wolfberry tea and reading chasing novels.


At night, in Yangcheng, Hua Mulan, a senior programmer, dragged her tired body, as if she had no soul, back to the rented "kennel", paralyzed and lying down.

Looking at the ceiling with empty eyes, an inexplicable sense of sadness and grievance welled up in my heart. In other words, this feeling is particularly high, maybe it is the so-called exhaustion of adults.

As usual, after being in a daze for half an hour, I turned on the computer and prepared to log in to the Honor League to start black games. Unexpectedly, the Rongxin avatar in the lower right corner of the computer suddenly jumped a few times. To be honest, Rongxin is really a good thing, so suitable for adults. Communication is used to it, simple and convenient.

Dark Eyes: "Chirp to Chirp, are you there? See you and reply quickly, I have something urgent to find you."

Eyes of Darkness: "Xiaoji, hurry up and get online, it's urgent!!"

"Little Haw, hurry up! I'm so anxious!"

"Please reply when you see the message!!!"


Dark Eyes is a good friend Hua Mulan met in the Huaxia District of the Hacking League. Although the two have never met offline, they know each other's personality, temperament and hobbies.

Chirp again chirp: "What's the matter? Are you in such a hurry?"

Eye of Darkness: "Little Chi, you finally answered me."

Haw replies: "I have something to talk about. I've been working all day and I'm very tired. I'm about to play a game and go to sleep."

Eyes of Darkness: "Sleeping you are paralyzed, wake up, let me tell you, today a major event happened in our network circle, computer technology circle and hacker circle, it can be called a magnitude [-] hurricane and a magnitude [-] earthquake!"

"It's a lot of nonsense, keep it short, and say it quickly."

"Is such that……"

The Eye of Darkness announced that the virtual cloud technology announced by Rongguang Technology is mature, and it is applied to the virtual cloud server. The performance has a computing speed comparable to that of a supercomputer, and there is unlimited operating memory and unlimited cloud storage. In order to verify the security performance and storage of the server The reliability of the data security key, Rongguang Technology sent invitation letters to hackers all over the world!

In other words, Glory Technology challenges hackers and computer technology enthusiasts all over the world. Anyone who can break through the Glory Cloud Server can obtain the virtual cloud technology hidden inside!
And Rongguang Technology claims that no matter who breaks through the security protection firewall of the Rongguang Cloud Server and the security key of the storage space, and obtains the virtual cloud technology in the storage space, Rongguang Technology will not be held accountable, no matter what the hacker wants to do with the virtual cloud technology, It doesn't matter whether you start your own business and operate it, hand it over to the country, or even make it public to the public, and you will not be held accountable!
"So, what do you want to do? Join in the fun?" In front of the screen, Hua Mulan pushed her eyes, which were dimly lit.

Dark Eyes: "Don't be sloppy with me, we both don't pretend to be 13, who doesn't understand who, give me a letter, do you want to do it?"


"OK, at one o'clock in the morning, the island of hackers gathered. As far as I know, there are tens of thousands of global joint teams! There are countless individual masters and lone hackers. It is estimated that the active value of global hackers in the island of hackers tonight can contribute ten More than ten thousand!"

"Okay, see you on the island of hackers at one o'clock in the morning!"

Hacker Island is a gathering place for hackers from all over the world. Usually, everyone will post tasks, exchange ideas, discuss technology and learn "martial arts" on it.


In the early hours of the morning, Su Sheng had just washed up and was about to go to bed. Angela, who was like a night owl, called him. Su Sheng knew that although Angela and others were awakened by him from the long river of history, in fact, their state of life was no longer governed by the rules of the material world. , Order at the mercy of, do not need to drink water to eat, do not sleep and rest, do experiments and scientific research can work 24 hours a day.

"What's wrong Angela, is something wrong?"

Angela lived in the same hotel as him, and the room was not too far away. Angela said on the phone: "Tonight, hackers from all over the world gathered on the island of hackers, preparing to attack the glory cloud server and steal the virtual cloud technology. I need to use the computer equipment in the computer virtual laboratory to teach them a lesson and give them a blow to kill them!"

Su Sheng naturally knew that Angela was not a competitive person, but since Angela said and acted like this, she must have her considerations and ideas.

"Well, you come to my place."

Leading Angela to the virtual computer laboratory, Angela manipulated the keyboard proficiently, and soon logged into the particularly weird interface of numbers and characters, all of which were composed of codes, which was dazzling, and Su Sheng couldn't understand it anyway.

Angela said: "Every hacker who logs into the island of hackers needs to accept an entry-level assessment, which is to crack the login key! To put it bluntly, there is a login interface, and there is an open system architecture for you without an account and password. page, if you can find the key door and crack it open, you will be able to successfully log in to the hacker island."

clap clap clap...

Angela tapped a few times on the keyboard casually, the display screen changed, and she entered the map section, and selected the Hangzhou section of the Huaxia territory. As soon as she entered, she immediately saw hundreds of hackers chatting with each other, and the barrage kept beating.

The network administrator is me: I borrowed 8 Langchao servers from Internet cafes, and each server has 6 5T hard disks, and I have made raid1+768 disk arrays, leaving [-]T space for large data streams, which is enough to attack the unlimited data released by Rongguang Technology. Limit cloud storage now!

Computer repairer: Haha, do you really believe that Rongguang Technology can store data infinitely?Anyway, I don't believe it, the so-called special cloud storage key lock locks the data stream stored by the user... I just huh, how is it possible?Big data streams are flexible and constantly changing. If user data and important information are placed and entrusted in global big data, all data will be blocked and lost in less than a second!Even bring viruses to the server...

Old computer pedant: Please forgive my ignorance and lack of knowledge. As far as I know, in theory, as Rongguang Technology said, user-stored data is stored in the global big data flow database, as long as the special key lock can be used to store user data. If the data is well protected, it can be mobilized at any time, so as to achieve unlimited cloud storage!
For example, if you, as a user, store a picture in the Rongguang cloud server, the picture is specially branded and locked with a special lock by Rongguang cloud storage technology, and only you can check the information on the photo, and at this time That photo has been placed somewhere in the world.

It may be in the personal computer disk of a certain singer in Xingguo, or it may be in the personal computer disk of the Queen of the Eagle Kingdom, or it may be stored in your neighbor’s computer. The branded photos are locked with a special lock, and there will be no photos Breakage, loss, and when you want to see photos, you can call them at any time. This kind of technology... can be realized in theory. However, there are no scientific research institutes, research institutes, major universities, and middle schools in any country or region in the world. It was developed by a large enterprise, but Rongguang Technology...is it difficult to say? !

Ari, I am the fattest: You are all focusing on Rongguang cloud storage, has no one considered the Rongguang cloud server itself?Its most powerful is computing power!If there is a glorious cloud server that is equivalent to a supercomputer in network technology, do we really have a chance of winning?I'm afraid that he will be crushed and killed by the opponent in seconds.

The cousin at the head of the village loves to surf the Internet: Don't worry!Since Rongguang Technology dared to release words to let us attack as much as we want, it would not use the Rongguang cloud server to fight with us!When the cyber attack starts, let's treat Glory Cloud Storage as the final boss monster in the game!

Seeing those clamoring hackers, Su Sheng couldn't help asking: "Angela, why do you want to teach them a lesson?"

According to the seniority of computer network technology, these computer hackers are Angela's disciples and grandchildren, and the ancestors teach the descendants, there should be a regulation.

"Let them clearly understand the powerful network security technology of Rongguang Technology, and let them clearly understand their own shortcomings!"

Su Cheng shook his head, "It doesn't look like your character."

Angela smiled, "The main reason is that I want to get rid of it once and for all! Give them a hard lesson, let them feel what social beating is! Let them never dare to come to Rongguang Technology to make trouble again."

Angela spoke a little more playfully, and Su Sheng guessed that it must be related to a certain Siyan.

(End of this chapter)

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