My system is all about programming

Chapter 332 Who Stole The Moon?

Chapter 332 Who Stole The Moon?

Time passed, two months had passed since the first battle between Chu Fan and Xingkong Shenshi.

On the moon, a figure is shuttling through it.

If you look closely, you will find that the moon is full of holes.

Originally, there were only some craters on the surface of the moon, but now there are many huge bottomless potholes.

In the past two months, the starry sky god stone has devoured the moon frantically.

It drills into the interior of the moon and devours the earth, rocks and minerals therein.

This crazy engulfment made the original energy value and mind soul value of the starry sky god stone reach 250, from the third-level star to the fourth-level star!
This is the real talent of the Starry Sky Divine Stone, and it is the reason why the Starry Sky Divine Stone is feared by all civilizations in the universe.

"Talent", the word used to describe the Starry Sky Divine Stone is not accurate.

The genius among human beings can be described as "talent".

And the Starry Sky Divine Stone is more exaggerated and monstrous than the greatest genius among human beings.

It is a special life born in the magical universe starry sky.

The starry sky god stone shuttles in the moon, its strength has progressed fast enough, but it is still a little dissatisfied.

It wanted to raise its own strength to a high enough level before going to Chu Fan for trouble.

Starry Sky Divine Stone holds grudges very much, and it will never forget the grievances with Chu Fan.

The unsatisfied starry sky stone flew away from the moon.

It flew into the vacuum of thousands of meters away from the moon and looked at the moon.

Then, it opened its mouth!

An inexplicable suction force appeared from the huge mouth of the Starry Sky God Stone, and the moon in the sky suddenly shook.

The moon originally revolved around the earth.

However, the starry sky god stone broke the orbit of the moon.

The moon flew towards the Starry Sky God Stone, and its volume suddenly shrank by a circle.

As the Moon continues to deviate from its orbit, it gets smaller and smaller.

And in the huge mouth of the Starry Sky God Stone, the energy swallowed is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, the moon shrank into a sphere with a diameter of tens of meters and flew into the mouth of the Starry Sky God Stone.

The body of Xingkong Shenshi shook, and his size suddenly swelled a circle.

Many prey appeared on the surface of its body. This was due to its sudden increase in size.

A moon, this is the limit that the Starry Sky God Stone can swallow at present.

In order to improve his strength as soon as possible, the crazy starry sky swallowed a moon at once, almost bursting.

The Starry Sky God Stone can feel the soaring energy in the body, and the energy is almost escaping from the body.

It takes time to digest the moon in the body.

The Starry Sky God Stone felt that he couldn't even move, it was suspended in space like this, allowing his body to move slowly.

It closes its eyes and prepares for a good night's sleep.


on the earth.

"Hey, mom, why is the moon gone in the sky?"

"Baby, go to sleep. Why is the moon gone? It is covered by clouds."

"Mom, the moon is really gone. If you don't believe me, look at the sky."

The night sky was clear, but only a little bit of starlight could be seen, and there was no trace of the moon.

This scene happened all over the world.

On the other side of the earth, it is daytime.

Mausoleum City Research Department.

"Minister Ren, a gravitational change has been detected."

"There are fluctuations in sea level and abnormal tides..."

A series of strange reactions that make people confused.

After a series of calculations, Ren Congyang was surprised to find that the reason for these phenomena was the disappearance of the moon's gravity!

"The moon is gone?"

This conclusion is incredible.

But then, the Ministry of Science and Technology received information from the other side of the earth.

The moon in the sky has disappeared!

Ren Congyang didn't know what happened, but he could guess that it was all related to Chu Fan and the Starry Sky God Stone.

Since Chu Fan and the Starry Sky Divine Stone disappeared into the sky two months ago, they have not appeared.

Beyond the atmosphere, there is a spaceship.

That could not be the artificial satellite and spacecraft launched by the earth, so Ren Congyang knew that it might be the spaceship that Chu Fan got.

As for the Starry Sky Divine Stone, no one except Chu Fan knew where it went.

"In space, what happened?"

Ren Congyang couldn't figure it out.


"What? It ate the moon—?!"

Chu Fan is practicing weapon skills.

He hadn't received any news from the Starry Sky Divine Stone for two months, and he didn't expect that the first news he received would be so shocking.

"Where is it now? Show me!"

Chu Fan was very anxious.

Ellie projected a screen in front of Chu Fan, showing the appearance of the Starry Sky God Stone.

This is the picture captured by the ultra-distance lens of the Silver Front.

In the vacuum, the Starry Sky Divine Stone floated motionless, like a small meteorite wandering in the starry sky.

"What happened to it?"

Ellie on the side explained: "It is speculated that it is likely to fall into a deep sleep because it devoured an excessive amount of items. Judging from the monitored energy fluctuations, it is digesting energy in the body."

After Ellie's explanation, Chu Fan understood.

In layman's terms, it means that the starry sky god stone ate the moon and was full.

"This guy ate the moon, so his strength must have skyrocketed. My strength has also improved a lot, but I don't know if I can deal with it."

Chu Fan couldn't help feeling a little worried.

He has systematic help and improves quickly.

But the Starry Sky Divine Stone itself is a "cheater", its ability is beyond Chu Fan's imagination, even the moon can be swallowed by it.

"My current level of control over Thunder Dragon is almost at the level of proficiency."

With the help of the system, it takes Chu Fan almost two months to reach the level that ordinary soul masters need ten years to achieve.

"But it's impossible to reach the peak of perfection in a short time."

The control of weapon skills, the more difficult it is in the later stages.

"A thunder dragon at the proficient level, I don't know if it can deal with the starry sky stone."

"While it is sleeping, I still have time to learn something else."

Chu Fan thought of Yan Ming's "Netherworld Notes". He had always wanted to study the content behind it, but he didn't have time.

Yan Ming's "Notes of the Netherworld" records his cultivation process and what he has learned throughout his life.

What Chu Fan had in mind was only the previous part, and the too advanced content had not yet been passed on to his mind.

"Teacher, what he is good at is the soul attribute. Maybe this special attribute can help me."

Compared with various element attributes, the soul attribute is extremely rare.

The soul is an extremely mysterious thing.

All life has a soul.

The soul is very similar to the concept of "soul" on earth.

The external matter of life, including the human body, the body of the ice giant and the core of life, is the carrier of the soul.

And mind-soul power is the energy that manifests from the outside of the soul.

The strength of the soul-reading power can, to a certain extent, reflect the strength of the soul.

"Soul communication?"

Chu Fan saw this in "Nether Notes".

Soul communication means using the power of soul to communicate with other living beings.

This creature does not have to be a Chinese-speaking Chinese, or even a human being. The object of communication can be any creature.

There are countless types of languages.

But the intention to express in the consciousness is clear.

The principle of mind-soul communication is like this.

Chu Fan thought of Cang, the Zerg King of the starry sky Zerg. At that time, Cang communicated with Chu Fan with his thoughts.

"This little skill may be useful, let's learn it first."

Soul communication is just a very simple skill, so Chu Fan decided to learn it.

(End of this chapter)

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