Chapter 31 To Xujiabao
"His Royal Highness, good news. Our people in Jiwu sent back the news quickly. General Dian made a big fuss in the teahouse of Jiwu Li's family and tossed the entire Li family. He was so angry that the people in the Li family even directly Send out archers from the army to kill General Dian." Yu Yunwen walked in quickly and said to Liu Xie with a happy face.

"How is Lao Dian? He escaped safely, why haven't he come back yet?" Liu Xie was more concerned about Dian Wei's safety than Ji Wu.

Yu Yunwen was moved when he heard this, and explained: "Don't worry, Your Highness, our people personally saw General Dian go out of the city and go into the woods. Once he enters the mountain, I believe that no matter how many people in the Li family, there will be nothing against General Dian."

"That's good, Father Bin, shall we prepare to lead troops to Jiwu to ask someone?" Liu Xie couldn't help but smirked when he heard that Dian Wei was safe.

"Yes, we should deploy the army now and discuss the deployment of personnel." Yu Yunwen agreed, and when they are arranged, it is almost time for the normal news circulation between the two counties.At that time, when the troops were raised, people would not think that everything was arranged in advance.

"Well, sending troops to Jiwu is not a trivial matter, old Pei, you go and call Song Gong, Ding Fang and Yuan Fu over to discuss matters." Liu Xie instructed Pei Yuanshao.

"Here." Pei Yuanshao was freed from the barracks, and has been loyally guarding Liu Xie's side these days. He was afraid that he would be sent back to the barracks if he was negligent, so he got Liu Xie's order and dared not be vague. people.

Let's talk about Dianwei's side, eating rabbit meat and chicken soup in a big pot, and he was full.The mountain wind blew, and the drunkenness gradually became uncontrollable. Holding the lid of the big pot, he went to the side and fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, it was already noon the next day.Dian Wei washed his face in the river water next to him, pulled some hay from the ground, and carefully cleaned the cauldron.Dian Wei found vines and tied the cauldron to his back, but he thought the lid of the pot was too expensive to hold, so he threw it away, so he rushed over after finding a direction.

Dian Wei walked for a long time, and the more he walked, the more he felt something was wrong.He has walked all the mountains near Jiwu, so it stands to reason that he would not get lost.But this time, the feeling became more and more strange as we walked, and I don't know if it was because of the lingering drunkenness that had a psychedelic effect.Relying on his strength, Dian Wei didn't care. Now that he had determined the direction, he headed in without hesitation. The grass got deeper and deeper, the woods became denser, and the sound of birds and insects became more and more dense. .

"Damn, this place is so evil, I don't believe it anymore, and I still have a place to trap my old Dian." Dian Wei tightened the cauldron on his back, and said to himself unconvinced. language.

Dian Wei didn't know how long he had walked, and finally saw the woods gradually thinning out, and he could even vaguely see people living there. "Damn, my old Dian has walked through this mountain, and I don't know where it is." Dian Wei was very embarrassed, his clothes were hung by thorns into rags, revealing his dark skin loosely. fur.The cauldron was fine, even the piece of clothes on his back was intact.

When Dian Wei came out of the woods, he saw a slightly flat and low hillside in front of him. The hillsides were filled with man-made fields. Because it was autumn now, there were no crops or farmers on the bare land.Winding along the stone path in the middle of the hillside, several small thatched huts appeared under the innermost bamboo forest.From time to time, the mountain wind blows, blowing down a few unfixed thatches. Although it looks quiet, it can't help but feel a bit lonely.

"Damn, where is this place? I've stayed in Jiwu for so long, why don't I know there is such a place, my dear, my old Dian won't leave Jiwu, right?" Dian Wei couldn't figure it out. , boldly go forward.

Dian Wei walked in and took a look, only to realize that it looked like a small village. Some children in the village also discovered Dian Wei, a strange man in ragged clothes carrying a black iron pot on his back.The children were not afraid when they saw him. They ran around Dian Wei and sang children's songs.When Dian Wei saw how cute the children were, he couldn't help but think of his son Dian Man. He missed Dian Man strangely after being away from home for so long.They were all about the same age. Dian Wei picked up a chubby boy and asked other children to lead the way into the village.

Before entering the village, I saw a few strong men with weapons in their hands and bows on their backs. They were talking together, just looking at the dignified expressions on their faces, I am afraid that this peaceful and peaceful village also has their own. troubles.

These strong men finally saw Dian Wei at this time, surrounded him vigilantly, and looked at Dian Wei a few times. They seemed to be afraid that Dian Wei was holding a child in his arms. One of them said: "This strong man is dressed in such a strange way, don't you?" Know what you are doing in our village?" After speaking, the person next to him waved to the little fat boy, gesturing him to leave Dianwei's embrace.

The little fat boy was also well-behaved. Although he could feel that the strange uncle holding him had no ill intentions for him, he still jumped off and ran into the village with other friends.

Dian Wei knew that they were wary of him, so he grinned and said with some embarrassment: "Don't worry, everyone. I, Lao Dian, came from Jiwu and got lost in the mountains. I don't know how I ended up here. Please ask me For your convenience, give me some pointers to Lao Dian, where is the boundary here?"

Those few people saw Dianwei's sincere expression, honest and honest, and he didn't seem to be a fake. They saw that his clothes were all broken by the bushes and thorns. They thought that he was not an accomplice of the gang of thieves. Are the villagers warm-hearted or the person who spoke earlier? He opened his mouth and said, "Don't worry, the strong man. When we arrive at Xu's house... No, why did the cow come back? Those thieves must have returned too."

The man hadn't finished speaking when he saw a few strong farm cattle rushing towards Dianwei on the way into the village. The speed was so fast that it even stirred up a burst of dust.But this farm ox is also very spiritual. When it approached the village, it slowed down and swayed in slowly.The cattle walked up to them and stuck out their big tongues to lick their palms.These few people also touched the horns and heads of the farming cattle lovingly, and it seems that the relationship between them is extremely deep.

Dian Wei looked puzzled. "Damn, this village is really evil, my old Dian couldn't have met a wild monster."

At this moment, a group of people with weapons in their hands rushed over aggressively from a distance outside the village. Judging by their appearance, they didn't look like decent people, but rather like fallen thieves.

These people scolded from afar: "I didn't expect you people from Xujiabao to be cunning enough. You agreed to exchange cattle with us for food, but you didn't expect to play a trick that turned back, just as the guy in our brother's hands is good-looking. "

The people of Xujiapu looked bitter. They had a deep relationship with these black cows. However, due to natural and man-made disasters, there was no harvest this year. Hundreds of people in Xujiapu, old and young, needed food to survive.In desperation, they had no choice but to make a deal with bandits from a nearby village, exchanging the village's cattle for their food.The leader of the bandits has plenty of food and grass, but he has a habit of eating beef.You must know that in ancient times, cattle were an extremely important productivity. Every cattle was recorded in the government and could not be slaughtered for meat without permission.So when he heard that people in Xujiabao wanted to trade cattle for food, the leader agreed without thinking.The two sides agreed to exchange today. Unexpectedly, not long after the exchange was completed, the bandits left with a few cattle. The cattle seemed to know that they were leaving their masters, and gradually began to resist. They broke away from the bandits without noticing. Their bonds ran back.The bandits thought it was someone from Xujiabao who had done something wrong, so they chased him back to get an explanation.

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(End of this chapter)

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