Chapter 338 Dinglan Pearl
Sima Hui, Pang Degong and Huang Chengyan were forced to go north because of the chaos in Jingzhou.

Regardless of whether the three brothers Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Dan belonged to Wu, Shu and Wei in history, or the current Xun family, in addition to Xun Yu and Xun You who voted for Liu Xie, Xun Chen also went to Hebei to join Yuan Shao.

Liu Xie didn't mind. After settling them down, he started to deal with his own affairs again.

As for Huang Yueying and Bu Lianshi, I believe there will be no problems with Zhen Mi and Zhen Jiang Diaochan.

"This Dinglan Pearl is extraordinary."

It was the first time for Liu Xie to see such a huge and bright deep sea pearl.

He asked Dian Wei and Xu Chufeng to go to the study, and found that the pearl was like a small moon, emitting soft light and illuminating the study as bright as day.

No wonder Lu Su praised it so much, this Jiangdong treasure is indeed extraordinary, even the jewels that Liu Xie snatched from Dong Zhuo back then were not so precious.

However, it is inconvenient to carry something as big as a fist on the body, and it is afraid of being stolen by thieves at home.

Liu Xie curled his lips in disgust. This Dinglan Pearl felt a bit tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

"Send it to Mi'er and the others to improve their beauty."

Liu Xie was somewhat wealthy. After playing with the Dinglan Pearl for a while, he no longer had much interest in it.

"Ding dong, the system detected the host and found a treasure [Dinglan Yemingzhu]."

"[Dinglan Night Pearl]: The most precious treasure in the east of the Yangtze River, it was mined in the abyss of the East China Sea, and it was formed after tens of thousands of years of hard work. It must be obtained by a great chance."

"The host can now consume [Dinglan Night Pearl] in exchange for any system rights."

Just as Liu Xie was about to ask someone to grind Dinglan Ye Mingzhu, the system finally came late and said something that surprised Liu Xie.

"Good guy, I used to exchange goods outside, but I didn't expect that I can recycle them now. Is this Dinglan Night Pearl really so extraordinary? But the system rights of any one of them are an ultimate temptation."

Liu Xie was delighted, this Ye Mingzhu seemed to be much more useful than that beauty Bu Lianshi.

Of course, Liu Xie would only occasionally have such a rational idea during the day.

"At the beginning, Pang Tong advised me: It is better to find talents than to raise people. Now if we exchange this useless technology for papermaking or printing, wouldn't we soon be able to open a large academy and promote talents and scholarship?"

"Besides, the old men like Sima Hui have nothing to do when they are idle. When they have finished shopping in Chenliu, they should find something to keep them busy. They come from thousands of miles, so we can't let them feel bored. OK."

Liu Xie smiled wickedly, and had no intention of letting go of Sima Hui, Huang Chengyan, and Pang Degong, the three free highly educated laborers.

"Exchange the purchase rights in the high-end mall, and then exchange them for printing skills!"

Liu Xie spoke firmly without thinking too much.

Most of the books of this era were privately collected by aristocratic families, and the poor had no choice but to borrow them and copy them.

It is precisely because of the scarcity of books and the deliberate control of the aristocratic family that it is difficult for education to popularize and continue.

And now there is Caihou paper. Although it is not as good as the Tang and Song Dynasties, Caihou paper is cheap to make and the quality can meet the needs of printing. The raw materials are only bark, broken fishing nets, rags, hemp heads, etc. It is easy to find waste, so Liu Xie is not in a hurry to exchange for papermaking.

Printing is different. Using movable type printing instead of manual transcription is far from being comparable in terms of efficiency and quality.

This is an important weapon of the country. I believe that Cai Yong and other great scholars will be excited and excited when they see it. It will play a decisive role in the inheritance of Chinese civilization.

Liu Xie smiled, as if he had seen the thriving education in the land of the three states.

Without hesitation, Liu Xie clicked Exchange, and the fist-sized Dinglan Ye Mingzhu became more and more blurred in the sunlight, and was quickly replaced by printing.

He found that Dinglan Yemingzhu didn't just disappear, but lay quietly in the package of the system.

Liu Xie was overjoyed, and waved his hand to call Dian Wei and Xu Chu in.

"This item is no small matter. You send it to the Military Weapons Supervisor Ma Jun. People who are not absolutely trustworthy cannot see it. For all those who participate, the leader of Zhongkang will monitor him and his family. If there is any abnormality, take it down immediately. "

"As for Lao Dian, you personally lead the troops to protect the weapons supervisor and guard against death. All craftsmen entering and leaving must be recorded. Outsiders are not allowed to enter without my order!"


Dian Wei solemnly took the scroll-shaped thing that Liu Xie handed him, as if he was holding a precious treasure that would break if touched, with full care.

"You tell Ma Jun, the sooner this thing is produced, the greater the credit, even if it is conferred a title, and the official bounty is not a problem!"

The importance of printing is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Although the sudden heavy protection of the military inspector will definitely attract the attention of interested people, as long as they don't know what they are doing, they can only watch nonsense.

"Yao Jin, please go and pass on my order to invite Cai Yong, Qiao Xuan, Kong Rong, Sima Hui, Huang Chengyan, Pang Degong, Kong Rong, and Kong Min to preside over the construction of the academy library in the three states. This matter For the time being, Cai Yong and Xun Yu will be in charge. After the other princes have prepared the teaching books, you will personally send them to the Ordnance Supervisor."

With two prongs, Liu Xie waited for Dian Wei and Xu Chu to leave, and then called Cheng Yaojin in, and asked him to call Xun Yu and the others to build an official unified academy first, which is easy to manage and implement. Timely and effective control and implementation.


This was the first time that Cheng Yaojin saw Liu Xie issuing so many important orders in one breath, naming many people, and accepting orders with great enthusiasm and excitement.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin ran back with a mournful face just after walking a few steps while snapping his fingers.

"Lord, can you say it again? There are too many names for this person, making my head dizzy?"

Liu Xie had a noodle-thick black line on his forehead. Except for the fact that he remembered clearly when he was eating, everything else was a five-step memory.

Liu Xie patiently told him several times, but this guy still couldn't remember.

Liu Xie was so angry and depressed that he could only write down the names of a few people. Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin finally trotted out happily, shaking the mountain.

"It seems like this idiot can't read?"

As soon as Liu Xie breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly thought of something terrible.

Cheng Yaojin was indeed illiterate, and he also knew about this when he left the palace to see who to look for first.

Fortunately, he happened to meet Xun Yu, one of the parties involved, and with his guidance, Cheng Yaojin successfully completed the task assigned by Liu Xie.

Now that Dian Wei and Xu Chu both had important matters to attend to, the only bodyguard left by Liu Xie was Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin has a lot of dreams, he finally got the chance to be favored by Liu Xie, he dare not be sloppy, he must do his errands well and wait for the opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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