Chapter 374 Liu Bei joins
Fortunately, after Yuwen Chengdu led troops out of the enemy formation, Qin Qiong and Chen Dao immediately led troops to support them, and Luo Cheng hid in the large formation, and had no intention of continuing to trap and kill.

These officers and men of the Yuan Army were poorly trained, stupid and weak, and they were already a bit reluctant to operate the formation. Now if they moved the large formation to attack, it would only cause the formation to collapse.

Luo Cheng understands this point better than anyone else.

After Qin Qiong accepted Yuwen Chengdu, he couldn't help looking into the big formation for a long time, but it was a pity that Luo Cheng hid in the formation to repair the formation, Qin Qiong couldn't see it, and could only return disappointed.

"The last general is reckless and loses his troops. Please punish the general and military adviser."

Yu Wencheng was covered in thick dried blood. When he saw Chen Qingzhi and Zhuge Liang, he immediately dismounted and apologized.

"General, please get up quickly. To break through this formation in the future, maybe it all depends on the general's probing skills today!"

Chen Qingzhi helped him up, and Zhuge Liang comforted him as if he had gained something.

They all knew and fortunately it was Yuwen Chengdu who went to the battle, if it was another person, I am afraid that they would all be included in it.

Zhuge Liang had seen it clearly here just now, and he knew the power of Luo Cheng's strange formation, and finally remembered what kind of formation Luo Cheng's formation was.

After the generals had set up camp, Zhuge Liang stood up and slowly said to a few people inside the tent: "As Liang expected, this formation is called a long snake formation. It is the first of the ten formations and the most important. The viciousness is derived from the snake's habits."

"Snakes have the habit of stretching during the day and nocturnal, that is, stretching during the day, and only curling up at night. When fighting, it is like a strange python shaking its head, a golden dragon wagging its tail, and winding around like a snake. Ever-changing, unpredictable in and out, ever-victorious.”

"This formation is flexible and changeable. It can be divided into snake heads, which need to be guarded by generals who are good at fighting; snake bodies, which need to be guarded by alert generals; and snake tails, which need to be guarded by careful generals. When the formation changes, the head and tail support each other, using both true and false, which is very powerful. .”

Seeing that all the generals looked solemn after hearing this, Chen Qingzhi couldn't help being encouraged: "You don't have to worry so much, Yuan Shu's soldiers and horses are weak, and it is difficult to exert half of their combat power with such a formation, and Luo Cheng is the only one in the enemy army. General, if the formation is incomplete, its power will be three points weaker. In this way, as long as there is a way to break the formation, defeating the enemy and winning must be a matter of hand."

Zhuge Liang nodded with a smile and said: "What the general said is true, the difficulty of this formation lies in hitting the snake's head, and the tail moves, and death is entangled; when attacking the snake's body, the head moves, and the mouth bites blood; Finally, roll and strangle. It is not difficult to break this formation, you only need to restrict the cavalry on its two wings so that its head and tail cannot look at each other. In other words, it is to grab its head, pinch its tail, and behead it waist!"

All the generals were dizzy when they heard this, but only Chen Qingzhi understood clearly, his eyes lit up, and he said: "Fortunately, there are formations like military divisions here, otherwise, if we want to break this formation, I don't know where we got it from!"

The implication of Chen Qingzhi's words is that he already has a plan to break the formation.

The generals were overjoyed when they heard this. They finally had some idea of ​​this strange formation and figured out how to restrain it.

At that moment, several people hugged together, Chen Qingzhi opened his mouth slowly, and slowly spoke out the method of breaking the formation.

"The general's use of changes in the art of war really makes Liang feel ashamed."

After Zhuge Liang listened, he admired Chen Qingzhi very much, and finally knew why Liu Xie valued Chen Qingzhi so much.

"It's just that this method of breaking the formation still needs to be practiced by the army for a while, and I don't know what is going on with Yang Xuangan and Lu Su."

The three of them agreed that the one who defeats the enemy first will have the priority distribution right to Runan.

Although they now have a strategy to break the formation, they still need to make some preparations. It will still be difficult to break the formation and move forward in a short time.

"This is the number of days, so it may not be bad."

Zhuge Liang was still very calm, shook his feather fan, and said confidently and calmly.

At the same time, Yang Xuangan also led his troops to Xinyang, and fought with Jiang Song.

Outside Xinyang City, in front of the formation of the two armies, soldiers will face each other.

Jiang Song and Yang Xuangan played against each other for hundreds of rounds. They fought in the dark, flying sand and rocks, and it was always hard to tell the winner. In the end, they fought fiercely until it was dark. The two sides had to stop fighting and fell into a stalemate.

At this time, Lu Su, who led the Jiangdong Army to attack Ruyin, was on the contrary, winning several games in a row.

Ji Ling and Lan Yu had long had a shadow on Jiangdong's army, so even though they were cautious, they were tricked out of the city by Lu Su. They were ambushed for a while and returned in defeat. They could only hold on to the city and survive.

But at this time, no one thought that Liu Bei, who had been standing still, would suddenly go north and directly order the army to attack Runan.

Liu Bei has been lurking and planning for a long time. This time, he adopted the strategy of the new military adviser Zhang Juzheng, and let Qin Hui and Hou Junji, two internal thieves who secretly colluded with Liu Biao, lead the troops northward to attack Runan.

Apart from anything else, Hou Junji and Qin Hui do still have some abilities. What's more, Yuan Shu's main forces are now concentrated on the western front to defend the three armies of the princes. Therefore, they made very smooth progress and defeated the enemy along the way.

Now beside Yuan Shu, there is only one general worth mentioning, Zhang Xun.

Zhang Xun is a mediocre person who can neither achieve high nor achieve low. In terms of martial prowess, he cannot compare with Ji Ling Lanyu, and he can only be regarded as second-rate in commanding troops in battle.

But Hou Junji's offensive was very urgent, and he planned to attack the gate of Runan City in one day.

Yuan Shu had no choice but to send Zhang Xun to lead the army to fight.

The two sides fought in Yichun. They originally thought it would be a one-sided situation, but the result turned out to be completely unexpected.

Hou Junji and Qin Hui rushed forward because they underestimated the enemy, they were ambushed, and returned with lost soldiers and generals.

Their defeat was very strange, which aroused Yuan Shu's great joy, but at the same time, it also aroused Liu Bei's murderous intent in Jingzhou.

Liu Bei didn't know that with the abilities of Hou Junji and Qin Hui, attacking Zhang Xun was not easy.

Now he was defeated as soon as they fought. It was obvious that the two of them deliberately wanted to consume the strength of his army and kill time at the same time, waiting for the other three princes to catch up and carve up Runan together.

"My lord, don't be angry. Right now we have occupied the three counties in the north of Jingzhou. We have a strong army and abundant food and money. We can already survive without relying on Liu Biao. Since Hou Junji and Qin Hui are ignorant of current affairs, now Even if he committed such a heinous crime, it would be better to proceed according to the plan, bring the two of them back into custody, interrogate them, and deter Liu Biao in Jingzhou."

It was Zhang Juzheng, Liu Bei's confidant who spoke, and Liu Bei couldn't help but feel relieved after hearing what he said.

He has always been jealous of Qin Hui and Hou Junji's collusion with Liu Biao to trick him to Xiangyang. If Zhuge Liang hadn't helped him back then, he might still be trapped in Xiangyang City now.

Speaking of Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei sighed again.

This strategist, who was even more powerful and good at military affairs than Zhang Juzheng, thought that after we left him, he would come back and seek refuge with him. However, he never thought that he would go to Yanzhou as a farewell officer and never return, which made Liu Bei feel very sad. Pity.

"According to what the military advisor said, I am afraid that the two rebels Hou Junji and Qin Hui will not be easily captured, and the army also needs someone to lead it. In this way, third brother, you and Yuan Qing go to Yichun secretly. These two people If anyone dares to resist, he will be killed immediately without mercy."


Next to him, Zhang Fei with a leopard head and ring eyes, a swallow jaw and a tiger beard, and a young general with a fair face came out, and immediately took the order to go.

 The ancient ten formations refer to: the one-character long snake formation, the two dragons emerging from the water formation, the heaven and earth three-talent formation, the four-door pocket bottom formation, the five tigers and sheep formation, the six ding and six armor formations, the seven-star Big Dipper formation, the eight-door golden lock formation, and the nine-character chain formation. , Ambush on all sides!

(End of this chapter)

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