Chapter 49
Zhao Chong's army was terrified and had lost their fighting spirit for a long time. After hearing Liu Xie's call to surrender, if they were released again, they all consciously put down their weapons and surrendered.Liu Xie couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he saw it. After all, these were three thousand well-trained soldiers. Even if he had Dian Wei and Xu Chu, two peerless generals, on his side, if they really fought, I'm afraid his remaining Not many of the five hundred soldiers could survive.

Liu Xie asked Dianwei to take the soldiers to arrest these surrendered soldiers, and he led them into the city to stabilize the overall situation.Song Lian soon began to get busy again. The battle lasted for a long time and suffered heavy losses. The two sides could not say who would win and who would lose.Now that Yongqiu has insufficient troops, Song Lian mobilized the people to help treat the wounded soldiers, collect the corpses of the dead soldiers, and repair the city gates and walls... Pei Yuanshao was also carried back to the city by Liu Xie's order. Liu Xie called the military doctor to make a diagnosis and treatment. He was relieved only after he was exhausted, and told him to rest more and recover his body as soon as possible before leaving.

When Liu Xie came to the city wall, what he saw from a wide perspective was an even more tragic battlefield. The soil had been soaked in blood, broken halberds and broken armor, and broken arrows and broken flags could be seen everywhere. The bloody smell still made the hungry jackdaws circle around in groups.

"It's a pity that so many soldiers, so many good men, and Zhang Teng have all died in the battle." Liu Xie's face was expressionless, but his tone was colder than the weather.

"Go back!" Liu Xie didn't stay long, the current him is no longer the one who would be pessimistic and negative at the slightest setback.There is nothing that makes people grow up like death. After escaping from death, he has the clearest understanding of the rules of survival in this world.

Back at the mansion, civil and military personnel gathered together to wait for him.Liu Xie invited them all to sit down, ordered someone to make hot ginger tea, and poured it on them all, and then he said slowly: "This battle was the hardest, most tragic and tragic one since Gu escaped from Luoyang. , Three thousand soldiers and horses fought back and forth until the end was less than five hundred. Unfortunately, Zhang Teng, the general who defended the city, died in battle, and the loss of the rest of the money, food and materials was countless. A commoner even captured the enemy general alive. He captured [-] prisoners, including more than [-] horses. Although this battle was a tragic victory, the difference in military strength is so great that winning is a great victory! Wine, toast everyone!"

After Liu Xie finished speaking, he raised his glass and drank it down.When everyone saw it, they raised their glasses and drank to the brim, but no one had the slightest bit of joy.Victory is always a miserable victory.

"Lao Dian, there are no generals in the army right now, and you will be in charge of Yongqiu's defense for the time being. You should also pay more attention to the side where the soldiers are surrendered, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble." Liu Xie stroked his thoughts and said slowly.

"Duke Song, Yongqiu has experienced repeated wars, the comfort of the people, the reconstruction and repair of the city gates and walls, and the compensation for the soldiers who died in battle. You need to do it yourself, and you must not let the hearts of the soldiers be sloppy."

"This battle is thanks to Cai Shi who stood up and defended against the enemy with his sword, and fortunately the two heroes of Xujiabao helped. Gu is really grateful, and everyone will be rewarded for their contribution."

Dian Wei had already told Liu Xie about the situation of Xu Chu and his third uncle. Liu Xie was of course willing to provide fertile land and food for the people of Xu Jiabao after learning about it. However, time was running out now and the specific matters would have to be discussed later.However, Cai Yong surprised Liu Xie. No matter it was the historical records of later generations or his personal contact and observation in time, he did not find that Cai Yong was such a master of swordsmanship.This made him think of another super swordsman who was also famous in history for his literary name, but also had invincible swordsmanship, that is the great poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty.Li Bai once wrote in "Xia Ke Xing": To kill a person in ten steps, you will not stay behind for a thousand miles.Flick off your clothes when it's over, and hide your merit and fame deeply.This is not just poetry, but something that really happened to Li Bai.According to legend, Li Bai was so skilled in martial arts that he could be ranked the second swordsman in the Tang Dynasty.Liu Xie never imagined that he would be able to meet Cai Yong, a hidden master of swordsmanship, if he traveled through time now. He also didn't know if there would be a chance to summon Li Bai in the future.

"According to what His Royal Highness said, General Su and Military Division Yu led troops to attack Chen Liu. I'm afraid they have already arrived at Chen Liu, but they don't know what the situation is. However, Chen Liu must have never expected that His Highness would bring back only a thousand soldiers. Aiding Yongqiu, instead let the large army take advantage of the situation to attack the empty Chenliu, within three days, we must report back." After hearing Liu Xie, Song Lian told everyone the ins and outs of why he brought only a thousand troops back to aid Yongqiu. Afterwards, they were all deeply shocked. They didn't expect Liu Xie to have such courage. Not only did he have outstanding soldiers, he even dared to bring 1000 people back to guard Yongqiu with them. They really admired and admired him.

"Naturally, Dingfang can rest assured. I'm afraid they never thought that we would keep Yongqiu down, capture Zhao Chong alive, and capture [-] enemy troops alive. By the way, where is Zhao Chong now? Bring him up to Gu!" Liu Xie said at the end, thinking of how many children were lost because of Zhao Chong and Yongqiu, he couldn't help being a little more angry.

Hearing Liu Xie's words, Dian Wei immediately ordered his subordinates to push Zhao Chong in with a bundle of flowers.Zhao Chong now has a bruised nose, a swollen face, and disheveled hair. In such a cold weather, he only wears a dirty prison uniform. How can he still have the glory of a general in the army? .Seeing Dian Wei rubbing his head, Liu Xie smiled at himself in embarrassment, not knowing what happened.

Zhao Chong was shivering from the cold, and when he saw Liu Xie knelt down, he cried bitterly: "Your Highness, the villain has no eyes, and it's all because he was threatened by Zhang Miao, a rebellious minister, that he lost his mind and turned against His Highness. Your Highness, please forgive me." Well, the villain knows everything about Chen Liu like the palm of his hand, the villain is very useful!"

Seeing this, Liu Xie couldn't help but sneered and said, "Now you know how to beg for mercy? Zhao Sima, who was the one who ordered the cavalry to capture Gu alive? Zhao Sima, you might as well help Just remember it!"

"This..." Zhao Chong is also an old fritter who has been in the officialdom for decades. Knowing that Liu Xie doesn't want to let him go at all, he couldn't help but give up the last bit of luck in his heart, and cursed: "Liu Xie, you are just A down-and-out prince, dare to insult this general like this. Once the prefect finds out that you have imprisoned this general without authorization, he will definitely send an army to wipe you out!"

"Suppress Yu Gu?" Liu Xie looked at Zhao Chong with an idiot's eyes after hearing this, and said, "Zhang Miao is in danger now, and you still want him to send an army to save you? You don't even think about it. Can you still send an army?"

When Zhao Chong heard this, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. "You, you actually sent troops to attack Chen Liu, you really have the guts!"

Liu Xie waved his hand and ordered Zhao Chong to be taken down. He did not want to talk nonsense with him anymore. Liu Xie wanted to wait until the day when Chen Liu broke the city, and then let Zhao Chong know that if he angered Liu Xie, there would be consequences. how terrible.

 Today's second update, I am asking for a wave of book reviews and recommendation tickets. I hope that the big guys who have recommendation tickets in their hands can support it!

(End of this chapter)

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