Chapter 65 Daughter Xiangcheng
"Jiang'er really deserves to be a small expert in business, and his mind is full of business knowledge. Such a fine wine is even better than the tribute wine collected in the palace. It is smooth and smooth in the mouth when you sip it lightly, and it is spicy and vigorous after a long drink. The fragrance between the teeth will leave an endless aftertaste. Whether it is Xiaojiabiyu or Heroic Reckless, people of all ages, women and children can taste and drink it. It is really much higher than the liquors in the market. And as you have seen, the production process is not complicated and difficult, but the cost is relatively high. A little higher. But the extra cost is nothing compared to the huge benefits it can bring." Liu Xie took another sip and said intoxicatedly.

"Jiang'er, you also know that I am busy with political affairs, and this business needs more care from your Zhen family. I plan to mass-produce this wine and bring it to the market, with your Zhen family acting as the agent and fully responsible for it. As for the profits, Wu Wu Divide it up."

"What, you want to hand over this wine to our Zhen family as an agent? Enemy, do you know how much profit this wine will bring once it is officially produced? Although due to the war, fewer and fewer people have the ability to drink. But your wine is originally positioned as a high-end service. With its rich aroma and unique taste, everyone from kings, nobles, nobles, to wealthy families, merchants and landlords will definitely buy it like crazy at any cost after tasting it. This The benefits are so great that even our Zhen family dare not ignore them. Are you really sure that you want to give the agency rights to this wine to our Zhen family?" Zhen Jiang looked at Liu Xie in shock, although Liu Xie had just started to speak. She had already made a guess at that time, but now that she really heard him say it, Zhen Jiang still couldn't believe it.

"That's right, when you signed the covenant with me, your Zhen family has always supported Gu without complaint or regret. Whether it's money, food, population or weapons and equipment, you have never falsified and deceived. I, Liu Xie, naturally don't know how to repay you. Dear man, no matter how beneficial this wine is, how can it compare to your position in my heart? Now that I am poor and poor, I just use this wine as a gift for marriage proposal. Tell me, will our second brother Promise to marry you to me?" Liu Xie said shamelessly.

In fact, Liu Xie also knew that there were great benefits in this, but as he said, he had always wanted to find an opportunity to help the Zhen family, but now it just happened to be the case.Besides, he was just providing an idea. Liu Xie didn’t have the original drinks, sales channels, business contacts, etc. that were actually involved.The Zhen family has the most complete and advanced production and sales methods in the world. Only by handing it over to them can the wine be used to its full potential.At the same time, he also wanted to take the opportunity to tell everyone in the world that as long as he helped Liu Xie, he would repay him generously and never treat him badly at all!

"It's not serious." Zhen Jiang's face was flushed red by him, and she looked a little more charming. "I'm also a member of the Zhen family. Of course, I hope that our Zhen family can distribute this wine as an agent. It's just that it's too unfair for you to share [-]% to [-]%. Our Zhen family gets [-]% and yours [-]%."

"This is not very good. You also know that Gu just got this boiler, and even the money for building it was paid by Forbe. Gu doesn't mind empty-handed white wolves, but he can't even use his own people." Liu Xie was a little bit I wonder, Zhen Jiang should understand this truth.

"Fool, how did you know that the real value in the mall is not the goods themselves, but the unique idea of ​​producing high-quality goods. The price of this kind of monopoly goods is not up to us. Besides, with this fine wine The fame of the Zhen family will definitely drive the further development of our Zhen family's other industries. To be honest, our Zhen family has made a lot of money." Zhen Jiang patiently explained to Liu Xie.

Liu Xie suddenly realized that no matter in which era, knowledge and technology are the most valuable part, just like the wine in Zhenjia Winery, if he hadn't tried to improve it, it would be no different from what other people sell.Everyone has the same thing, why do you sell it at a good price?
"Besides, you are now raising a group of people. It is time to build a foundation. The expenses are huge. If you have more income here, the pressure on our Zhen family will naturally be less." Zhen Jiang was afraid that Liu Xie would not agree. , and continued speaking in another way.

"That's right, Your Highness, the old man has been brewing and running the winery for decades, and he has never seen such a rich and textured wine. This is all thanks to His Highness, and it is not too much for His Highness to take [-]%." Uncle Fu stood aside, A gratified smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, it's the first time I've seen free money and some people don't want it. But this distillation and purification method is a commercial secret, you must keep it secret, understand?" Liu Xie muttered and said seriously.

Uncle Fu and the others nodded seriously when they heard this. They would have paid attention to this without Liu Xie reminding them.

"Your Highness, how can such fine wine not have a name? Since it was invented by His Highness, why doesn't His Highness give it a name?" Uncle Fu patted his head and said.

"Well, it's possible." Liu Xie paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, secretly thinking about what kind of name he should choose.How about a Niulanshan Erguotou?Liu Xie thought about it and forgot it. If he really said it, he would be laughed to death by Zhen Jiang.This is not good, so what kind of name should I think of to be worthy of this wine?

"How's the fragrance of your daughter?" Liu Xie said proudly as she looked at the charming Zhen Jiang.

"Bah!" Zhen Jiang didn't know what this villain was thinking.

"Okay, okay! Your Highness is indeed talented!" Uncle Fu was the first to agree.This little old man has a good eye for seizing opportunities, but his ability to flatter others needs to be improved.

"Dianwei! Have you forgotten my order?" Just as everyone was chatting, Liu Xie suddenly shouted sharply, which shocked everyone.

It turned out that while everyone was talking about it, Dian Wei quietly hid behind and drank up the half altar of daughter incense, which happened to be seen by Liu Xie.

Liu Xie was so angry that he repeatedly ordered Dianwei not to drink without authorization when he was in office. These days Dianwei did not let him down, and he has been doing very well.Who knew that Daughter Xiang had aroused her addiction to alcohol, and she was out of control, forgetting Liu Xie's ban and drank happily.

"Your Highness, I, Lao Dian, couldn't hold it back. It's just because the wine tasted so good." Seeing Liu Xie's rare anger, Dian Wei immediately panicked and hurriedly bent down to apologize.

"Humph!" Liu Xie also knew how tempting Nerxiang was to someone like Dian Wei who was used to drinking ordinary wine, so the anger in his heart was half gone, but he didn't want to let Dian Wei go just like that, he had to make him suffer. Just remember the lesson, otherwise you will lose your life because of greed in the future, and you won’t even have room to regret it.

"This time you will be punished with three months' salary, and you will not be allowed to drink a drop of alcohol if you do not speak alone within three months. If you commit another crime in the future, you will be able to drink a lifetime of water! As for now, you go and drink two jars full of daughter incense. Seal it well, take it back and give it to Father Bin and the others to taste."

"Here." Dian Wei couldn't express his grievances. He was not afraid of not having a salary, but what he was afraid of was that he would have no alcohol for three months.And now he still wants to bring his daughter incense to Yu Yunwen and the others. According to his understanding of his highness, he will definitely stand by and watch them drink and suffer a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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