Chapter 15
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However, Lin Fan is not interested in ordinary fish schools at all. What he wants to catch are valuable and rare fish. Only in this way can he make the most money and accumulate more original capital as soon as possible.

Of course, there are also those treasures on the bottom of the sea, which are also Lin Fan's goals, because these treasures are of great value, far exceeding the harvest of fishing boats, and they are the greatest shortcut to gain wealth.

Lin Fan has already ordered three aircraft. If there are any treasures on the seabed, take the best ones away first, and leave some ordinary treasures for the crew and brothers, so as to give everyone some opportunities to make a fortune.

The Golden Pearl traveled at a constant speed for a day, and it had left the coast for 500 kilometers, which was equivalent to the distance of the previous two days.However, this is still in the offshore area, which belongs to the edge of the continental shelf, and this time Lin Fan's goal is to go deeper than those offshore fishing boats can reach.

In the evening, the Golden Pearl was steered by an engineer soldier to move forward, while others rested after chatting on the deck for a while.Because there are fishing boats visiting this sea area almost every day after the fishing moratorium ends, so there will be no treasures on the bottom of the sea. Everyone has no desire for sea fishing and diving, and can only rest.

"An An, do you want to increase the authority of the captain, is there any quick way?" Lin Fan sat on the bed in his room and asked Lin An'er. The generous appearance and the exquisite curves on the body can arouse the infinite reverie of men.

"Of course I have." An An's red lips parted slightly, her voice was round and crisp, which made her feel pitiful.

"Really, then tell me quickly, what should I do?" Lin Fan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately lifted his spirits.

These days, he often faces An An, and he has become somewhat immune to his infinite charm.Of course, the most important thing is that An An is just a phantom, no matter what he wants to do, it is impossible, so he learned to ignore her temptation.

If Lin Yier was by Lin Fan's side and tempted him like this, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to maintain self-control.And that's why he sent Lin Yi'er out to lead those flying machines, but didn't stay with him. After all, he was somewhat repulsive about having sex with an intelligent mimic like Lin Yi'er.

"Practice genetic energy, improve physical fitness, and improve spiritual strength, especially the stronger your spiritual strength, the closer the connection with the Alyasai will be, and the greater the captain's authority will be."

"What is genetic energy? Why haven't I heard you mention that you can improve the captain's authority through this method?"

"I didn't tell you before because you have just been strengthened, your physical fitness and mental strength have been greatly improved, and you have not fully adapted and coordinated with each other. After this period of running-in, the relationship between your body and spirit The time has been coordinated, so the genetic energy can be practiced.

Gene energy, as the name suggests, is a kind of primitive energy stored in genes, and it can also be called cosmic energy. It is the most primitive energy form in the universe, and it is also the most advanced energy form.

Practicing genetic energy is the current evolutionary path common to all cosmic empires. Although different exercises may produce different levels of genetic energy, as long as it is genetic energy, it is powerful.

For example, the primitive planet Earth, if there is a fifth-order powerhouse who cultivates genetic energy, he can blow it up in an instant and turn the entire planet into fly ash. "

"What? Can you be so powerful after practicing the gene element? What does it mean to be a fifth-level strong? Yiyi seems to be a sixth-level one. Is she that powerful?" Lin Fan was surprised.

"After practicing the genetic energy, the strength will be divided by level. The fifth-level powerhouse is the strongest level of the fifth-level cosmic empire. They can fly in the universe with their bodies and can refine the energy of suns. They are very powerful.

At the same time, the war tools and weapons manufactured by the various cosmic empires are also divided into levels. The power of each level of war tools and weapons is as powerful and terrifying as that of practitioners of the same level.

Now there are still ten guards left on the Alias, and ten of the leaders are sixth-level intelligent mimics, all of which are war tools purchased at a huge price from the sixth-level empire.

In addition, the other guards in the escort team are all fighters at the peak of the fifth rank, and they are elite war tools made by the empire.And those armed fighters and engineering fighters were all Tier [-] war tools, and they were the most common force in the empire at that time.

It's just that the Alias ​​has been asleep for so many years, and all the tools of war have lost a lot of energy. Now their strength has not reached the peak state.

For example, Yiyi and their ten leaders still have the strength of the peak of the third level; the other guards still have the strength of the second level, and the armed soldiers and engineering soldiers only have the strength of the first level.

However, even if there is only one level of strength, everyone's ability must exceed the strongest soldier king on this planet, especially their comprehensive ability, the ability to use various weapons, equipment, and tools, and they are the soldiers of this planet. incomparable.

Of course, if they can get more cosmic energy in the future, they can still recover to the peak state, but I don’t know how many years it will take to reach it, because at least you can go out of the earth and enter the interstellar space. Chances are they'll find cosmic energy. "An An's words made Lin Fan both shocked and excited, and aroused his longing for the future and determination to fight.

"No matter what, I will work hard to practice, and I will definitely get out of the earth as soon as possible and lead you back to the universe empire. An An, can you tell me how to practice gene energy?" Lin Fan's eyes lit up, very excited He waved his hand resolutely, not intimidated by difficulties.

"Okay, I will pass on to you a formula for practicing genetic energy. At present, only the first-level basic skills can be practiced. The rest will not be available until you unlock more captain permissions. I hope you can grow quickly."

Lin An'er changed her lazy style, her body turned into a ray of light and shot towards Lin Fan, and disappeared in his head in an instant.Afterwards, Lin Fan felt a trance in his mind, and a huge amount of information suddenly appeared in his mind, but it was a training method called "Da Yan Yuan Dian".

"Lin Fan, above the sea is the boundless starry sky, which gathers and disperses huge amounts of pure cosmic energy. You just use the time in the sea to start training and lay a good foundation. I will protect you by the side. Let others disturb you, so you can practice with peace of mind." Lin An'er's voice sounded, and at this time Lin Fan had already limited his understanding of "Da Yan Yuan Dian".

Lin An'er said to Lin Fan, while looking at Lin Fan intently from the side, her face was full of anticipation, and she secretly said in her heart: "Lin Fan, this is a Chaos-level skill handed down from the ninth-level empire. If the remnants of the Dharma can be cultivated successfully, then there is hope for us to rebuild the Aliasai Empire, and it will also be a great fortune for you, everything depends on your luck."

Naturally, Lin Fan doesn't know this, he has been completely immersed in the training, and all the training methods of "Da Yan Yuan Dian" are in his mind, and his body is gradually changing posture, forming a five-hearted attitude. Posture, gradually forget me.

In this state of ecstasy in the unity of man and nature, Lin Fan suddenly felt a mysterious energy existing in the universe, like chaos, nothing but transforming into all things, endless cycle.

He was operating according to the mental method of "Da Yan Yuan Dian", and led the mysterious energy to his body. Suddenly, a trace of the mysterious energy swam out and instantly merged into Lin Fan's body, causing his body to tremble. .


Lin Fan let out a scream, and when that trace of mysterious energy merged into his body, he felt severe pain as if his body was going to melt, and he couldn't help crying out.

However, Lin An'er's phantom waved his hand suddenly, and the whole room was enveloped by a layer of streamer. Lin Fan's scream did not spread out, even the other people living around him could not hear it.

Lin Fan's screams lasted for about half an hour. During this process, traces of mysterious energy continuously merged into his body. Black blood continued to ooze from the surface of his skin, and even his bones continued to break. The sound of growth.


Suddenly, a mysterious vicissitudes, ancient and noble atmosphere appeared around Lin Fan's body, and then a purple-golden light enveloped Lin Fan, forming a mysterious purple-gold mark on his brow.

This purple-gold seal has complicated lines, like a purple-gold vertical eye, composed of countless layers of lines, and those lines seem to be some unknown characters, full of mystery.

When this imprint appeared between Lin Fan's eyebrows, the entire universe shook, but ordinary people couldn't detect this kind of vibration, even practitioners below the ninth level didn't notice it, because this kind of vibration is the origin of the chaos of the universe The vibrations represent that someone has successfully cultivated the original energy of the chaos of the universe, and has the potential to become a powerful person above the ninth level of the universe.

At this time, in the universe that is unknown how far away from the earth, a strange galaxy grows in the universe like a huge world tree. This world tree does not know how tall it is, but on every leaf of it, Each has a planet and a world.

And at the top of this unknown world tree, there is a swirling nebula, almost the size of the entire Milky Way.There is an ancient palace in the very center of the nebula, which is the holy place of the Ninth Order Empire Sacred Tree Dynasty.

At the moment when the primordial chaos of the universe vibrated, the statue at the highest place in the hall of the Holy Land suddenly opened its eyes, and its eyes swept across the entire Sacred Tree Dynasty like a black hole, and then murmured: "How much?" It’s an era, and someone has cultivated the origin of the chaos of the universe, so I’m not alone.”

Immediately there came a decree from the hall: "Holy Lord's decree, I will try my best to find a special practitioner who can absorb other people's genetic energy, regardless of any attribute or level of genetic energy, can be digested and absorbed by him, After you find it, send this person to the Holy Land.” (A great event for falling pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), Participate now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow the qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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