master of the deep

Chapter 162 Application of Virtual Technology

Chapter 162 Application of Virtual Technology
While the aircraft carrier commander was chatting with his subordinates, the aircraft carrier battle group had crossed the two hundred miles off Okinawa and entered the high seas, and all their movements were displayed on the big screen in front of Lin Fan.

"Start to move, control this aircraft carrier battle group, and let them attack the United Nations troops entering the Pacific Ocean." Lin Fan smiled and directed to An An who was beside him.

In the sky above this aircraft carrier battle group, where they could not see with the naked eye, there were several aircraft parked. Their stealth effect was not even detected by the aircraft carrier battle group's radar and various detection equipment.

After receiving the order from An'an, these aircraft immediately launched a jamming signal, which instantly cut off the communication system between the aircraft carrier battle group and the outside world, and at the same time interfered with their detection system, causing them to temporarily lose control.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"No, we have lost contact with the outside world?"

"There is also a problem with our control system and detection system, which is being quickly eliminated."

"All on alert to prevent possible enemies."

For a moment, the entire aircraft carrier battle group became a little chaotic. The commander shouted loudly and ordered the technicians to quickly troubleshoot the problem and restore the aircraft carrier's control system and communication system.

After a while, the control system of the aircraft carrier was restored, but the communication system was only intermittent, the signal was not very good, and only some signal fragments could be received occasionally.However, they determined their direction and moved forward at a predetermined speed. They believed that as long as they joined the UN forces, they would not have to worry about anything.

"Captain, you have already controlled this aircraft carrier battle group and let them head towards the front of the UN troops." At this time, An An was reporting to Lin Fan.

"Oh, did they notice it?" Lin Fan asked with interest.

"We use advanced virtual reality technology, and they will always think that they are heading towards the deep sea island, so they will never find that the direction has changed."

"That's good. Those United Nations vanguard troops have already entered the Pacific Ocean. What is their military composition?" Lin Fan asked, pointing to the dark warships in another picture.

"This leading force is composed of three aircraft carrier battle groups, and there are hundreds of warships and submarines, all of which are composed of countries other than M country, while the other two aircraft carrier battle groups sent by M country are behind. in the army."

"Very good, can you also control this vanguard and let them go back to have a wonderful naval battle with the army behind?" Lin Fan asked with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem. The virtual reality technology we have mastered is widely used in high-level cosmic civilizations, but for primitive civilization planets like the earth, they should not know its power at all.

Using virtual reality technology, we can completely virtualize the scene exactly the same as reality in the opponent's monitoring equipment, and even virtualize their imaginary opponents, allowing them to completely fight with virtual enemies.

I heard that in some seventh- and eighth-level cosmic empires, there are some powerful characters who have used virtual reality technology in their practice, and even achieved the means of creating creations in the void, and can create some resemblances out of thin air. The characters come out, that is the real incredible. "

"In this case, when the aircraft carrier battle group of Country M merges with the United Nations' leading troops, control them, let them fight the troops behind, and destroy them all outside the Pacific Ocean." Lin Fan nodded. explain.

At this moment, the forward of the United Nations forces had already entered the Pacific Ocean. At the beginning, they were a little worried, because the Shenhai Group had announced in a high-profile manner that these sea areas belonged to their Deep Sea Group, and warships and planes from other countries were strictly prohibited from entering.

But after a while, there was no change in the surroundings, which made them feel relieved gradually, and through the monitoring equipment, they did not find any warships or submarines within hundreds of nautical miles around, not even reconnaissance aircraft, let alone nothing. I'm worried.

"Haha, this Deep Sea Group is just talking big. When they saw our United Nations army coming, they didn't even dare to show their faces."

"That's right, I thought they had some powerful alien technological weapons, but now it seems that they are all bragging."

"We have so many troops. Even if one person blows a breath, he can blow the people of the Deep Sea Group to the horizon. Is it strange that they don't hide?"

"We hope they can get some alien technological weapons to see. We haven't seen what alien weapons look like, so it would be good for us to gain a better understanding."

"I think, we don't need to fight there at all. As long as these aircraft carrier battle groups are driven over like this, the people in the Deep Sea Group will be scared to death."

"They might as well hand over the alien technology obediently. Now that we have mobilized many people, even if they are willing to hand over the alien technology, I am afraid life will not be easy."

"Actually, it's okay if we don't have to fight. Let's just treat it as a free trip to China. The scenery of the Pacific Ocean is quite good."

"Hey, brothers, do you want to go fishing, maybe you can catch a big fish?"

Just as the soldiers from these countries were discussing, they quickly headed towards the interior of the Pacific Ocean, and about an hour later, they encountered the aircraft carrier battle group of the M country's military base in Okinawa.

It's just that when they converged, the aircraft carrier battle groups suddenly experienced signal disorder and even control failure. Fortunately, the situation was quickly ruled out and everything returned to normal.

This time, an aircraft carrier battle group has been added, especially the most advanced aircraft carrier battle group of country M. Soldiers from other countries are even more relieved. After all, more people mean greater strength.

"Captain, the opponent's aircraft carrier battle group has converged, and we have successfully controlled them. Now they have changed their direction and are heading out of the Pacific Ocean."

"Well, have the United Nations successor forces also controlled it? Let them start attacking at a distance of about [-] nautical miles, and virtualize the opponent's aircraft carrier and warship into alien technological colors, so that they think that the opposite is our Deep Sea Group What about alien technological weapons?”

"There is no problem with this at all. Otherwise, they would definitely not fight to the death. Captain, just wait and see the good show."

"Hey, do you want to broadcast the scenes of these naval battles to people from all over the world? It should be very interesting to let them know how these United Nations troops kill each other."

However, Lin Fan gave up this idea after thinking about it, because people all over the world know that these United Nations troops are here to deal with the Shenhai Group. If everyone sees them killing each other like this, they may suspect the Shenhai Group, or even There is resistance to the Deep Sea Group.

As long as all these troops killed each other outside the Pacific Ocean in the end, even if some people would suspect that it was caused by the Deep Sea Group, but there is no evidence, people all over the world would not question the Deep Sea Group so much.

About an hour later, just a hundred nautical miles away from the Pacific Ocean, the two troops met. The distance between each other was only forty or fifty nautical miles. All of them are battleships with strong alien technology.

"Attack with the whole army."


Just when the United Nations troops behind were suspicious, the alien fleet on the opposite side had already launched an attack, so that they had no time to think about how these alien fleets bypassed the vanguard in front, and had to immediately fight back.




The first thing they encountered were the fighter planes from both sides. Tens of thousands of fighter planes collided with each other instantly, and dazzling flames erupted in the sky, which were caused by the explosion of some fighter planes.

Next, the bombers from both sides flew quickly towards the other side's fleet, dropping a large number of bombs on the other side's warships and battleships, exploding huge water columns in the sea, or causing smoke to billow from the warships below.

Then the warships and submarines on both sides began to fire a large number of missiles and artillery shells, attacking the enemy planes in the sky while attacking the enemy ships ahead, and some even directly rammed into the opposite enemy ships.

The battle reached a fever pitch from the beginning. Thousands of warships and submarines, plus tens of thousands of fighter planes, turned an area of ​​hundreds of nautical miles into a killing field. Many fighter planes exploded and fell every moment. Every moment a warship or submarine explodes and sinks.

However, neither of the red-eyed parties noticed that a group of sea monsters appeared below the surface of the sea at some point. They were the subordinates that Lin Fan's three pets subdued from the bottom of the deep sea. Those submarines sometimes took a cold breath and sank several warships.

At the same time, in the higher sky, hundreds of aircraft are gathering here, some aircraft are maintaining the illusion scene formed by virtual reality technology, and some aircraft occasionally launch a silent attack towards the bottom.

However, although their attacks were silent, they were all aimed at the dozen or so aircraft carriers, because they carried out infrasonic attacks, which only targeted the people on the aircraft carrier and would not damage the aircraft carrier itself.

When the battle broke out, the aircraft carriers of both sides retreated to the end. The main role was to provide more military support to both sides. The other warships protecting the aircraft carriers rushed forward, so the damage to the aircraft carriers of both sides was not serious.

This is because Lin Fan wanted to capture the opponent's aircraft carriers, not to mention all the dozen or so aircraft carriers, even if he got half of them, it would be a huge shock to all countries in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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