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Chapter 65 Live!

Chapter 65 Live!
A bolt of lightning flashed across the air, flickering the pale faces of the two of them.

There was the sound of stones rolling down above their heads.

"Mu Leng, let's go!!"

Without any hesitation, Cheng Nuo pulled Mu Leng up and rushed out of the cave against the heavy rain.

Bean-like raindrops fell on the two of them densely, causing pain.

The two had just run a certain distance when there was a sound of collapse behind them.Turning his head to look, it turned out that the stone cave they used to shelter from the rain had collapsed and was submerged by a piece of rubble.

If the two left a little later, one can imagine their fate at this time.


Under the erosion of the torrential rain, coupled with the long-term severe wind erosion of the rock and soil, the rock and soil are loose, and the ancient mountain range of Luoshan can no longer be overwhelmed. At this moment, it is crumbling!

Landslides!It's really a landslide!

Mountain peaks broke one after another, and pieces of rubble rolled down.

This scene of landslides and landslides, like the end of the world, caused a huge shock to the hearts of the two who were only high school students.

In the storm, Cheng Nuo and Mu Leng stood insignificantly between the sky and the earth, forgetting to think for a while, letting the crackling rain hit them.

At this moment, Cheng Nuo felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

He used to think that he would be awesome after possessing supernatural powers, but in the face of real natural disasters, he couldn't even change anything.

It's not even easy to protect yourself.


Cheng Nuo bit his tongue, feeling the slightest pain to regain his calm thinking.

Cheng Nuo turned his head and glanced at Mu Leng.His eyes gradually became firm.

To live, I must live!And live with Mu Leng.

bang bang bang ~~
The sound of falling gravel gradually became clearer in Cheng Nuo's ears.

Cheng Nuo looked up.

The distance from the gravel is 50.38 meters, the gravel weighs 358.35 kilograms, the rolling speed is 10.57 m/s, the acceleration is 0.35 meters per square second, the direction is 32.25 degrees to the upper left, and the distance from the gravel is estimated to be... 4.54 in 0 seconds!

Cheng Nuo's face turned pale.

According to calculations, this piece of gravel will hit the two people exactly after 4.54 seconds.

Carrying a strength of nearly seven hundred catties, it was enough to crush two people into meatloaf.

"Mu Leng, be careful!"

Cheng Nuo only had time to shout out, no matter what, he took Mu Leng's hand and ran as far away as he could.


With an exclamation, Mu Leng accidentally tripped over a rock under his feet and fell to the ground.Cheng Nuo was also brought to the ground and fell into the mud.

Fortunately...the two of them have already run out of danger.

After 4.54 seconds, the gravel accurately arrived at the original standing position of the two men, jumped into the air, and rolled down the mountain.

The torrential rain is still falling.The whistling wind made Cheng Nuo feel a little difficult to breathe.

Cheng Nuo quickly stood up to check on Mu Leng's condition.

Mu Leng's clothes were completely wet by the torrential rain, her pale face, her frail body curled up on the rain-filled ground, trembling slightly.

"Mu Leng, are you okay?"

Cheng Nuo asked softly.

no response...

Cheng Nuo frowned tightly, and called again, but Mu Leng still didn't respond.

Cheng Nuo finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly helped Mu Leng up.

"Mu Leng, Mu Leng..."

Mu Leng was in Cheng Nuo's arms, with his eyes closed, his lips turned white, and he kept murmuring something.

"Don't...don't...Cheng Nuo, where are you..."

Mu Leng unconsciously called out softly, and Cheng Nuo felt a pain in his heart, and just clutched Mu Leng's cold little hand.

"I'm here, I'm here..."

Cheng Nuo responded while putting his hand on Mu Leng's forehead.


Body temperature 39.1 degrees, heart rate 53 beats/min...

Cheng Nuo took a look and got the exact data.

Originally, Mu Leng's condition was very bad, and after being drenched in the heavy rain for so long, new diseases and old diseases broke out together, directly knocking Mu Leng down.

Mu Leng's current consciousness has been completely confused by the high fever.

"Medicine, antipyretics..."

Cheng Nuo suddenly remembered something, opened the mountaineering bag, frantically searched inside, and finally found the antipyretics that Jiang Lan put in the bag for Cheng Nuo.

"Come on, open your mouth, take medicine..."

After a lot of work, Cheng Nuo finally fed the medicine into Mu Leng's mouth.

However, Mu Leng's consciousness was still groggy.I don't know what to whisper in my mouth.

The landslide continues...

In Cheng Nuo's sight, the entire Luoshan Mountain was shaking, and pieces of rubble kept falling towards the bottom of the mountain.

The giant stone peak with an altitude of more than 100 meters was once broken, and only the mountain peak with an altitude of 60 meters is left.

Cheng Nuo's current location is 1011.58 meters above sea level!
According to this speed, soon, the mountain under his feet will also collapse.

No, I can't just sit around and wait for death like this!
Cheng Nuo straightened up and secretly made up his mind.

Currently, there is only one way to survive - go down the mountain!
No matter how serious the landslide is this time, it is impossible to cause the entire Luoshan Mountain to collapse.

The direction of the collapse is to gradually spread from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

The higher the altitude, the greater the danger.

Conversely, the lower the altitude, the less dangerous it is.

But under the landslide, there is no absolutely safe place.

The further you go down the mountain, the more gravel you will face falling from the high peaks.

Cheng Nuo was not very worried about this. The existence of supernatural powers allowed him to perfectly avoid the danger of falling gravel.

Just leave as soon as you say, there is no time for Cheng Nuo to hesitate.

Cheng Nuo looked down at Mu Leng who was lying quietly in his arms, and smiled bitterly.

He unzipped the zipper, took off the jacket on his upper body, and put it on Mu Leng.

"Come on, hurry up!"

Cheng Nuo squatted down, wrapped Mu Leng's hands around his neck, put the mountaineering bag on his chest, and stood up slowly.

The dazed consciousness drove Mu Leng to hug Cheng Nuo tightly with both hands, his long eyelashes covered his slightly closed eyes, smashed his mouth, and tilted his head against Cheng Nuo's back.

Between the sky and the earth, in the rainstorm, the soft and weak Mu Leng is like a water lotus, quiet but elegant.

"Cheng Nuo..."

Mu Leng whispered unconsciously.

"Okay, let's go!"

Cheng Nuo looked up at the endless dark void. Wearing a thin shirt, bathed in the rainstorm, he stepped firmly on the stone steps in the mountain.

The wind is howling, and the thunder is roaring.There was a torrential downpour, and Cheng Nuo's figure was a little sad, a little lonely, and a little... tragic!
He didn't know what was waiting for him, and he didn't know if he could walk out of this mountain range today, and if he had a chance to see the morning sun rising from the east tomorrow.

All he knew was that he must survive!Live with Mu Leng.


Everyone, please recommend! ! ! !Let the recommended tickets come to your heart's content!

 Thanks to "Changle 1511" and "Guanjie" for the reward of 500 starting coins each!

  Thanks to "book friend 161028235413754" for the reward of 200 starting coins!Thanks to the book friend "Anyang Guige" for the reward of 100 starting coins!
  Thanks to the above four! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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