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Chapter 80 The Big Bank Robbery

Chapter 80 The Big Bank Robbery

"The following news is broadcast. Yesterday morning at 200 o'clock in the morning, the Qingcheng Bank on Minjiang Branch Road was robbed. Three masked robbers broke into the bank armed with guns, opened five ATM cash machines by violent means, and took away the contents of the bank. More than 100 million yuan in cash! The three robbers were skilled in their actions. When the police arrived, the three robbers had already fled. Since the three robbers were tightly wrapped and wore masks on their heads, no dandruff was left at the scene , fingerprints. Therefore, the identities of the three cannot be determined for the time being. The police are closely pursuing them. It is reported that the more than 3 million yuan in cash stolen by the robbers this time is all new banknotes that have just been shipped, and the serial numbers are all serial numbers. Therefore If any citizens receive banknotes numbered AA3C****** to AA10C******, please report to the police immediately! Those who report will receive a cash reward of [-] yuan!"

"Mom, your Qingcheng Bank was robbed by robbers!!" Cheng Nuo turned his head and said in surprise.

The news was over, and Cheng Nuo finally wondered why his parents had been so depressed.

It turned out that Qingcheng Bank, where my mother worked, was robbed of more than 100 million yuan by several robbers this morning!
No wonder my mother left in a hurry this morning without making breakfast.

He must have rushed to the bank to deal with the robbery.

Seeing that Cheng Nuo already knew, Jiang Lan didn't intend to continue pretending to be confused.She smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, that's right. At the Qingcheng Bank Minjiang Road Branch, three robbers did steal more than 200 million yuan from five ATM machines this morning."

At seven o'clock, the bank has not yet opened for work.

The three robbers got out of a white van, one with a gun, while the other two smashed the glass door of the bank with a hammer.

At that time, there was only one person on duty in the bank and only one young female staff member. When the robbers came in, they naturally turned pale with fright.

Seeing that one of the robbers was actually holding a pistol, he didn't even have the courage to call the police.

Then the three robbers used special means to open all five ATM machines in the bank, and took away more than 200 million yuan in them in broad daylight.

The three packed a whole sack of money, then got into the van and drove away.

Throughout the whole process, the female staff member covered her mouth, not daring to scream.I'm afraid that the three robbers will reward her with a gun if they are upset.

Knowing that she saw the three walking away, the young female staff took out her mobile phone tremblingly and called the police.

At the same time, Jiang Lan, the vice president of Qingcheng Bank, also received the news.

As the vice president in charge of the security department of Qingcheng Bank, Jiang Lan is duty-bound for this bank robbery!

Now they are competing for the key point of the president of Qingcheng Bank.If this matter cannot be resolved perfectly, it will have a great impact on Jiang Lan!

This is unacceptable to Jiang Lan!
Since Cheng Nuo already knew what happened, the husband and wife no longer deliberately avoided Cheng Nuo when they talked.

"Do you have any clues?" Cheng Yuanjin asked following the previous topic.

Jiang Lan shook her head, "Those three robbers were really cautious. At the bank scene, they left no evidence except footprints. They deliberately wrapped their bodies thickly, so it is impossible to judge their reminders and appearance. appearance."

"There was also the taxi brought by the robbers. They deliberately drove him into the blind spot of surveillance, then abandoned the car directly, took off the camouflage, and melted into the rush of people."

"At that time, there was a lot of traffic at that intersection, and it was also a subway entrance. It was basically full of people coming and going to work. It was extremely difficult to investigate. I asked the phone number of the Public Security Bureau just before I went home, and they said, They don't have any clues yet."

The crime methods of the three robbers had obviously been rehearsed many times.Almost no flaws were left.This makes it extremely difficult for the police to investigate the robbers.

Half a day had passed, but still, the police did not find any valuable clues.

Jiang Lan continued, "Actually, we at Qingcheng Bank don't care about the 200 million yuan, but the reputation of Qingcheng Bank!"

Qingcheng Bank has a weak foundation.The headquarters is in Qingcheng, and all branches are also built in Qingcheng.

Originally, Qingcheng was struggling to survive under the cracks of several old national banks, such as CCB and ICBC.

Relying on credibility and reputation, it took more than ten years to forcefully tear off some meat from several giants on the local soil of Qingcheng.

200 million, to be honest, Qingcheng Bank is not short of them.

No matter how weak their strength is, they are still the top snakes in Qingcheng City. 200 million is still worth it.

However, the fact that Qingcheng Bank was robbed itself caused a greater loss to Qingcheng Bank than being robbed of 200 million yuan.

Just imagine once this news is spread.Who would be willing to put their hard-earned money in a bank that might be robbed by robbers.

As long as the robber is not caught for a day, Qingcheng Bank will lose a large number of potential customers every day.

Therefore, catching the robbers has become an urgent matter for Qingcheng Bank.

Especially Jiang Lan, as the branch manager in charge of the security department, she is under the most pressure at this time.

If this matter is not handled well, it will be difficult to say whether the position of branch president can be preserved, let alone the competition for the president.

At least, in front of the media, at least one person must stand up and take responsibility.

"Hey~" Cheng Yuanjin sighed for a long time, "If you really can't do it, you can resign from the position of vice president. Anyway, it's only more than 2 yuan a month, which is not as good as a fraction of my salary."

Qingcheng Bank is a bank mainly funded by the Qingcheng government, so even if Jiang Lan is the vice president of the company, her salary is not much.

But Cheng Yuanjin is different. Apart from being the company's chief financial officer, he also has another identity - the fifth largest shareholder of the top [-] companies in the country.

Cheng Yuanjin holds 5% of their company's shares.Every year, there are more than 1000 million in dividends alone.

However, although Jiang Lan's salary is relatively low, as the vice president of a bank, she can still make some money in other ways.

"No." Jiang Lan flatly refused. "I'm finally just one step away from becoming president. Do you think I will give up?"

Jiang Lan started out as a clerk at Qingcheng Bank and finally became the vice president. With her unwillingness to admit defeat, of course she would not give up easily!

Cheng Yuanjin knew his wife's temper, but after saying something in a fit of anger, he didn't mention it anymore.

But it was still the question before the two of them.

How to catch the three robbers! !
It was like a fishbone stuck in the throat, which made both of them feel very uncomfortable.

And Cheng Nuo, who had been keeping silent by the side, said slowly, "Mom, take me to the bank with you tomorrow?"


A new story begins, please collect, please recommend!

 Thanks to "It's Raining" for the reward of 500 starting coins!Thanks to "Ye Shi Yinzhou", "The Great Demon King" and "Book Friends 16051220311933561" for their rewards of 100 starting coins each!

  Thanks to the above four! !
(End of this chapter)

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