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Chapter 350 Professional Soldiers

Chapter 350 Professional Soldiers

In about a cup of tea, Li Aimin, Shen Wansan, and Xu Da arrived.

"Brother Xu, how is the recruitment process going?" Fang Qiang asked.

"Marshal Qi, the final general is preparing, but the problem of food has not been resolved..." Xu Da's voice was somewhat low. After all, the 2000 million jin of food is not a small amount, and it is too difficult to get it in a short time .

"I've already settled the matter of food. It's in the front warehouse, a total of 2000 million catties. And, if I need it in the future, I can get more! Of course, this is not the point. The point is that I want to discuss conscription with you. details..."

"Huh?" When they heard that 2000 million kilograms of grain had been prepared, the three of them were all shocked.How did the commander achieve such a huge number?The three of them couldn't figure it out despite racking their brains, so they could only define this as a miracle!It seems that the legend in the territory is true, the commander is really a god descending to earth!
Xu Da was the first to calm down. He bowed to the other party and then said very respectfully: "Commander, if you have any orders, just ask. I will definitely obey you!"

Fang Qiang said: "Although the sergeants in the territory also receive military training, they are not formal enough. I want to turn them into professional soldiers. What do you think of this idea?"

"Professional soldier? Marshal, what is a professional soldier?" Xu Da is very unfamiliar with this term.After thinking about it carefully, I realized that I had never heard of this word.

Looking at Xu Da's bewildered expression, Fang Qiang was quite helpless, but he could only explain: "Professional soldiers take soldiering as their profession, and you also understand that although we claim to have 5 soldiers in our territory, But this number is an imaginary number. They only pick up swords and guns when there is a war. Even if they do some military training, they are very limited, and they have to go back to help when the farming is busy! In this way, their combat effectiveness is greatly weakened! Professional soldiers don’t have such concerns at all, they fight when there is a war, and do training when there is no war, in short, they study how to kill people, how to conquer cities, and how to maximize the role of weapons!”

Fang Qiang explained in detail as best he could.The more Xu Da listened, the brighter he became.

"This..." After listening to Fang Qiang's words, Xu Da fell into deep hesitation. He is the general who leads the army. He understood the power of professional soldiers after the commander said a little, but these soldiers didn't even participate in the busy farming. If you don't work, you need to be supported by the general. Can the current financial situation of the territory support such a huge consumption?

"Brother Xu, do you have any concerns, but it doesn't hurt to talk!"

"Marshal, professional soldiers are powerful, but the cost of raising soldiers has doubled. Can our territory afford it?"

"You can rest assured about this!" Fang Qiang said confidently: "The biggest advantage of industrialization is that it greatly liberates the labor force. The territory needs to be expanded, so these surplus labor forces have to be converted into combat power! You don't have to worry about the food problem. As long as there is a good harvest of potatoes and corn next year, we will be enough to raise a million soldiers!"

"The commander is wise!" Xu Da, Shen Wansan, and Li Aimin bowed their heads and said, in all fairness, they don't know what industrialization means at all.But they have noticed the changes in the territory. As more and more refugees gather, the surplus labor force in the territory has indeed increased, but this is not the root cause of the excess labor force!

The fundamental reason is mechanization!Simple machine tools have appeared in the territory. The work that originally required 100 people to complete the work can now be easily done by one person. A huge boulder weighing a thousand catties can be easily pulled by one person as long as a few sets of movable pulleys are installed. Come on, these things are things that I never even dared to think about before...

From the understanding of the three of them, the above is industrialization!

Fang Qiang looked at the three of them, and then said directly: "The matter of professional soldiers is settled like this. The three of you discuss it and come up with a thorough charter. Since you are a professional soldier, you might as well give more money and food. Only when the worries of the soldiers are resolved, will they fight the enemy bravely!"

"Yes, handsome!"

The three of them are all shrewd and capable, and they started discussing as soon as they agreed.In fact, the focus of this issue is money and food. Xu Da is a representative of the military, so he naturally hopes that his sons and daughters can get more benefits.Shen Wansan and Li Aimin are just the opposite. Food and money have to be allocated directly from their jurisdictions, so they have an obligation to minimize their expenditures.

Everyone is doing their duty, and it has nothing to do with the intrigues in the officialdom.

The three discussed for a long time, and finally reached a consensus that each soldier would have two taels of silver per month.Of course, this is just an ordinary soldier. As the level increases, the income will also rise in a straight line. All of this is written into the military regulations, which can be regarded as clear regulations, very clear.

In addition to professional soldiers, there are also reserve soldiers. These soldiers are similar to those on Earth. They usually receive simple military training. Once there is a war, they will take up knives and guns.However, they have to go home to help with work during the busy farming season, so the wages are lower, one tael a month!
Don't underestimate this tael of silver. His purchasing power in Fang Qiang's territory is very high. For an ordinary family of three, if they want to be full, this tael of silver is enough!You might even have some savings!
Note, this is just the salary of a soldier, in addition to that you can also farm!Most of these sergeants are children of farmers. Which family doesn't have a few acres of land?As long as there are no natural or man-made disasters, the food in the fields will definitely be enough to eat. This is mainly because Fang Qiang’s agricultural tax is very low!For ordinary farmers, there is no difference between paying thirty taxes and one tax at all.

Therefore, the life of the people in Fang Qiang's territory is very rich, full of food, warm clothes, and spare money in their pockets. They never dared to think of such a day before!

Of course, everyone will never forget who brought them such a rich life, so Fang Qiang's popularity is very high. Even if he wants to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor now, the people will only applaud and cheer, and no one will stand up against it!
If anything, this person, too, would immediately be plunged into the sea of ​​people's war.

To sum up, if Fang Qiang wanted to conscript, there would definitely be a sea of ​​people. Even if he came for nothing, he would do it for nothing but to defend his current life.

In fact, Fang Qiang will not let the sergeants work for nothing. The soldiers under his command have a lot of money and food every month, especially the professional soldiers!When the common people heard the news, they were moved to tears. They didn't think that the commander-in-chief was recruiting soldiers, but gave them money in a disguised form!

(End of this chapter)

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