Plane red envelope

Chapter 401 Minting coins

Chapter 401 Minting coins
Bankruptcy is a very sad fate for businessmen, but an even worse fate awaits them!

Fang Qiang can tolerate some small-minded people under his rule, but colluding with the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty is a crime that cannot be forgiven!So the four major merchants were uprooted!

After the death of the four major merchants, Fang Qiang got a large amount of grain, and at the same time sent people to take over their respective properties.Fang Qiang was taken aback by these huge assets. Although there was not much real money left, there were indeed countless properties and lands.

This is all about people’s wealth and people’s anointing!From this point of view, these four major merchants really deserve to die!
Once there is too much food, it will be a troublesome thing, and now the food price in the entire Jinling City has reached a very low level!Fang Qiang had no choice but to order people to open several more brewing workshops. In this way, the large quantities of grain finally had a place to go.

In addition to food, Fang Qiang also obtained a large amount of gold and silver. In ancient times, these were hard currencies, which were equivalent to currency.

Fang Qiang's plan is to use all the money for the people, which is of course the construction in the territory. After a series of cycles, the economy, agriculture and industry in the territory will have great development, and the comprehensive national strength will become stronger and stronger up.

On this day, Fang Qiang was studying the rules of the plane in the Marshal's Mansion, and he found that his exchange points had reached 10!And this number is still growing rapidly.This is quite a sum of money, and it can unlock two kinds of crops!Or in exchange for a lot of other items.

But Fang Qiang didn't do that. He exchanged for another item—a [-]-ton hydraulic press!

For now, the hydraulic press has only one function—coin minting!
A total of 10 exchange points are exchanged for such a machine, but for Fang Qiang, this is worth the money, because it is an inevitable step for the territory to become powerful!

No matter at any time, the economy is an important criterion to measure the strength of a country.Currency is the medium of economic circulation!Fang Qiang must firmly grasp this medium in his hands, so he will start minting coins.

Fang Qiang is a real earthling, so he knows the importance of currency.In his era, the reason why the United States had enough voice everywhere was not only because of the aircraft carrier battle group, but largely because of the world currency status of the US dollar!

All trade between countries is settled in US dollars, which can generate unimaginable benefits.

In the past, the scale of the territory was too small, and the inventory of precious metals was not enough. Since then, this important step has been delayed!
Well now, Fang Qiang has a lot of real gold and silver in his hands, so the matter of minting coins can also be put on the agenda.

A [-]-ton hydraulic press is nothing on the current earth, but it is unique in the Wulin Continent.Therefore, no country can imitate the currency minted with it.

Fang Qiang led people to work on the Yangtze River for three full days before installing this machine. Note that it is only after the installation. This thing needs to build a reservoir to complete the coinage process!In fact, it is the power system of this hydraulic press.

Building a reservoir is a large-scale project, and it will take at least two months!Fortunately, Jinling City has a lot of idle labor, and Fang Qiang has money and food, so the construction of the reservoir started quickly.

"Wu Guogong, what is this big guy for? It looks scary!"

Next to the [-]-ton hydraulic press, Du Lu asked the other party with a puzzled face while holding the blueprint.

Du Lu is the Minister of Industry, and the workers in the entire territory are under his control. The construction of the reservoir is naturally within his jurisdiction.

"Hehe..." Fang Qiang said with a slight smile, "Old Du, this thing has epoch-making significance. The name is a [-]-ton hydraulic press, and the coins minted with it are also unique!"

"Casting coins?" Du Lu still knows something about casting coins, that is, fire must be used, but here is a reservoir!No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you can mint coins.

"Wu Guogong, I also know something about minting coins. Shouldn't we be building a blast furnace, otherwise we won't be able to mint coins at all!"

"Old Du, this thing is easy to understand, let me explain it to you slowly..."

Fang Qiang explained to Du Lu the working principle of the [-]-ton hydraulic press in detail.The other party was surprised when they heard this. To put it bluntly, this is to use strong pressure to directly press the metal into the desired shape. This is considered cold pressing, so the surface of the coin will not be oxidized!Instead, it will show a bright metallic luster.In a word, the coins minted in this way are absolutely unique, and no one can imitate them!
Because the 100-ton hydraulic press is a huge technical barrier, it will take at least [-] years for ordinary people in Wulin Continent to break through it!
One month later, the construction of the reservoir was completed, and the [-]-ton hydraulic press began trial operation. Du Lu installed the finished abrasives at the bottom of the hydraulic press, and gold, silver, copper and other precious metals were installed in a specific machine. It is automatically filled into the mold, and all subsequent steps will be completed automatically. Fang Qiang only needs to regularly replace the iron basket in front of the hydraulic press.

By the way, this iron basket contains minted coins.

The coins designed by Fang Qiang are divided into five types, and there are three types of copper coins, namely one yuan, two yuan and five yuan.The remaining two are silver coins and gold coins. One silver coin is equal to 100 copper coins, and one gold coin is equal to one hundred silver coins.

In fact, minting coins is the most lucrative business in the world, because the silver content of silver coins and the gold content of gold coins are values ​​that can be changed, as long as you do a little trickery, you can make a lot of money...

The copper coins minted by Fang Qiang contain 75% copper, and the rest is tin.The silver content of silver coins is also 75%, and the silver content of gold coins is a little more, about 80%.

Fang Qiang did this not to make money, but simply because the coins produced by this ratio are the most exquisite.

The 10-ton hydraulic press works day and night, and can cast [-] coins of various kinds in one day, which is quite fast.So Fang Qiang made a decisive decision, and three days later, the currency was issued throughout the territory.

Three days later, the new currency was officially issued. Surprisingly, Fang Qiang's currency seemed to be quite popular.The common people and merchants exchanged the gold, silver and copper coins in their hands into new coins, and every bank in the territory was empty.

Banks have long existed in the Wulin Continent, but Fang Qiang scaled them up and nationalized them, so the newly issued coins are exchanged here.

(End of this chapter)

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