Plane red envelope

Chapter 570 One step to the sky

Chapter 570

Feng Mo's idea is very simple. Since Fang Qiang introduced the buyer, he must be a big customer. In this way, the income of the people in Pingyuan County will be guaranteed!
Fang Qiang smiled and said: "The canned food produced in Pingyuan County tastes good, and the quantity is large, but the packaging is not exquisite, so it is difficult to open the market in Jinling City. I know it is too late for you to change the packaging now, but you You can change your mind! Canned food doesn’t have to be sold only to the common people, it can also be sold to the army!”

"Army?" Hearing this, Feng Mo's eyes lit up, but then darkened immediately, and he said, "Your Majesty, the military's censorship is too strict, and with our current scale, we simply cannot afford large sums of money." orders! If you fight a price war with other peers, you will fall into a vicious circle again, so..."

"Haha..." Fang Qiang laughed, this Feng Mo is really good, he has never thought of doing business based on relationships, even though he is facing the most powerful person in the Ming Empire!
Fang Qiang said: "The army is definitely not good. Their canned food is mainly distributed as welfare, so the packaging must be exquisite, but you can go to the navy to try it. Two days ago, the black head even cried to me, saying it was Jinling water. The teacher's canned food is not enough, I asked him to spend money to buy it, guess what he said?"

"What did he say?"

"He said that the cannery near Jinling City is black-hearted, and the asking price is too high, and the appropriation from the Ministry of Finance is simply not enough!"


Feng Mo smiled from the bottom of his heart, the blackhead Fang Qiang was talking about was not an ordinary person, it was the deputy commander of the Jinling Navy!If I can sign a long-term order with him, I won't have to worry about selling my canned food at all!
The Jinling Navy has a total of 10 people, and there are plans to expand the army!
The most important point is that the officers and soldiers of the Jinling Navy do not eat canned fruits as snacks, but as the main course, which is a must for every meal!
This is a hard and fast rule, written into military regulations!

The reason is also simple. People who have sailed on the sea for a long time must supplement some vitamins, otherwise they will get sepsis.
And fruit is just the best nutrient for vitamin supplements, so there is such a product!
"Thank you for reminding your Majesty, I will contact General Heitou right away. Don't worry, the quality of our canned food is absolutely guaranteed. Once the navy orders in large quantities, we can also have a big discount!"

Feng Mo is an impatient person, and he was about to leave after saying this, but Fang Qiang stopped him, "Okay, let's leave the cannery behind and leave it to your next one, now let's talk about yours." A question of the future!"


Feng Mo's blood was surging for a moment, and he was not stupid, so he understood Fang Qiang's meaning in an instant, and this was to be reused on him!

Fang Qiang asked Liu Bowen to take out the map, then pointed in the direction of PZH and said to Feng Mo: "The cabinet has formulated a large-scale development plan for southern Yunnan and Shu. All of this will start from this place, so I plan to accept your fate." For the governor of Sichuan!"


Hearing this, not only Feng Mo, but also Liu Bowen who was beside him was taken aback. The governor of Sichuan is equivalent to the current governor of a province!
Feng Mo was originally only the county magistrate of Pingyuan County, but he was promoted to governor in an instant. This is a jump of several levels out of thin air. It's hard not to make people excited!
"Your Majesty... I am very scared. I am afraid this is..."

"Don't get excited, I haven't finished my words yet, you are not so easy to be a governor, Ming Yuzhen in Sichuan is only temporarily surrendering, and he has always had an ambiguous relationship with King Liang in southern Yunnan, so you have to be careful Two people! Of course, you don’t have to worry too much, I will send the newly established Sixth Army to garrison here, and once Ming Yuzhen and King Liang do something unwise, absolutely don’t tolerate it! Can you do this?”

"Wei Chen...Wei Chen is willing to give it a try!"

Feng Mo was so excited that he couldn't help himself. The power Fang Qiang gave him was so great that he almost had to control the army and the people!

In fact, the land of Shu and southern Yunnan is a problem left over from history. After Fang Qiang defeated Chen Youliang, his strength increased greatly, and his military strength also skyrocketed. The gunboats of the Jinling Navy sailed up the Yangtze River, and the actual rulers of Shu and southern Yunnan were Surrendered by the way!
Although it was a surrender, it was only in name. Except for some business contacts, the imperial army has been unable to send it. This time Fang Qiang plans to do something. The newly established Sixth Army is the best proof!

After explaining the military affairs, Fang Qiang explained the matter of PZH. He said: "The road to Shu is as difficult as going up to the blue sky, so after you arrive in Shu, you should not rush to turn against Ming Yuzhen, and build PZH's steel plant for me first." , and then lay the railway! Remember, this railway into Sichuan is the most important thing. With it, the materials in Jinling City can be transported continuously. At this time, with the combat power of the Sixth Army, you There is no problem hitting the sky!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand!"

Fang Qiang nodded and said: "It's good to understand, I just want to inspect PZH this time, so you can follow along and serve as the governor of Sichuan by the way!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Fang Qiang and others stopped in Pingyuan County for a day, and set off again the next morning, accompanied by the newly appointed governor of Sichuan——Feng Mo!
The road was quite peaceful, with the escort of the [-]st Cavalry Brigade, and no unscrupulous bandits dared to block the way.

About a week later, Fang Qiang and others came to PZH!

PZH is the first city stuck in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and after passing here is the official land of Shu!
However, the road here is not easy to walk, so Fang Qiang gave up the carriage!

"Feng Mo, this place will be managed by you from now on. You should familiarize yourself with the place first and listen to the advice of your seniors. The Sixth Army will arrive within a month, and you will officially take office by then!"

"Your Majesty trusts me so much, I will never hesitate to die!"

"Come on, follow me to the steel factory ahead!"


Accompanied by the factory manager, Fang Qiang inspected the entire steel plant. This steel plant is very large, with the most advanced equipment and more than 5 workers. Once it is fully produced, the annual steel output will not be less than 10 tons!

The annual output of 10 tons is definitely not a big deal on earth. Any small iron and steel factory can have this output, but it is really high output in this era!

The factory manager here is also a high-achieving student of Daming College, but he graduated from the Engineering College!
Feng Mo was quite happy, because he and the director of the factory graduated from the same class. One of them was studying literature and the other was studying engineering. The relationship between them is always sincere!
(End of this chapter)

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