Plane red envelope

Chapter 681 The Great Magician

Chapter 681 The Great Magician
Looking at the bright and fiery fireball in his hand, Fang Qiang's eyes shone brightly. In this new plane, the magic ability has been greatly enhanced. It really deserves to be a plane famous for magic.

Fang Qiang tried the fire magic he had mastered one by one. In fact, there were not many in total. After a while, he became very familiar with it. After that, he decided to implement his plan.

The William family?Looks like a nice place!
"Hey, my uncle needs a servant now, if any of you want to survive, you can take on this role!"


Hearing Fang Qiang's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, the desire for life prevailed. Except for the guy at the beginning, everyone scrambled to recommend themselves!

It's always good to be alive, more than anything else.

"There is always no shortage of smart people in this world. I don't doubt your sincerity to live, but you must get rid of those who harbor evil intentions! So..."

Fang Qiang made a move again. With his huge mental power, it was easy to tell whether what these people were telling was the truth or lies. Those who lied to him were all dead, and in the end only three people were left willing to act as Fang Qiang's attendant.

To him, there was no difference between one attendant and three attendants, so he might as well keep them all.

"From this moment on, you will call me Second Young Master, Second Young Master Arafat! Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand..."

The three people agreed silently. Fang Qiang's methods were so terrifying that it made people shudder just thinking about it.

Fang Qiang is currently in the Warcraft Forest of the Scarlet Moon Empire. From here to the fiefdom of the William family, he has to cross several mountains and rivers, and pass through several relatively large towns on the way!
"Pau Gasol, if we leave now, how long will it take to reach William's family?"

Gasol is a short and fat middle-aged man, he is one of Fang Qiang's recruits!

"Praise you, my honorable Second Young Master, if we hurry, we can arrive in about half a month."

"Well, let's set off now."

Gasol led Fang Qiang back along the way he came. It is not easy to walk through the forest, because there are so many monsters, you are never sure what will pop out at the next moment, or a bird A snake that breathes fire, or a rabbit that releases ice picks, who knows.

Fang Qiang is very powerful, at least he can stand at the top of this world, so a few monsters are nothing to him at all.

Almost everything that stood in front of him turned into corpses.

Fang Qiang is dismissive of these monsters, but his three attendants are very concerned, the reason is very simple, the parts of the monsters can be sold for money, especially the magic core, which is a bestseller.

The smile on Gasol's face never stopped. He suddenly realized that it was a good choice to follow such a master!

Fang Qiang has no airs and is easy-going, even smiling when killing people.

Of course, this master doesn't often kill people. In fact, most of the time he is very reasonable, and he can obey his subordinates for a day, even if it is his humble servant.

"Dear Second Young Master, depending on the weather, it's going to rain soon, let's quickly find a place to hide from the rain."

"Well, you're right, we should really find a place to hide from the rain!"

Fang Qiang agreed, and the three of them split up. They quickly found a cave, and at this time, the big raindrops had already fallen.

Gasol, Syndicate, and Trust, these three are Fang Qiang's newly recruited attendants. I didn't know their names before, because I didn't care about them at all, but now that they are familiar, it is necessary to get more familiar with them.

The three of them were still very afraid of Fang Qiang, and they also had the awareness to be servants. They naturally gave up the best position in the cave to Fang Qiang, and then boiled water and roasted dry food on the campfire!

Then we are a kind of dark pancake, similar to corn tortillas, which is difficult to eat at first sight!

Fang Qiang couldn't stand it anymore, so he threw them a few packs of instant noodles.

"Put this thing in a pot and cook it. It must be better than the current one."

"This... what is this?"

Although the three of them didn't know what it was, they could tell from the exquisite picture on the instant noodles that it was quite delicious.

Fang Qiang taught them hand in hand, and finally cooked a big pot of instant noodles. The three of them ate with sweat all over their faces, thanking Dade.They've never eaten anything so good...

"Praise be to you, my dear master..."

The three said some words of loyalty again, Fang Qiang smiled slightly and ignored it!

Early the next morning, Fang Qiang and others continued on their way. The trees on both sides were getting sparser and sparse. It looked like they would be out of the forest soon!
Around noon, Fang Qiang and three attendants came to a road. It had just rained and the road was rather muddy, but the carriages passing by were fearless at all, and one of them had mud splashed all over Fang Qiang's body.

Damn, this is a big deal!

Gasol drew out the sword at his waist and was about to fight the opponent desperately. The rule of humiliation and death is also applicable in the continent of Azeroth!

It's a pity that Gasol couldn't beat him at all. He flew out directly and fell to the ground, looking miserable.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen guards rushed from behind the avenue, and Fang Qiang and others were immediately surrounded.

"Where did the savage come from? He dared to ram into the Earl's car. Don't you want to live?"

Among the earl's bodyguards were many masters, four or five of them had light blue light shining on their sword tips, and they were able to release their fighting spirit, at least they were at the level of great sword masters.

With a light wave of Fang Qiang's hand, a hot and bright fireball was ignited.

This ball of fire radiates dazzling light, and powerful energy is accumulating, ready to erupt at any moment.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding...don't do it, don't do it..."

The earl in the carriage couldn't sit still immediately, who would have thought?There is actually a noble magician in this barren mountain, and the most incredible thing is that this magician is dressed like a savage!
The earl's guards were also facing a formidable enemy, they knew that they had encountered some difficulties today!
The energy of the fireball in Fang Qiang's hands is extraordinary, and he is at least a great magician. In the Chiyue Empire, the status of a great magician is quite noble, and it is several grades better than the earl.

These guards actually offended a great magician, and I am afraid that the end is worrisome.

Fang Qiang is not in a good mood now, but he has no intention of killing anyone. He is just interested in the count's carriage...

(End of this chapter)

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