Treasure well

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
Chu Yunqiu was grinding there very calmly, but the other people below were not happy.

They all accused Chu Yunqiu and even threatened that if he didn't speak again, he would be served with a mineral water bottle.

Chu Yulian looked at Chu Yunqiu and snorted coldly. She knew exactly what Xiao Jiujiu was thinking about in her brother's heart, "Humph, I want to change the subject again and see how my sister-in-law will deal with you when she gets home."

After all, Chu Yulian and Chu Yunqiu are brothers and sisters, and they grew up together, so they know the character of the smelly brother very well.

Lu Zhiqing was full of jealousy in her heart, she pouted, "You will take advantage of others, I don't believe you can't hide, let's see how I deal with you when I get home."

Chu's father and Chu's mother can't wait to call Chu Yunqiu down, and then give him a few soles, in front of his in-laws and father-in-law, can you behave better.

Lu's father and Lu's mother didn't think much about it.

Little Niuniu ignored all this, took out a small bag of jelly from her mother's bag, and tasted it happily.

Compared to the messy thinking of Chu Yunqiu's family, the tourists below are very clear and want to attack Chu Yunqiu collectively.

"What are you doing, why don't you talk, we don't want to watch you grind."

"Yeah, didn't you just say something shocking happened? Don't try to change the subject, just say it."

"By the way, I forgot if you didn't tell me, your uncle dared to fool us."

"Your grinding movements are not handsome at all, are you being smashed stupidly?"

"Don't even talk about it, look, Shi Yan has changed", a loud cry directly overwhelmed the crowd.

"What, true or false".

Everyone stretched out their heads and looked at Shi Yan.

Sure enough, a cloud of white mist suddenly appeared above the stone inkstone. Looking from a distance, it looked like Penglai, and it was dripping around the stone inkstone, as if it was raining.

Everyone was shocked, how could such a change happen? Are you sure you are not lying or doing magic?

No one believed it, it was so nonsense.

Chu Yunqiu looked at everyone's reaction and felt satisfied. He took away the ink sticks and put them on the table. Someone would take care of them later.

Chu Yunqiu opened the remaining half bottle of mineral water and cleaned the stone inkstone, "How about it, you know what I said is true. In fact, I don't know the principle. I only know that it is magical and cannot be explained scientifically. There are many things, and I don't expect to be able to explain them clearly with scientific principles. This stone inkstone is the first stone inkstone in my life, and I will definitely treasure it." Chu Yunqiu actually said this to some organizations. .

Under the guise of "research" and "benefiting mankind", some institutions will confiscate "stone inkstone" for research, and then research and research, but the research is gone, so Chu Yunqiu has to guard against it.

"Beauty, please excuse me." Chu Yunqiu flicked his wrist and handed the stone inkstone to Beauty No. [-].

Beauties No. [-] and No. [-] carried trays and walked towards the ancient nine-story pagoda.

"Everyone talks about pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Now that the ink and inkstone are finished, only the pen and paper are left. Paper is nothing special, and I don't have any treasures on me, but the pen is different. The pen has a long history of inheritance, and it is still alive. Many legendary stories have been left behind. And I have such a pen in my hand." Chu Yunqiu smiled slightly, and nodded to the beauty number ten in the audience.

Beauty No. [-] saw Chu Yunqiu's eyes, nodded, and walked slowly towards the stage with elegant steps.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, then turned to look at Lu Zhiqing, with a fawning expression on his face: "Daughter-in-law, come up."

Chu Yunqiu was worried about going back to sleep on the sofa, so he tried to please his wife.

Lu Zhiqing rolled her eyes at Chu Yunqiu, looked at the Chu Yulian sisters next to her, and then at her father, mother, grandparents on the other side, nodded, and walked directly onto the stage.

Everyone looked at Lu Zhiqing and Chu Yunqiu, wondering what the young couple was going to do.

"Next, you will see a very miraculous treasure, and it is also the only treasure that has been placed on the ninth floor [Dragon Court] of the nine-story ancient pagoda today," Chu Yunqiu said very solemnly.

"So, this time, I want to witness all this with my wife." Chu Yunqiu was expressionless and very serious, but the next moment, his pretended serious expression could not be maintained.

"Uncle is biased, I don't call Niu Niu for such a good thing." Little Niu Niu stopped eating jelly, pouting, and shouted very angrily.

"Yeah, my stinky old man is biased. He thinks about my sister-in-law for everything." Chu Yulian also looked jealous. You must know that before, when Chu Yunqiu had good things, he always thought of himself.

"What? I think the long johns are because I'm worried about kneeling on the washboard at night."

"What a washboard, it should be a keyboard."

Chu Yunqiu heard what Xiao Niuniu and his sister said was okay, but when he heard the shouts of several harmful friends, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitched, and his face suddenly turned dark. He was not careful in making friends. These "bastards", go back and deal with them. .

Lu Zhiqing couldn't help but laugh when she heard the words of Chu Yunqiu's brothers. These guys were like this in school and were not good at anything. She didn't expect that they would still be like this here.

Lu Zhiqing's sisters also laughed.

"You girl, you know how to talk nonsense." Mother Chu glared at Chu Yulian.

Chu Yuhe got even worse, pressed the little girl on his lap, and slapped that little butt hard twice, "I'll make you disobedient".

Xiao Niuniu also knew what her mother was doing, so after beating her, she threw herself into Chu Yuhe's arms and acted like a baby.

Everyone couldn't help laughing, it was so fun, it was a "god assist".

"Hey", Chu Yunqiu sighed, at such a serious moment, there was no serious atmosphere on his face.

"Come and take it out, let me see what kind of pen it is that can enter [Dragon Court]."

"Yeah, stop the ink stains and take it out quickly."

"You can actually board the [Dragon Court] directly. What's the reason? Is it more awesome than the Blood Phoenix Coral, Li Mo, and the complete set of Kangxi's Five-Colored Flower God's Cup?"

After several rounds of bombing by Chu Yunqiu, everyone's trust in Chu Yunqiu had clearly reached its peak.

So they all believed that Chu Yunqiu could come up with something that would surprise him.

"Okay, since everyone is looking forward to it so much, I won't hold back." Chu Yunqiu stepped forward and took Lu Zhiqing's hand, and the two of them came in front of beauty No. [-].

Chu Yunqiu gave Lu Zhiqing an encouraging look.

Lu Zhiqing nodded lightly, and uncovered the red silk on it, only to see a brush appearing in her eyes.

"This is..." Lu Zhiqing's eyes lit up.

"What?" The people behind him couldn't see it, so they could only stretch their heads, trying to see any clues.

"Don't crowd, don't crowd," the people in front kept shouting to the people behind.

At this time, Lu Zhiqing picked up the brush on the tray.

"This is..." Looking at the writing brush in Lu Zhiqing's hand, everyone was stunned, and stopped squeezing, staring blankly at the writing brush in Lu Zhiqing's hand.

In Lu Zhiqing's hand, the brush was emitting five colors of light, from purple to colorless, from colorless to yellow, reddish brown, brown, extremely gorgeous and very dreamy.

"I guarantee with my personality that this is definitely not a modern product, and it does not use any technology," Chu Yunqiu said loudly.

"I don't believe it, bring it here and let me see it."

"Go away," Chu Yunqiu rolled his eyes at him.

"Hahaha", everyone couldn't help laughing.

Lu Zhiqing looked at the five-color pen in her hand, she liked it in her heart, it was so beautiful, at this moment, she even wanted to keep it for herself, but when she looked at Chu Yunqiu beside her, Lu Zhiqing felt that it was not necessary at all, Chu Yunqiu What's hers is hers, and what's hers is still hers.

Lu Zhiqing thought happily and kept waving the five-color pen in the air.

PS: Thank you to brother "Sunny Rogue Rabbit" for your reward of 588 starting coins, and thank you to brother "Drunken Love Yueyou ~ Rui Fan" for your reward of 100 starting coins. Thank you to both brothers for their support, thank you!Thanks also to all friends who supported!

(End of this chapter)

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