Treasure well

Chapter 307 Leaving Nothing to Leave "Avatamsaka Sutra"

Chapter 307 Leaving Nothing to Leave "Avatamsaka Sutra"

Buddha JinBodhi is a kind of supreme bodhi seed, which can only be found in ancient books. It is rumored that the patriarch of Buddhism, Sakyamuni, enlightened under the bodhi tree and founded the Buddhist school of Jingyi , created a branch of Buddhism.

The bodhi tree where Sakyamuni attained enlightenment is the golden bodhi tree, and the bodhi seeds on it are bodhi seeds in the shape of Buddha.

According to rumors, the Buddha image of Sakyamuni Buddha was changed according to the appearance of JinBodhi on the Bodhi tree.

Buddhism pays attention to the word "fate". Sakyamuni became a Buddha under the Bodhi tree, which means that he has a relationship with the Bodhi tree. After he became a Buddha, the first thing he saw was the Buddha JinBodhi, so Sakyamuni After becoming a Buddha, he transformed into the image of the Buddha JinBodhi. While ascending to the Land of Ultimate Bliss, he also took away the JinBodhi tree.

And because JinBodhi has been cultivated for a long time and the cultivation conditions are harsh, Buddha JinBodhi gradually became less and less in the human world.

JinBodhi is a rare species in Tianzhu, which is only found in Tianzhu. However, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Buddhism flourished, and 480 temples in the Southern Dynasties, JinBodhi was introduced to China. It is a pity that the Central Plains suffered from wars and chaos, especially several times. JinBodhi lost its roots in the Central Plains, and after that, Tianzhu also experienced many wars. Slowly, JinBodhi withdrew from the stage of history and became a legend. People can only read it in some history books about "Buddhism" arrive.

Novelists in the Ming and Qing Dynasties created the image of "ginseng fruit" based on the image of "Golden Bodhi" and made it more lively.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know about all this, nor did he know the preciousness of JinBodhi.

It is not clear if there is nothing, but strictly speaking, the bodhi tree in Chu Yunqiu's backyard is not JinBodhi, but an atavistic and mutated JinBodhi.

Grandma Chu was very excited when she heard Master Wu's words, "I never thought that this bodhi tree would have such a great history. It was not like this when we planted this bodhi tree."

"You planted this JinBodhi?" Master Liaowu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Grandma Chu's words, he never thought that this JinBodhi would be planted by the old man in front of him.

"Impossible, JinBodhi can't be planted within a few hundred years, not to mention that there is such a strong golden light on the Bodhi seed," Liao Wu couldn't believe it.

"What? It needs to be planted for hundreds of years. It's impossible. I planted this bodhi tree with my child's grandfather. At most, it took more than 60 years, and this bodhi tree died once." Grandma Chu felt that the other party should Mistake.

"Impossible..." Liao Wu couldn't believe it, how could such a weird thing happen.

JinBodhi has a long life, it takes a hundred years to grow, and it takes a hundred years to shine golden.

"Cough cough cough", Chu Yunqiu's eyes couldn't help flashing, he felt a little bad, and couldn't let the other party listen anymore, "Master, don't you still need a bodhi seed? Let's go to the tree to pick it now." , Chu Yunqiu hastily interrupted the other party's train of thought.

If the other party continues to think about it, they will definitely find the problem, and it will be difficult to explain it at that time.

"Okay", Liaowu nodded, followed behind Chu Yunqiu, and came to the backyard again.

"Master, choose one yourself." Chu Yunqiu looked up at the bodhi tree in front of him.

The leaves are covered with golden edges, and the bodhi seeds are hidden in them. Under the sunlight, they emit golden light. From a distance, it looks like a series of Buddha lights blooming on the trees.

Liao Wu looked at the ancient Bodhi tree in front of him, and his eyes were once again fascinated. Here, he had a very peaceful feeling, which made him feel like he had become a Buddha. That's why he wanted to live here. But unfortunately, he thought too much, so he had to think of another way.

He decided that he would seek the consent of the abbot of Nanchan Temple to build a temple in Baiyun Mountain, firstly to collect incense, and secondly to be closer to the ancient bodhi tree.

Of course Liao Wu knew that it was difficult to build a temple, but at his level, money no longer counted as money, it was just paper. As long as he was willing to do more rituals and shine more lights, he could raise enough money to build a temple. money.

In the past, he regarded money as dung, but now, he has to need such money. For the Buddha in his heart, for the ideal in his heart, he would rather be entangled in money.

Of course Chu Yunqiu didn't know so much, so he looked at the other party quietly without disturbing him.

Liao Wu stood under the tree, looking at the bodhi seeds hidden under the leaves, and finally chose the largest one.

"Thank you benefactor for your hospitality, benefactor, I will leave this Buddhist scripture to you." Before leaving, Liao Wu took out a Buddhist scripture from his arms, on which were written three large characters——"Hua Yan Sutra" .

Liao Wu knew that Grandma Chu believed in Buddhism, so she gave the "Avatamsaka Sutra" directly to Grandma Chu.

"Thank you, Master." Grandma Chu put away the Huayan Sutra very solemnly.

"Benefactor Chu, the poor monk believes that we will meet again soon." Before leaving, Liao Wu bowed to Chu Yunqiu.

"'s better to see each other again." Chu Yunqiu shook his hand hurriedly. He didn't want to see him again.

"This is not something you can decide. The poor monk is leaving." Liao Wu bowed to Chu Yunqiu, turned and walked away.

"It's really a master's demeanor," Grandma Chu couldn't help but sigh with emotion as she watched Le Wu slowly go away.

"Grandma, how did you know that the other person is a master? Zhiqing is still at my mother's place. Come in and drink some water." Chu Yunqiu welcomed grandma into the house.

It has been three or four days since Wu left. On this day, the Chu family village once again welcomed a group of guests. It was Mr. Smith who met in Shouguang. Chu Yunqiu never thought that the other party would come in person.

"Hello Mr. Smith." Looking at Smith in front of him, Chu Yunqiu stretched out his hand.

"Hello," Smith smiled.

Then, Smith met with Lu Zhiqing, Chu's father, Chu's mother and others.

"Mr. Chu, I know the etiquette of reciprocating gifts in China, so I brought you some gifts." Smith asked someone to take things out from behind.

It's a couple of bottles of red wine, and it's Phil's '82.

"Thank you." Chu Yunqiu nodded with a smile. He didn't find this thing particularly unusual, because he had also tasted it. In some five-star hotels, as long as he had money, he could drink it.

"This is a collector's edition, so it's very precious." At this moment, Lu Zhiqing suddenly said in surprise.

Chu Yunqiu doesn't understand, she understands.

You know, although the red wine sold in star-rated hotels is also Mayfair, they are all ordinary editions, and the collector's editions are not available to everyone. One is expensive, and the other is that the quantity is scarce, and they are all in the hands of a few people. .

Chu Yunqiu was startled, he didn't expect it to be the rare version of Phil.

But he is not particularly keen on red wine, it doesn't matter if he has it or not.But it's different for Lu Zhiqing, red wine is good for the skin, so Lu Zhiqing likes to drink red wine very much, and the red wine that Meng Qingyou sent before was also slowly consumed by Lu Zhiqing.

So Lu Zhiqing accepted it very happily.

"Mr. Smith, please." Chu Yunqiu welcomed Mr. Smith into the Chu family village.

(End of this chapter)

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