Treasure well

Chapter 378 Matsushima Iken Emerald Peach

Chapter 378 Matsushima Iken Emerald Peach
Hearing that Chu Yunqiu accepted, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the atmosphere became much more harmonious. Elder Du also talked about some things about his youth, and Chu Yunqiu finally became the other party's identity.

He never thought that Mr. Du had been to so many departments when he was young. He had been the chief of the police station, the director of the discipline inspection committee, and the county magistrate, etc. It was simply a legend.

Later, Mr. Du was transferred to ** City and was in charge of the real estate business. It was also at this time that he met Gong Liang and gave Gong Liang great convenience and benefits.

For the rest, Elder Du didn't say, although he is now retired at home, his influence is still there. There are not a few former disciples who have been promoted by him, and now they are sitting in high positions.

That's why Gong Liang was so worried about Elder Du's comfort. It could be said that as long as Elder Du survived, he would have an extra layer of amulet and a protective umbrella.

Then, accompanied by Chu Yunqiu and Lu Zhiqing, Mr. Du visited the nine-story ancient pagoda and praised it highly.

When I saw the "Yataka Mirror", I was even more excited.

The elderly, especially the younger ones, hate Fusang very much, because they or their elders and relatives once felt the pain at the hands of Fusang soldiers.

Even for younger elders, as long as their parents are alive, they will definitely plant a seed of "hate" for their children.

Unlike now, with the passage of time, this seed of hatred has become more and more diluted.

Although there are still thoughts of "hating Fusang", many people have already wiped it out. In more than 20 years, when a newborn child is born, this hatred will fade again. After more than 20 years, the child will grow up and have children, and it will fade again , One day, they will forget the shame and hatred of the past, until one day, the other party picks up the butcher's knife again.

Mr. Du is also a typical "hate Fuso" person, wishing to smash the Yata mirror.

Chu Yunqiu looked at Elder Du's jealous look, and found that this little old man seemed to have some good qualities, besides being timid and afraid of getting into trouble, besides saving face and so on.

Chu Yunqiu accompanied Mr. Du with him, making him very satisfied, and kept praising Chu's village.

The fact that Chu Yunqiu accompanied Mr. Du to visit the Chu family village was spread on the Internet. Good guy, the media and some relevant people who had been quiet went directly to the Chu family village to seek Chu Yunqiu.

This time, Chu Yunqiu had nowhere to hide and was blocked at home.

Because it was related to their own interests, the Fusang clan was the most active. The people stationed in Chu's village went straight to Chu Yunqiu's house, waiting for Chu Yunqiu.

After Chu Yunqiu came down the mountain, he happened to "accidentally" meet this group of people at the door.

"You are..." Chu Yunqiu looked at the group of people in suits and leather shoes in front of him, a little confused.

Fusang people, Huaxia people, and Korean people are hard to tell apart just by their appearance, so Chu Yunqiu didn't recognize the other party as Fusang people at all.

"Jun Yunqiu, I am Matsushima Iken, it is a great honor to meet you." The leader, Matsushima Iken, was very respectful and bowed ninety degrees.

How about he is servile?Or should I say he is polite?There may be both, this is a unique culture of Fusang, only those who are strong to themselves will be so respectful.

When Chu Yunqiu heard the other party's words, his original smile couldn't help but change. Of course he understood what the other party was doing here.

"What are you doing here?" Chu Yunqiu looked like he didn't understand.

Beside Chu Yunqiu, Lu Zhiqing also frowned slightly. Grandpa Lu was a soldier. He told Lu Zhiqing many battlefield stories when he was young. Lu Zhiqing did not have much favorable impression of the Fusang people.

Sometimes, though, you can't be emotional.

"Mr. Yunqiu, thank you for your generosity to our Fusang last time, helping us to destroy the ghosts. I am very grateful for your little care. Please accept it." Matsushima Jingyan gestured to the people behind .

Behind Matsushima Iken, several people came out carrying several boxes.

Seeing the things in the other party's hands, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help being happy, no matter what day it was, he was rushing to give him something.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the things in the opponent's hand, and suddenly remembered a sentence, sugar-coated cannonballs, swallow the sugar-coated, and return the cannonballs.

And what the other party said was really good. I did help them destroy the ghost spirit. Although I said that the ghost spirit was released by myself, if I didn't say it, who would know.

What's more, the things in the other party's hands are almost all Chinese antique treasures, how could Chu Yunqiu watch the other party take them back.

These antiques and treasures were all lost in the war that year. They were stolen by the other side, telling the history of China's humiliation. Chu Yunqiu would never allow the other side to take them back.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Songdao." Chu Yunqiu said a few words to Gong Feng and asked him to help take it.

"Brothers, come on, come and help me," Gong Feng shouted to Mr. Du's bodyguards in a rough voice.

Several bodyguards looked at Mr. Du, and they didn't stand up until Mr. Du nodded in agreement.

Mr. Du has been standing by and watching, neither saying nor doing anything, acting like I am an outsider.

In fact, this is where Du Lao is shrewd.

Some things can be blended, and some things cannot be blended.

When the other party took out the box, Chu Yunqiu looked at it with "Duobao Tong", almost all Chinese treasures.

A Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty custom-made jade fairy peaches for her birthday. It was lost in rumors, but unexpectedly appeared in the hands of Fusang people. A jade ruyi carved from Hetian jade. Jade ruyi has a very high status in the hearts of Chinese people. Many gods have jade ruyi, Ruyi Ruyi, which represents the fulfillment of wishes and perfection.

In addition, there is also a seven-color flower porcelain plate, which is very beautiful, just like the Ming Wanli five-color dragon and phoenix plate collected in the Baodao Museum.

However, the seven-color flower porcelain platter in front of Chu Yunqiu was covered with fresh flowers.

very beautiful.

The emerald fairy peach and Ming Wanli seven-color flower porcelain platter were obviously at the level of national treasures, but they were taken out by the other party.

One is to explain that the other party must have better things in their hands, so when they come out of these things, they want to attract the Yata Mirror, and the other is to make friends with Chu Yunqiu, not to look at the face of the monk, but to see the face of the Buddha, which is so precious. Selling the Yata Mirror to them, or even bartering.

In fact, it is the same as the traditional Chinese way of taking things to visit others, and then asking for help.

It's all about people.

In addition to antique treasures and antique national treasures, there is also a century-old ginseng from Changbai Mountain. The exact age displayed on the Duobao pupil is 180 years.

There is also a black bank card with unknown amount of money in it.

In Chu Yunqiu's eyes, the bank card is the least valuable.

PS: Thank you to "sunjianguo" and "Lin Botong" for your support with a monthly ticket. Thank you to "Louise~~Queen" and "luoke000" for your 100 starting coin reward support. Thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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