Treasure well

Chapter 403

Chapter 403
The middle-aged man is from the Van Dandy family in Europe, and he is a deadly enemy with the Johnson family, and this hatred has been passed down from his ancestors. It can be said that the Fan Dandy and Johnson families have been extremely at odds since ancient times.

The Johnson family had spies placed in the Van Dandy family, and the Van Dandy family also had Johnson family spies.

The two families knew it well and wanted to find out the mole, but unfortunately, neither family could find out the mole.

And apart from the other party's family, no family knows how many other people there are in their own family.

This situation continued for hundreds of years.

It wasn't until decades ago that the inner ghost of the Van Gundy family inquired about the statue of the Goddess of War, and was also noticed by the Johnson family, and the two families completely tore their skins apart.

Not only fighting and suppressing in the mall, but even fighting in other areas, hiring killers, poisoning food, and doing everything else.

But this time, because of the statue of the Goddess of War, an insider arranged by the Van Gundy family took the risk of revealing their identity and passed the time information of the transaction to the Johnson family, so there was a shooting case in the first place.

The Van Gundy family wants to snatch the statue of the Goddess of War, and then research it by themselves, in an attempt to obtain the wealth hidden by the ancestors of the Johnson family.

The inner ghost was caught by the cautious Johnson family because of the news, and was shot dead by Johnson during the meeting.

The middle-aged man is one of the sons of the patriarch of the Van Gundy family.Some are uneducated and like to miss flowers. Relying on their status and the wealth of the Van Gundy family, they have adopted a group of gangsters, that is, thugs, and have friendships with several local black forces.

The middle-aged man knew from somewhere that the family's plan had been ruined by a brat.

Wanting to make meritorious deeds, he summoned a large number of younger brothers to give Chu Yunqiu some color.

He wanted to kidnap Chu Yunqiu to the Fan Gundy family and then hand him over to the clan leader. Everyone would definitely look at him with admiration.

So the middle-aged man made his own decision, planning to kill first and play later.

This is also the reason why he didn't kill Chu Yunqiu, but shot at Chu Yunqiu instead. He wanted to cripple Chu Yunqiu's legs first, and give Chu Yunqiu a blow, so that the rest would be easier to do. up.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny. The middle-aged man did not capture Chu Yunqiu, but became Chu Yunqiu's prisoner.

The middle-aged man was already very careful. He only made a move after repeatedly confirming that the other party was unarmed. Who would have imagined that Chu Yunqiu would suddenly take out a gun, and it would be so accurate.

If he knew the result would be like this, the middle-aged man wouldn't come to provoke Chu Yunqiu even if he was beaten to death.

Spending time and money every day, spending money and money, not much happier than now.

After getting the story from the middle-aged man, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help but be amused, it turned out that he was a rich N generation.

Chu Yunqiu does not discriminate against the second generation of officials, nor does he discriminate against the second generation of rich people. It varies from person to person. Among the second generation of officials, there are also those with good conduct, among the second generation of rich people, there are also those who serve the country and the people, and among ordinary people, there are also those who are weak and bad. , You can't ruin a group because of an individual person, and you can't ruin a pot of soup because of a rat shit.

But Chu Yunqiu despised the person in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

Tell me how stupid you must be. You can't even kidnap someone, and you don't have any sharp eyesight. You actually got Chu Yunqiu into trouble. Isn't this looking for death?

Chu Yunqiu looked at such a group of people, thinking about what to do.

If they were all killed, it would definitely cause a big sensation.

This is not Huaxia, with such a large population; this is England, where so many people disappear at the same time, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Moreover, Chu Yunqiu was not the one to kill.

If the environment was dangerous and Chu Yunqiu had to kill in order to survive, then Chu Yunqiu would not have any psychological burden, but the other party surrendered and became a prisoner.

Chu Yunqiu thought about it, and let Johnson handle it.

Chu Yunqiu took out his mobile phone and called Johnson.

Seeing Chu Yunqiu's movements, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't need to die. At this time, the middle-aged man's back was completely soaked. He swore that if he could really get out alive, he wouldn't go out even if he was killed. Whoever wants to provoke Chu Yunqiu will go.

Chu Yunqiu explained what happened to Johnson and asked Johnson what to do.

Johnson did not expect that Fan Dandi's people would send someone to intercept and kill Chu Yunqiu. It was too bold, because Johnson was outside at this time, so he could only send a housekeeper to deal with this matter.

Half an hour later, several cars stopped slowly, and it was Johnson's housekeeper.

After seeing Chu Yunqiu, Johnson's housekeeper escorted everyone to the car.

After the matter was settled, Chu Yunqiu also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his car was fine, otherwise it would be troublesome.

When Chu Yunqiu returned to the castle, everyone fell asleep.

Chu Yunqiu turned on the computer, took out the USB flash drive, transferred the script from the mailbox to the USB flash drive, and then knocked on Cheng Yuting's door.

"Who?" The door was opened a crack, and a head protruded from the inside.

"Mr. Chu", seeing that it was Chu Yunqiu, Cheng Yuting's face was filled with surprise, and she was no longer sleepy. She opened the door directly and called Chu Yunqiu to come in.

"I still don't want to go in." Chu Yunqiu shook his head, he would be misunderstood if he was seen, and Chu Yunqiu had always been wary of Cheng Yuting, he would not give her another chance.

"This is what I promised you. I have already contacted the crew. I will send a notification to your agent directly during the interview. This is your script. It is not easy for me to get it. Your usual It’s time to try to figure out the character’s psychology, and show your best state when the time comes. I can tell you, if you can’t get the second female lead, then I can’t help you. You will continue to act as the second female lead in TV dramas in the future. Let's go," Chu Yunqiu handed over the USB flash drive in his hand to Cheng Yuting.

"Thank you, thank you", Cheng Yuting was so excited, she kept thanking Chu Yunqiu.

"Okay, just print it out, don't tell others." After Chu Yunqiu gave the things to the other party, he left directly. He didn't want to cause misunderstanding by others.

Cheng Yuting looked at the back of Chu Yunqiu leaving home, and shed tears silently, with joy, complexity, and excitement...

If there is a way, who is willing to sell her body, she just wants to get a chance.

Cheng Yuting wiped away her tears and closed the door.

Chu Yunqiu didn't know that because of his actions, Cheng Yuting became famous in the movie and immediately became popular.

What's even more commendable is that after Cheng Yuting became popular, she became more positive. There were fewer scandals and all kinds of harassment, but her shadow was more in public welfare undertakings.

Maybe it's all hype, but the gap between the two is too great.

Chu Yunqiu himself didn't know that he had saved a person who had stumbled, and the other party would always remember this kindness.

PS: Thanks to brother "Yang Wuxie" for the support of two monthly tickets, and brothers "Zhaijiazi", "Huochiyan", "Under the Shade Tree", and "ms Memory" for the support of one monthly ticket, thank you " Brother Arms 200419 and Brother "Under the Shade Tree" for their support of 500 starting coins, thank you "luoke000" brother, "Book friend 160705143146619" brother, "Book friend 110511223049897" for their support of 100 starting coins, thank you all big brothers Thanks for your support, everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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