Treasure well

Chapter 414 Premeditated Car Accident

Chapter 414 Premeditated Car Accident
Chu Yunqiu didn't know about Boss Du's affairs. At this moment, he and Liang Ganzhi were on their way to the hotel.

The two talked and laughed along the way, very happy.

Especially Liang Ganzhi, when he thought of Boss Du's liver-colored old face, he felt a little happy.

This time, Boss Du's loss was more than tens of millions. This batch of goods could not be sold. More importantly, the reputation of Guangyuan Stone Gambling Field plummeted, which would be very fatal in the future.

The two returned to the hotel, ordered a table of delicious food, ordered two bottles of good wine, and drank there happily.

The two people who were drinking did not know that a conspiracy against them had begun.

Early the next morning, Liang Ganzhi planned to take Chu Yunqiu around.

After finally coming to Tengchong, I have to look around, not to mention, Chu Yunqiu is still very interested in the flower and bird market in southern Yunnan.

The two of them didn't know that not long after they left, a person came out, looked at the backs of Chu Yunqiu and the two, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

Their whereabouts have been monitored.

The two walked along the avenue, passing a traffic light, Liang Ganzhi stopped the car slowly.

At this moment, a big car suddenly rammed into Chu Yunqiu's car.

Liang Ganzhi turned pale with shock and stepped on the gas pedal hastily.

Because it is an automatic transmission, it all depends on the accelerator and brakes. Liang Ganzhi moved forward in an instant.

"Bang", with a loud noise, Liang Ganzhi's car was directly knocked into the air, and Chu Yunqiu was also violently hit inside the car.

Fortunately, Liang Ganzhi's car drove a little forward, so it was hit at the rear, spun a few times on the spacious street, and then slammed into a car hard.

What was even more infuriating was that the big car rammed into several other small cars with unabated momentum, knocked them into the air, and turned over several times before stopping.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, they never expected such a thing to happen.

People outside quickly called the police and an ambulance.

The whole road was in chaos.

At this moment, a man stepped out of the cart, staggering and drunk.

Judging by his appearance, his cheeks were flushed, and his body exuded a strong smell of alcohol. The other party had drunk, and he drank a lot.

"Don't let him run away." The people in southern Yunnan are still very responsible. When they saw the drunken man coming down, they stepped forward to stop him and did not let him go.

"Get out of the way", the drunk man is very aggressive, not to mention that after drinking, his eyes stare and he is about to strike.

"Damn it, you still dare to scare us, brothers, beat him up." The few people who were originally very annoyed because of this incident, when they saw the other party being so aggressive, were immediately annoyed and rushed up.

Although the drunken man was overbearing, he was alone after all. He was beaten to the ground with two fists and four hands.

Because the car accident was relatively serious, the police came very quickly. After hearing the complaints from the surrounding people and looking at the drunk man who smelled of alcohol, they directly brought him under control.

"Brother Liang, are you okay?" Chu Yunqiu pushed Liang Ganzhi beside him. He was in good physical condition, and he was fine by shaking his neck.

"Ah, my neck flashed." Liang Qianzhi sat up, feeling pain in his neck, and when he moved, it was like passing through a store.

"Don't move," Chu Yunqiu looked at the back of the car, it was seriously deformed, if Liang Ganzhi hadn't reacted in time, this is where the deformation is now.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunqiu couldn't help but gasp. He is a human being, not a god. Facing this kind of attack, he has no hope of surviving.

But Chu Yunqiu didn't think much about it, he just regarded it as a car accident, and he didn't think about murder at all.

Chu Yunqiu opened the deformed car door, then went to the other side, opened the car door, and carried Liang Ganzhi down.

"Don't move, the ambulance will come in a while", Chu Yunqiu smiled wryly, and originally wanted to go shopping, but he didn't expect to encounter such an accident.

"Well, fortunately nothing serious happened." Liang Ganzhi lay flat on the ground, motionless.

Chu Yunqiu and Liang Ganzhi were lucky enough to escape because of the drunken man driving while intoxicated, but the others were not so lucky.

Dead or injured, everyone glared at the drunk man. If it weren't for the presence of the police, they would have rushed to kill him.

Shortly after the police arrived, ambulances also arrived. Because it was a car accident, several ambulances came in succession.

Chu Yunqiu quickly carried Liang Qianzhi to the Yiliang ambulance.

The moment they saw Chu Yunqiu, not only the rescue nurse was stunned, but also the people watching the excitement.

What was even more speechless was that the drunken man's eyes widened when he saw the unscathed Chu Yunqiu.

" are you okay? It's impossible. I obviously drove my car into you, how can you be okay?" The drunk man suddenly became anxious under the stimulation of alcohol and spoke indiscriminately.

"Wow", everyone was shocked when they heard the drunk man's words. They didn't expect that there was even an element of murder in it.

The police looked at each other, and they seemed to have gotten some incredible information from the drunk man.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the drunk man and frowned, as if he understood something, but at this moment he was going to the hospital with Liang Ganzhi, so there was no way to deal with such a thing.

There are people with mobile phones in the crowd of good people around. They were so excited when they saw this scene, and posted it directly on the Internet.

The person who posted the video is very smart, to be exact, he is also a clickbait.

"Chu Yunqiu was in a car accident on the road, it turned out to be murder"!
After this person posted the video on the Internet, he even posted Chu Yunqiu, Lu Zhiqing and a group of celebrities who had acquainted with Chu Yunqiu.

It has to be said that this person is really too smart. After being followed and forwarded by those stars, his video directly appeared in front of the public.

Especially Lu Zhiqing, although she saw that Chu Yunqiu was fine, there was still a burst of atmosphere.

"Strictly investigate, we must strictly investigate, give us an explanation, and give an explanation to the fair law." Lu Zhiqing also began to put pressure on the local police and government.

This matter was on the hot search list at an abnormal speed, basically all netizens were paying attention to this matter, and reporters from all over the country were dispatched to Tengchong in southern Yunnan, hoping to obtain first-hand information from it.

Of course, the government in southern Yunnan also saw the news and ordered to arrest the murderer at all costs.

In fact, after arresting the drunk man, the police interrogated overnight and found out the instigator behind it.

It was Boss Du.

And not only that, in addition to Boss Du, there is also a black force that Boss Du partnered with, and they were linked together, not only giving everyone an explanation, but also holding a great hatred for Liang Ganzhi.

PS: Thank you "Book Friends 160624163856760" for the support of two monthly tickets, thank you "Book Friends 160725163504693" for the support of one monthly ticket, and thank you "Zhaijiazizi" for the 500 starting coin reward, thank you for your support, thank you !
(End of this chapter)

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