Chapter 239 Choice
A light blue box suddenly appeared in front of Lu Fang, and in this box, three buildings were drawn, and these three buildings were the three buildings that Lu Fang had returned to before. Scenes.

Homes, schools and cabins.

"What's going on here." Lu Fang looked at the box in front of him and wondered, and at this moment, the system in Lu Fang's brain spoke.

[Congratulations to the host, you just entered the state of epiphany through various coincidences when you were meditating, and then broke through with a "whoosh~". 】

"Whoosh you ghost! Say it in terms I can understand."

[This is a long story]

"Long story short." Lu Fang interrupted before the system finished speaking.

[I finally found the stalk in the memories that leaked out when you just broke through, how could you do this. 】The system said in a sad tone.

"This meme has been played badly by others, hurry up and don't ink it."

[Well, the main reason is that when you were meditating, the negative energy that had invaded your body and lurked before exploded, and then caused you to enter a state similar to memories, and in that state, you broke through, The box in front of you now is mainly for you to choose one as the initial building in your spiritual sea, which can help you defend against external illusions and spiritual attacks, or enhance your immunity to murderous aura, etc. 】

"Then will there be different effects if I choose different buildings?" Lu Fang asked after thinking about it.

【No. 】

"Er" Lu Fang was speechless, if there is none, then you let me choose a fart!

"Don't be a fool, okay? If you have anything to say, tell me quickly!" Lu Fang was completely speechless to this cheating system. He used to think that the system's character was quite serious, but why did it become like this now? .

[You can only choose one of these three buildings. Although the effect of each building is actually the same, the potential is different. As for which potential is greater, it depends on your intuition. After all, this potential is determined by your subconscious Yes, in your subconscious mind, the stronger the impression or memory of that building, the higher the potential value of the building. 】

"Potential value?" Lu Fang looked at the three buildings on the box, and put his hand on top of his home without hesitation, but stopped when he was about to click on it.

"No, that's not it." Lu Fang looked at his home in the box in front of him and frowned.

"Why not this, because my grandpa died when I was 20 years old? No, what is that, is it because I moved when I was 20 years old? No, what the hell."

"Perhaps, home is too far away for me." Lu Fang took his hand back and looked at the remaining two buildings.

School?What kind of memory is this? Is it because the teacher left too much homework or the teacher was too good?
Lu Fang temporarily skipped the school and looked at the final building.

Wooden house.

Lu Fang fell into memory.
That was a year after Lu Fang had just arrived in the Demon Realm and started the King Kong mode of the system.

The entire demon world is chasing and killing Lu Fang because of the wanted order issued by the strongest in the demon world, and Lu Fang is constantly fleeing, because the King Kong model presented by the system at the beginning has a big shortcoming, that is, there is no body in Lu Fang's body. any energy.

Lu Fang still needs to eat, but there is almost no food in the demon world that Lu Fang can use. Most of them are the corpses of demon creatures that smell very disgusting, or all kinds of things that look nothing but taste delicious. The devil's crop that curled up in the stomach in an instant.

There was no other way. In order to survive, Lu Fang forced all these things into his mouth, covering them with his hands so that he could swallow them.

As for the source of food, it is natural to rob it, but after each robbing, you have to hide for a long time, because although Lu Fang's body is invincible, there are many demons who are proficient in sealing techniques in the Demon Realm, which makes Lu Fang have to Be very careful.

And just like Lu Fang, who dared not even walk on the street, felt like vomiting after eating anything, and would always think of his home at night, finally, during a day of wandering in the devil world, he came to a place full of people. In the foggy forest, I happened to find the wooden house hidden deep in the fog. The reason was that the magic circle around the wooden house had no effect on the human race.

In the wooden house, Lu Fang succeeded in eating a dinner that was unpalatable but indeed edible for humans, and found a water source in the wooden house that could be used for bathing.

Really, Lu Fang was so moved that he was about to cry.

In the following three years, Lu Fang never walked out of that forest and lived in that forest. Although he was very lonely, with the willpower of wanting to go home, Lu Fang succeeded in not going crazy. , created a portal to the main world, and everyone knows what happened next.

At the end of the memory, Lu Fangyao tapped his hand on the wooden house without hesitation, and then pressed the confirm button.

The space in front of him suddenly shook violently, and then a forest full of mist appeared in Lu Fang's spiritual sea. In front of Lu Fang, there was an unusually familiar cabin.

However, before Lu Fang had time to push open the door of the wooden house, the scene in front of him dissipated instantly. When Lu Fang opened his eyes again, he found that there was a pair of big ice blue eyes curiously looking at him in front of him. Looking at himself, but his hood was taken off at some point.

The air was suddenly awkward, Mingmeng let go of Lu Fang's hood, and said:

"That... I just took a look, just curious."

Lu Fang didn't listen carefully to Ming Meng's words, put his hood back on, waved his hands and said:


After Mingmeng heard Lu Fang's words, she became quiet and looked at Lu Fang out of the corner of her eyes.

"He can't be angry with me." Ming Meng thought in her heart, looked at Lu Fang, and said:
"Well, may I ask, are you a man or a woman?"

Mingmeng regretted the moment she said this sentence, because she obviously didn't mean to say that just now, well, in fact, she herself didn't know what she wanted to say just now, she just said it subconsciously.

"That, I was just now." Ming Meng said in a panic, but before she finished speaking, she heard Lu Fang say:

"Hey?" Ming Meng was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Lu Fang's chest, and muttered softly:

"That's right, if it's a girl's chest, how could it be so flat."

However, what Mingmeng didn't know was that even though her voice was very small, Lu Fang still heard her.

drop! [Super six senses] The first level of training is completed, and random skills are being drawn.
Lu Fang:.
(End of this chapter)

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