Chapter 330 My Time
Lu Fang only felt chills all over his body. He couldn't imagine how powerful it would be if all the magic elements in Gaoyue City exploded. No one was spared except the Holy Mage Tower.

"By the way, the Holy Mage Tower!" Lu Fang thought of something, and then jumped out of the window of the Brotherhood branch.

"What are you going to do? I haven't finished my words yet!" Cersei was taken aback when she saw Lu Fang's behavior, and hurriedly shouted at Lu Fang.

Lu Fang fell on a roof, heard the voice behind him, and replied casually:
"I have something to confirm. I'll be back later. You sit inside and wait for me." After Lu Fang finished speaking, he moved quickly on the roof of Gaoyue City. After a while, he disappeared from Cersei's sight.

Cersei looked at the direction where Lu Fang disappeared, thinking about it. "That direction seems to be the location of the mage tower?"

After finishing speaking, he shook his head and said, "Do you want to go over and confirm the center of the magic circle?"

After speaking, Cersei sat quietly on the chair, looked at the table in front of her, not knowing what to write.

At the same time, Lu Fang, who was moving at high speed on the roof, was constantly observing the magic lines on the ground with eagle eyes.

In Lu Fang's eagle eyes, all the streets in the entire city, the magic patterns of the magic circles depicted are all gathered in the most central position of the entire city, that is, standing in the very center of Gaoyue City. The tallest building is above the Holy Mage Tower.

"Why? If it's a holy mage tower, this kind of magic circle should be impossible to hide. Why would the spirit of the holy mage tower ignore it."

No matter how he thought about it, Lu Fang couldn't think of a reason. He really couldn't believe that this city was able to form a huge magic circle from the arrangement of the buildings and streets, and the one who planned everything seemed to be It is the death of all things hidden in the dark.

But here comes the question, how does the end of all things do it?Why are the urban buildings of Gaoyue City exactly able to depict a magical detonation circle.

Is it a coincidence?Obviously, that is impossible, unless the city was built to depict this magic circle at the beginning of its establishment.

At this time, Lu Fang felt as if his head was about to explode. This magic energy detonated the magic circle like a time bomb that could be detonated at any time, constantly lingering in Lu Fang's heart. I dare not imagine at all, if this magic circle is activated at this time, what kind of consequences will be produced.

But there is one thing that Lu Fang is sure of. If the magic circle is activated, he will definitely not be able to resist the power like a nuclear bomb explosion.

Thinking this way, Lu Fang came to the bottom of the holy mage tower. This time, Lu Fang didn't feel any mana suppression. The angel martial soul was activated, and Lu Fang flapped the wings behind him, and soon flew to the At the top of the holy mage tower, and at the top of the mage tower, a girl in platinum was also sitting on the edge of the mage tower early at this time.

Lu slowed down and flew to the girl's side, looked at the girl and said:
"You know I'll be back, don't you?"

The girl didn't look at Lu Fang, but looked at Gaoyue City under the mage tower, and said slowly: "So what if you know, what if you don't know?"

Lu Fang frowned and said, "Is it a prophecy spell? What did you see?"

A gust of majestic wind blew past, condensed in the girl's hand, and rolled up a leaf that flew from nowhere, the girl scattered the fly in her hand, causing the leaf to fall into her palm, looking at the leaf, the girl said Said something that Yi Lu Fang didn't understand: "Let's go now, this is not something you should be involved in."

Without waiting for Lu Fang to speak, the girl continued talking to herself:
"Gods, angels, demons, humans, sects, wars." The girl closed her eyes halfway through her words, and after a short pause, she said the last three words:

The girl stretched out a hand and grabbed it in the air. It was a silver-white staff with a bright red gemstone inlaid with a faint light on the top. With a wave of her hand, a violent hurricane came from Lu Fang's body. Zhou Shengsheng blew Lu Fang off the top of the mage tower in just a split second.

"East City Gate, under the gods and stars, let's go!"

Before Lu Fang had time to say anything, he was blown directly to the bottom of the mage tower by the strong wind. After opening the eagle eye, Lu Fang found that a circle of energy invisible to the naked eye had appeared around the mage tower.

He punched it casually, and there was not even the slightest fluctuation on the surface of the energy wall. Lu Fang knew that he had been completely driven off at this time.

And at this time, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in Lu Fang's mind, and a brand new task was issued in the system's task bar.

Lu Fang opened the task bar casually, and saw a brand new task was already hanging in the task bar.

Task Name: Under the Godly Star (Large Chain Task·First Ring)
Quest Difficulty: Legend

Mission introduction: Under the superficially calm continent, it seems that some unprecedented event is about to happen, and you who have come into contact with these events seem to be involved in a small part of it, and the tool soul of the holy mage tower seems to have noticed this. , she wants to get you out of this huge plan, and the first link she wants to get you out of the plan seems to be to go to the East City Gate and the so-called underworld!

Task requirements: Go to the god-filthy star mentioned by the holy-rank mage's tower.

Task reward: Magic Cut performs one technology-side enhancement, and a random 100-level character experience card in the template.

Failure penalty: none
Remarks: No punishment will be given this time, you can figure it out yourself.

After Lu Fang finished reading the task, he silently closed the task bar of the system and fell into thinking.

For the task of legendary difficulty, should I run away, or should I run away, or should I complete this task with a little bit of luck or desperate mentality?
Afterwards, Lu Fang took a deep breath, looked back at the towering holy mage tower, and left quickly.

At the top of the mage tower, watching Lu Fang leave quickly, the girl said slowly:
"Hurry up, the farther you go, the better, after all." When the girl said this, layers of white mist appeared on her body. When the white mist dissipated, the one who was on the mage tower before was blown by the strong wind. The old man who seemed to be immortal appeared on the spot.

"Next, it's my time."

(End of this chapter)

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