Super template lottery system

Chapter 37 The biochemistry template turned out to be...

Chapter 37 The biochemistry template turned out to be...

drop!The task is completed and the task reward has been issued.

Suddenly there was a new wave of knowledge in his mind. This should be the meditation idea after the upgrade. Lu Fang roughly absorbed it, and then opened the template to prepare for the lucky draw.

A random biochemical template, thinking about it, I still have a little expectation, Lu Fang rubbed his hands, and clicked on the draw.

drop!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the biochemical category: "Plants vs. Zombies" template (system demonized version).

The smile froze on his face, and Lu Fang stared at the newly added template with a dazed expression. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the line with a broken face.

"System, you are playing tricks on me! If I beat you to death, just give me this!"

"Hey, wait, what is the system demonized version?"

After clicking on the template bar of "Plants vs. Zombies", Lu Fang began to observe.

The first is a tombstone with words engraved on it.

The first row says "Get Plants"

The second row reads "Acquire Zombies"

Lu Fang tried to click to get the plant, and then he felt a sense of trance. When Lu Fang got his feet on the ground again, he was already standing on a piece of grass, and in the distance was a small green thing.

Two leaves wrap the rhizome, and above the rhizome is a green head that looks like a gun barrel. The black eyes look very cute. It is the pea shooter in the game.

Lu Fang was confused, what is he going to do, can we explain it, but before Lu Fang finished thinking, the pea shooter just spit out a pea and flew towards Lu Fang, the speed is not Soon, Lu Fang was able to dodge easily. Lu Fang dodged, and sure enough, the pea was empty.

However, something strange happened. The pea actually changed its direction in mid-air and continued to fly towards the road.

Lu Fang saw that he couldn't hide, so he stopped hiding. He took out the broken white sheath and stabbed at it!

The pea was easily chopped open, but Lu Fang frowned. The power of this pea was far beyond his imagination. If you compare it with numerical values, then the power of this pea is about [-] points.

"Interesting, do you want me to defeat this pea shooter?" Lu Fang rushed towards the pea shooter quickly, raising his hand twice!The pea shooter was cut in half by Lu Fang, and a card fell directly to the ground.

The picture on the card is the pea shooter just now.

Lu Fang picked up the card, the space changed instantly, and Lu Fang returned to the tombstone.

At the same time, Lu Fang felt that there seemed to be something more in his body. He closed his eyes and searched carefully. Soon, he found that there was an extra card in his mental power, and that card was the same. It's the pea shooter.

With a thought, a pea shooter appeared in front of Lu Fang.

"Peashooter! Reporting to you!" The peashooter spoke directly after appearing. Unlike the card, this peashooter actually had clothes on him. Well, it was just a black military cap.

Although the voice sounded like that of a seven or eight-year-old boy, you could tell from the tone of the words that the person who said this was definitely not a child.

Lu Fang suddenly became very interested. He squatted down and asked, "Are you a pea shooter?"

"Yes! Sir!" replied Peashooter without thinking.

"Then why are you different from this card?" Lu Fang took the card out of his mind and pointed at it.

"Report sir, I am the captain of the pea shooter. All the ordinary pea shooters are led by me. You can summon me every time you summon for the first time. After that, the pea shooters you summon are all my projections. The strength is lower than mine, and my strength grows with you, sir, so those projections will look the same as those on that card."

"Oh, that's it." Lu Fang understood, this is the summoning flow.

"Then can you move?" Lu Fang asked. You must know that in the game, plants cannot change positions after they are planted.

"Yes!" Peashooter replied without thinking.

"Understood, then you go back first." Lu Fang sent the pea shooter back directly. Lu Fang's mana will be consumed when summoned. Of course, only more mana is consumed when summoned, and the mana to maintain is still very high. Less, not as fast as Lu Fang's recovery, but this is just a peashooter summoned, no one knows what will happen if there are too many summons.

After clicking Summon Plants again, Lu Fang appeared in the grassland again.

This time it was the sunflower. Lu Fang originally thought that the sunflower had no fighting power, but he was blinded by the sunshine of the sunflower. He was also extremely depressed, so he had to wait for his eyes to recover.

After successfully obtaining the Sunflower card, Lu Fang withdrew from the grassland.

He summoned a sunflower, and the voice sounded like a girl. Although Lu Fang didn't know if plants had genders, he was wearing a black windbreaker, draped over the two leaves of the sunflower. His ability was to collect sunlight. It can restore the physical strength of plants or creatures. When in danger, it can detonate the collected Yangguan and blind the enemy's eyes. It is a good auxiliary.

After clicking on the grave again, Lu Fang didn't choose to get plants, he was going to try to get zombies.

The space changed, and Lu Fang appeared in the grass again, but it was night, and in front of him was a zombie that didn't look scary at all, but was a bit cute in contrast. Lu Fang was also drunk for this kind of zombie, but he didn't He didn't show anything, walked over calmly, and slashed at it with a single knife.

The broken white sheath easily cut off the zombie's arm after cutting it. However, Lu Fang was already very satisfied. The body host of this zombie was much higher than Lu Fang's estimate. At least Lu Fang was able to chop it off. The zombie's body felt a little laborious.

He hacked the zombie to death with another knife, and a card change fell to the ground. Lu Fang picked it up, and the change instantly exited the grass and piled up in front of the tombstone.

[Summon ordinary zombies]

A zombie wearing a military uniform appeared in front of Lu Fang. Except for the strange face, everything else was okay. At least as the captain, he didn't have big yellow teeth, and his voice sounded a bit like The hoarse male voice gave Lu Fang a good overall feeling.

I clicked on the tombstone again, but a line of words popped up: "The three entry opportunities for this week have been used up, please come back in a week."

"Er" Lu Fang was speechless. How could he have thought that there would be entry restrictions? He had no choice but to quit the "Plants vs. Zombies" template.

The outside body is in a coma, and it's useless to worry, and Lu Fang's body has been strengthened by the zombie virus, so he plans to enter "Minecraft" to tame the wolf king first, but just as Lu Fang When he was ready to enter "My World" full of confidence, a light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

He woke up. . .

 I didn't write very well in the last few chapters of this chapter, after all, the author did it himself, and opened too many lines, which made my brain hurt.
  As the author, I just want to finish writing Seven Days to Kill the World as soon as possible, and then relieve the pressure. . .

(End of this chapter)

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