Super template lottery system

Chapter 475 Nightmare Spirit

Chapter 475 Nightmare Spirit
10 minutes ago
In the last carriage, a black-haired girl wearing a beige shirt and a light blue dress came to this carriage. Holding a mobile phone in one hand, the girl sat in her own seat.

"Is there anything Xiaoyuean wants from me?" A lazy-sounding female voice appeared in the earphone connected to the phone. Lu Yuean couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard it, and then quickly scrambled on the phone On the displayed keyboard type:

"Sister Penglai, can you pay attention, you must know that I am currently on a mission, what if you accidentally reveal something important when you make a voice?"

On the other end of the phone, a brand new message came soon, and this time, the message was already a voice message:
"Allah, Xiaoyue'an, don't be so serious. Besides, what I just said will not reveal any information at all. Besides, is it really reliable to use QQ to make calls?"

Lu Yuean listened to the voice from the earphone, a helpless figure appeared on her face, and then quickly replied:
"This is different. Our channel is dedicated to the state, and there will be no wiretapping."

"Of course I know this. It's just a joke. Really, Xiao Yue'an is really serious." On the other end of the phone, the woman called Sister Penglai replied.

After finishing this sentence, the next moment, sister Penglai typed seriously:
"How is the mission going?"

Lu Yuean saw the news on QQ, but she didn't show any serious expression on her face. After all, there are still a lot of people around here. Be careful, as for why no one pays attention to her, nonsense, cute people will get attention wherever they go, that's right!

"Everything is normal, and I haven't encountered any strange people or things."

"Allah, strange person, huh, Xiaoyue'an needs to be careful about these things, after all, Xiaoyue'an is so cute, if she meets some lolicon, it will not be fun What?" From the other end of the phone, Sister Penglai's incoherent voice came again, while Lu Yuean calmly listened to the information in her ear, and was obviously completely used to her so-called "convulsions" of Sister Penglai's duration. Yes, but if you want to say that you are completely immune, you may need to wait for a while.

Seeing that Lu Yuean didn't reply, Sister Penglai continued to speak:

"Speaking of lolicon, it reminds me of Xiaoyue'an's brother, that otaku who stays at home every day, seems to like two-dimensional beautiful girls very much, and, last time, I was on your brother's computer Turned over some bad things."

Five thick and long black lines appeared on Lu Yuean's face. She listened to the words coming from the earphone, and her eyebrows fluttered from time to time, as if she was enduring something that ordinary people could not bear. .

But the other end of the phone is still talking about these things.
"Xiao Yue'an is very cute. I don't know if Xiao Yue'an has heard of "***". That game is quite fun, what's wrong?"

Sister Penglai hadn't finished speaking when she suddenly discovered that the voice between herself and Lu Yuean had been disconnected.

Sister Penglai showed a slightly satisfied smile on her face, and said: "My lovely Xiaoyuean, do you think I can't do it without the audio? I can type, hahahahahaha."

Sister Penglai suddenly fell silent. She looked at the red exclamation mark on the phone, and couldn't help but let out a dragon-like roar.

"Ahhhhhhh, Xiaoyue'an, how dare you block me!!!"

Seeing that no more messages popped up and the lazy female voice in the earphones, Lu Yuean exhaled softly, with a relaxed expression on his face.

“Finally Quiet”

However, the next moment, the brows on Lu Yuean's face frowned again, because she saw in the call records, which showed unanswered call records.

"My brother didn't know what he was doing, he didn't answer the phone call, and then he turned off the phone directly." Looking at what happened when he called Lu Fang just now, Lu Yuean couldn't help but muttered. stand up.

"When I go back, I must ask. If the answer doesn't satisfy me, hum!"

Lu Yuean thought so, but couldn't help but click the dial button again.

"The number you dialed is turned off, please try again later. Blah blah blah blah."

"Ah, it's so annoying. What the hell is my brother doing now? Doesn't he even answer the calls of his cutest and cutest sister?"

"Could it be!" Lu Yuean seemed to have thought of something, with a cautious expression on his face:

"My brother found a girlfriend!?"

Thinking about it carefully, no matter how you say it, my brother is 25 or [-] years old. Although he stays at home every day, his body is thin, he can only play games, and his level is not very good. A street writer.

I'm very lazy, I don't like to cook by myself, and it would be troublesome to pay for utilities. I only brush my teeth once a week, and wash my hair once a month. Go out of the gate of the community to go to the bathhouse on the side, but like to wash at home roughly and continue to struggle in front of the computer, but Lu Yuean always believes that his brother can definitely find a girlfriend!
Although, she herself doesn't know where this confidence comes from.
However, if you find a girlfriend, it's normal if you don't know yourself. Thinking about it, Lu Yuean had a dangerous coldness in his eyes, and said in his heart:
"If it's a beautiful, hardworking, and gentle woman, I won't intervene, but if you let me know what a bad female voice it is, hehe."

Time was thinking wildly like this, but suddenly felt a dark energy, his face turned abruptly, and Lu Yuean stood down from the seat in an instant.

"What a strong resentment." Lu Yuean sighed, but quickly put on a fighting posture.

People around looked curiously at this little girl who suddenly stepped down from the seat with a serious face, but before they could think anything, the whole train stopped abruptly, a huge force Take the bodies of these people and hit the wall.

Lu Yue'an only felt that his eyes flickered, and his body hit the solid wall, but the strange thing was that the wall didn't suffer any huge damage, but it was himself, who felt that the internal organs in his body seemed to be misplaced.

And at this time, a monster that was completely black and seemed to have no entity appeared out of thin air in the car. Lu Yuean looked at the monster that appeared in the car, his pupils shrank suddenly, and said in shock:
"The nightmare spirit that has materialized?"

(End of this chapter)

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