Super template lottery system

Chapter 559 Shrimp Shells

Chapter 559 Shrimp Shells
"With all due respect, there is obviously nothing here." He Mu looked around and said after confirming that there were no buildings.

Yu Muli gave He Mu a blank look, and said speechlessly: "I'm a witch, everyone is beating me, how could I build my house in a conspicuous location."

"That's the mechanism, but I can't even see the mechanism here."

"You mean redstone, right? I have that thing, but unfortunately, I don't know it." The girl turned white again, then walked in front of the tree, and took out a stick from her waist. He took a small ax, and then the ax quickly became larger, turning into an ax with square serrations, and slammed it hard on the book in front of him.

He Mu looked at the scene in front of him, and just about to say something, some memory fragments appeared in his mind again, and these memory fragments were some common-sense questions about the world of "My World". And after absorbing these memories, He Mu didn't say what he wanted to say, but quietly watched the girl knock down the two bottom pieces of wood from the tree in front of him.

And after knocking down the wood at the bottom of the tree, the ladder passage below was exposed. Looking at the half tree at the bottom that lost two squares but was still floating in the air, He Mu expressed his love for this world. The profound unscientificity of the laws of physics.

But why?Since this is the common sense of the world, why do I feel unfamiliar?

Vaguely, He Mu felt that he might not belong to this world. Of course, this was just intuition and some memories in his mind.

After arriving at Yu Muli's home, half a year has passed, yes, half a year!
In the past six months, He Mu has been living silently in Yu Muli's home. As for why, He Mu himself can't explain clearly, but he simply forgot to leave, and at the same time, he created a lot of things that he himself didn't like. Something not quite believable.

First of all, the entrance was transformed into a redstone mechanical door by him. Considering the concealment, Hemu placed the entrance in a pothole overgrown with weeds.

At the same time, the entire Yumuli's home was completely remodeled by Hemu, making it extremely beautiful, and underground, a fully automatic 9*9 farmland with a total of five floors appeared, relying on pistons to To block or let go of the water flow so that the crops are rushed to the center and left in the bottom funnel, and the crops are transported into the box by the transmission of each funnel and the thrower launched upwards.

Of course, there is only harvesting, there is no automatic planting method, but why is it called fully automatic?Because the sowing is not done by Hemu, Hemu calls it fully automatic.

Of course, don't get me wrong, it's not Yu Muli's job to sow seeds.

"Squeak! (Although emmmmm knows the sound of a rabbit, but I don't know what onomatopoeia to use. If it's wrong, please don't pay attention to this little problem)"

The sound of a rabbit barking sounded from Hemu's feet. Hemu reached out, took out groups of seeds from the box, put them into the rabbit's mouth, and rubbed the opponent's head. Hemu said:

"I'm counting on you this time too, Shrimp Shell."

Shrimp Shell is the name of the rabbit. It was originally intended to be called Charcot, but because of a typo by an author of the Great Cosmic Consciousness, it was called Shrimp Shell.

The shrimp shell is a pet that Yu Muli kept before Lu Fang came here. Although it is called a pet, in fact, Hemu thinks it should be called a war pet. It is said that it was originally a killer rabbit. From time to time, he followed Yu Muli.

During the days when she was hunted down when she first became a witch, it was the shrimp shell that protected Yu Muli's safety. If there was no shrimp shell, maybe Yu Muli would have died long ago.

"Squeak!" Shrimp Shell yelled, and Hemu smiled when he heard it, took out a set of carrots from the box, put them on top of the opponent's head, and said with a smile:
"Got it, this group is for you, save some food."

"Squeak!" Shrimp Shell yelled happily, and then shouted a pile of seeds, and rushed into the farmland, while Hemu looked at the disappearing shrimp shell, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"It's almost time."

Hemu no longer intends to stay here anymore, because Hemu wants to restore his memory, and if he wants to restore his memory, Hemu needs to constantly touch some "items" that can remind him of his memory fragments. ", but here, what Hemu can accept is too little, and there is no way to recall how many memories.

Originally, He Mu wanted to leave very early on, but considering Yu Muli's mood, He Mu never made up his mind.

Therefore, He Mu set up two plans, mainly to ask Yu Muli if he would like to go with him.

If the other party agrees, then naturally there is no problem, but if the other party does not agree, all the redstone mechanisms, large monster-spawning towers and this fully automatic farmland that Hemu has made in the past six months are all made by Yu Muli. ready.

In this case, even if he leaves, there shouldn't be any problems.

It just so happened that at this moment, there was a sound of a pressure plate, and the piston was running. The next moment, Yu Muli walked out from the piston door behind Hemu.

"Hemu Hemu, I learned a brand new magic today!" Said the sage Hemu who showed off a little as soon as Yu Muli walked out of the piston door.

Hemu is used to it, and the girl will tell herself basically before she develops a new magic, because in Hemu's eyes, these magics are simple and can't be changed casually in simple things, and the effect can be improved. The improvement has been several times, and the girl actually came to Hemu to show off with such an idea.

Changed it casually, the girl's magic became more powerful, the girl jumped up happily, just about to speak, when she saw Hemu's serious face, she couldn't help but feel bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment, He Mu said:

"Mu Li, I'm leaving." (Tell you quietly, I have decided to change the heroine. As for the heroine, you can guess, although I think you can definitely guess it. As for why the name is so kind , cough cough, we have been living together for half a year, can you not be kind?)
Yu Muli's eyes dimmed. Although he had expected that He Mu would leave, Yu Muli still didn't expect that this day would come so early. No, it's actually not too early. It's not ready yet.

Yu Muli could almost guess the content of He Mu's next sentence, most likely he was inviting him to go with him or something, but Yu Muli didn't know He Mu's specific strength, didn't know that He Mu was actually very strong, and because Because I am a witch, I was worried that walking with Hemu might cause Hemu danger. Without hesitation, before Hemu said this, Yu Muli pretended not to be surprised at all. At the same time, he said with a look of no remembrance:
"Understood, then you can go."

 Brothers, let me tell you a piece of good news. This book will probably be finished this month. After the world chapter of the ancient "Minecraft" is over, the protagonist will have a decisive battle with the main god. After the decisive battle, this book will finally be finished. It's coming to an end.

  Although I don’t know how many people can see my words, after all, the books are now 404, and I don’t know when it will be unblocked, and there are probably very few people who can see this.
  Buming is very grateful to the book friends who read this place. Of course, it also includes those book friends who read pirated versions. After all, it is actually quite difficult to see this place despite the poison, but if you read the genuine version of the starting point It's even better, but unfortunately, you can't find my book if you want to read the original version for the time being, oh, oh, except for those who have collected it, you can't find my book anymore, well, but you should still be able to The ban is lifted, I only hope that everyone will come to the genuine version in the future~
  Thank you all book friends for your continued support, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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