Super template lottery system

Chapter 72 No one dares to step forward

Chapter 72 No one dares to step forward


Lu Fang was taken aback. Anyone who saw a gray-white figure suddenly opened his eyes in front of you probably had this reaction. Lu Fang looked at Wang Xiaoxing and fell into thinking.

"Wang Xiaoxing really has the aura of the protagonist. If I'm not wrong, it should be Qin Shou who got him up, and then there should be an escape plan."

At this moment, Wang Xiaoxing's voice suddenly came out of Lu Fang's mind.

"Lu Fang?"

Lu Fang's body trembled undetectably. It is definitely not a good thing that such a thing suddenly happened while he was thinking seriously.

Lu Fang tried to say in his heart.

"Wang Xiaoxing?"

Wang Xiaoxing was obviously relieved after hearing Lu Fang's words. He almost didn't recognize the assassin suit Lu Fang was wearing before.

"It's me, Lu Fang, you've heard me." Wang Xiaoxing disappeared before he finished speaking. At the same time, Lu Fang found that Wang Xiaoxing in the blood pool had closed his eyes again.

Through eagle eyes, Lu Fang could clearly see that the seventh-order powerhouse guarding the magic circle had just glanced at the blood pool, and the direction was Wang Xiaoxing's position, but after careful observation for a while, he didn't find it. After something, he looked back again.

Lu Fang guessed that it was definitely Qin Shou who transmitted the sound to Lu Fang, but because Qin Shou's mental body is currently in a weak state, it is very easy to be discovered by the seventh-level strong man, which is why Wang Xiaoxing just said halfway cause of disappearance.

Sure enough, when the seventh-level powerhouse stopped paying attention to this side for a while, Wang Xiaoxing's voice reappeared in Lu Fang's mind.

"Lu Fang, I need to make a long story short, I know, isn't your blood book able to summon a seventh-level junior Nocturne projection? I need him, and I hope you."

Wang Xiaoxing paused for a moment, his voice hesitated.

"Hold everyone here!"

After Wang Xiaoxing said this sentence, he fell into silence. Lu Fang didn't reply this sentence in a hurry, but asked:

"Can you tell me why?"

Wang Xiaoxing still didn't speak, Lu Fang just waited. After a while, Wang Xiaoxing's voice came:

"I need to destroy this magic circle, but it is very easy to be discovered when destroying this magic circle"

Before Wang Xiaoxing finished speaking, Lu Fang said:

"How much time is needed?"

"If only I wake up alone."

Before Wang Xiaoxing finished speaking, Lu Fang said:

"I'm asking everyone." Lu Fang's voice was very calm.

"Lu Fang, listen to me, when I wake up, as long as the two of us destroy this magic circle, everyone will wake up. You don't need to take such a big risk, just wake me up first. after."

"Then let me ask you, if the two of us destroy the magic circle, how sure are you? Can you wake up someone who is stronger than you first, and will this increase the success rate?"

Wang Xiaoxing fell into silence. The information channel deciphered from the system told Lu Fang that Wang Xiaoxing and Qin Shou were in a quarrel. After a long time, Wang Xiaoxing said:
"Sorry, I can only wake myself up first, and destroy the success rate of saving everyone by destroying the magic circle"

"No more than forty percent..."

"Then let me ask you, what is the success rate of saving everyone."

This moment, Wang Xiaoxing answered quickly.

"Nine percent."

"Very well, then you can save everyone."

"Then, Lu Fang, you must be careful." After Wang Xiaoxing said, the soul body closed his eyes, and a trace of spiritual power continuously drifted out from his body, constantly eroding the nearby magic nodes.

And Lu Fang pulled the hood down, thinking of what he was going to do later, Lu Fang's heart couldn't help beating.

Holding the blood book in his hand, Lu Fang poured mana into it directly, and said in his mouth at the same time:
"Demon from the abyss, please hear my call, your humble believer needs your guidance."

The blood book in his hand suddenly emitted a dazzling red light, and a figure slowly appeared from the void.

With a burly figure and red skin, his body exudes a terrifying purple magic energy, and purple-black lines constantly appear on his body. Due to the 50.00% improvement effect of the assassin customer service special effect, the strength of the summoned Nocturne Projection is stronger than that of ordinary The seventh-level elementary level is much higher, although it still can't win against the upper seventh-level mid-level, and this is just a summoned projection, only the simplest instinctive consciousness, so killing it is out of the question.

However, the fighting power of the demon race is higher than that of the human race, so it is no problem to delay it, and it can be delayed until the end of time.

After Lu Fang gave Nocturne an order to hold back the seventh-level powerhouse, he looked around.

The change here has already attracted everyone's attention, Lu Fang is now surrounded by all the members who can fight, and Moteng flew up directly, flying towards the seventh-level powerhouse, very quickly Quickly fight.

And after the members of the death club surrounded Lu Fang, a third-rank member of the death club said: "The blood book is in his hands, as long as he is killed and the blood book is taken away, the magic circle can be activated immediately." , if you don’t want to be a sacrifice for the activation of the magic circle, charge me!” (Note: The magic circle needs a core, and the core can be anything, as long as it fits the magic circle, and if the life sacrifice array has no core, it will Can only be activated by sacrificing professionals)

Not surprisingly, the group of low-strength members couldn't help but feel the same after hearing the words of the third-tier member. Their strength is the weakest, and they are most likely to become sacrifices to activate the magic circle. After Lu Fang, there was no need to make sacrifices, and all of them were like chicken blood, and they couldn't help looking at Lu Fang with greedy eyes.

"Kill!" After I don't know which member shouted loudly, almost all the members rushed towards Lu Fang. Lu Fang looked at this scene and sneered, but because of the hood, no one Can see his movements clearly.

"Charging in disorder, you will only hurt your own people more easily."

Lu Fang looked at the crowd in front of him, instead of retreating, he rushed forward!He is going to teach them today what fighting is!

【Iai Slash! 】

Wushuang pulled out with lightning speed, and the golden Wushuang sword light swept across. Those members who rushed to the front were cut in half before the super reaction came, and the people behind saw this scene. I just wanted to stop, but was pushed back and forth because the people behind me didn't brake in time.

Lu Fang slammed his feet on the ground, jumped up towards the crowd, stepped on the head of a first-order member, and jumped up again.

A member of the second rank shot a sword energy (not a sword light) at Lu Fang while Lu Fang was flying in the air. As a result, Lu Fang tested his body in the air and dodged it. Aiming at that person's head, an energy bomb composed of Lu Fang's body's mana passed through the air and exploded that person's head.

The brains scattered, and all the members around retreated, looking at the headless corpse of that person in horror.

The moment Lu Fang landed, two figures rushed out from the crowd, one left and the other slashed at Lu Fang, the weapons in their hands shone brightly under the infusion of Dou Qi.

Lu Fang seemed to have eyes behind his back. He squatted down to avoid the blow to his head. At the same time, he raised his left hand, and the Hidden Sword in his hand popped out instantly, blocking the long knife that was slashed at his waist.

At the same time, the Hidden Sword of the right hand popped out and pierced the neck of the man on the right from bottom to top. With his left hand, he drew a circle and flew the long knife on the left. Immediately afterwards, the Hidden Sword of the right hand was pulled out, and after drawing a beautiful arc , a bloodstain appeared on the neck of the man on the left.

The two bodies collapsed on the ground, one on the left and one on the right. Lu Fang shook off the blood on the Hidden Sword, and turned his head while holding the Hidden Sword exuding a golden sword light.

Everyone in the first and second ranks was terrified, and no one dared to step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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