Chapter 98 Back to Masyaf
I don't know how long it has passed. When Lu Fang woke up, he found himself in a haystack, and beside him, there was a wooden box. As for how Lu Fang knew, nonsense!Can't you do it by hand?

Lu Fang obviously didn't know what the situation was. For him, the only thing he could clearly understand now was what the box beside him was. If Lu Fang didn't guess wrong, the box must contain Eden Golden apples, as to why he was in the haystack with himself, he didn't know.


The impact of the two objects colliding began, and Lu Fang finally felt that something was wrong. He seemed to be in a carriage pulling hay.

Lu Fang smiled bitterly, he thought he already knew what was going on.

It is likely that the Templars wanted them, and he fell into a coma and could not leave quickly. There was no other way, so Malik and Kadar hid themselves in the haystack of the carriage, and then went out of the city disguised as scholars. Of course, this was just It's just Lu Fang's guess, whether this is the case or not, I don't know.

Of course, the strength of the Templars has not reached the level that can control Jerusalem, but there are a lot of their eyeliners here, which are easy to be discovered. This is why they can still go out of the city disguised as scholars, instead of going out of the city like ordinary novels. The city is directly blocked like that.

Suddenly there was a voice from outside, Lu Fang immediately concentrated on hearing it, and listened carefully.

"Brother, we have already left Jerusalem. According to the current speed, it will take about seven days to return to Masyaf."

"Kadar, don't be careless, Altaïr is seriously injured, as long as we are found, it will be over, unless we abandon Altaïr. I don't want that kind of thing to happen, you know?"

"I know."

The voices of the two were very low, and with the addition of the haystacks, if Lu Fang's ears weren't good enough, he might not be able to hear them.

Lu Fang raised his hand with difficulty, and found that he would have to expend a lot of strength not to mention it, and it would still be very painful. He touched his shoulder and found that it had been bandaged.

Lu Fang gave up struggling, but covered the dry grass in his mouth with his hand, and said, "I'm awake, where is this place, and what's the situation now?"

As soon as Lu Fang finished speaking, Kadar's voice sounded immediately: "Altaïr! You finally woke up, do you need me to help you out of the haystack?"

"No, my current appearance is easily exposed when people see it."

At this moment, Malik said: "Don't worry, Altaïr, I've cleaned the blood on your clothes, and there's no one around now, it's better to sit outside than to be in the haystack It's comfortable to lie down on, isn't it?"

Lu Fang felt relieved, and said, "That's fine, it's good to come out to get some air."

After hearing this, Kadar quickly came to the haystack, stretched his hand into the haystack, quickly helped Lu Fang up, and then stayed until the seat of the carriage.

With a "creak", Lu Fang went straight to the front of the carriage. He tried to choose a more comfortable posture and looked around.

As Malik had said, there was no one here but the three of them.

Lu Fang was completely relieved. He looked at Malik who was driving the carriage beside him and asked, "Did anything important happen after I passed out?"

Malik shook his head and said, "After you fell into a coma, I just treated the wound briefly for you. As for the blood on your body, there are actually not many bloodstains on your body. It will be dealt with after a little treatment."

"Afterwards, I hired a carriage at the car dealership, which is the one under our feet. The haystack was exchanged with money and a farmer, and then I put you and the treasure in it, disguised as a scholar out of town."

"Now that we have left the crowded place, in order to prevent accidents, I chose a small road. Normally, no one would walk here. Templars reach Masyaf sooner."

Lu Fang just grasped the key word "faster than the Templars?"

"Yes, according to reliable information I have received, the Templars have assembled an army and are on their way to Masyaf."

"Is it because of that treasure?" Lu Fang asked.

Malik nodded: "Although I only got news that the Templars are forming an army, judging from the timing, it should be."

Lu Fang stopped talking, but lay down on the carriage to rest.

Soon, Lu Fang and they returned to Masyaf, a village that was extremely prosperous under the leadership of the assassins. The assassins' residence was right in the middle of the village, and Al Mualim's residence was in the middle of the village. In the Byzantine-style tower in the center of the resident.

Lu Fang watched the streets full of people coming and going, and couldn't help but relax a lot, while Malik and Kadar next to him resolutely did so. (It’s already halfway up, and of course it’s no problem to walk down)
The three of Lu Fang were walking in the market, and an assassin dressed like Lu Fang and the others greeted them.

He is Lauf (old man?), in Altaïr's memory, this young man "" admires him very much, and also works hard for his goal.

He moved his back from the fountain, where he had obviously been waiting a long time, and most likely came here every day.

"Altaïr, you are back." Lauf looked at Altaïr with adoring eyes, his expression was as excited as a child's.

Lu Fang nodded and looked in the direction of the tower.

"It's great to see you safe and sound. I believe you must have completed the task assigned to you by your instructor."

Lu Fang nodded again. He looked at the tower where Al Mualin was usually located and said, "Is the mentor there?"

Lauf nodded: "Mentor, he has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Thanks, brother."

As Lu Fang said, he patted Lauf on the shoulder, and then took Malik and Kadar to the tower where Al Mualim was.

Time to think about the Al Mualim report later.

Passing through the garrison, the guards at the gate respectfully greeted the three of Altaïr, and at the gate of the outer fort, a voice was indeed blocked somewhere. Obviously, he, like Lauf, had been waiting for them for a long time.

But his attitude is not as friendly as Lauf, he is Altaïr's childhood friend, brother, Abbas!
(End of this chapter)

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