Chapter 233
The driver's speed was no longer slow, but Zhao Gang was still a little worried and anxious, so he kept urging: "Master, please hurry up."

After increasing the speed several times in a row, the driver said with some embarrassment: "I can't speed up any more. The maximum speed on this road section can only be so fast, otherwise I will have to pay a fine later."

Hearing the driver's words, Zhao Gang suppressed his anxiety a little bit, and stopped talking.

After a while, the taxi finally stopped at the pier, and the two hurriedly paid the money and got out of the car.

They didn't care so much this time, but ran in directly, but they didn't see Jin Chang as expected.

At this time, the inside of the pier was pitch black, with very low visibility, and there were so many ships inside, one docked next to the other, that Zhao Gang and the others had no idea where Jin Chang was at all.

Seeing such a situation, Zhao Gang suddenly found himself in trouble again.

If they searched for it bit by bit, by the time they found it, Jin Chang would have already escaped with the treasure.

But now there are only the two of them. In desperation, Zhao Gang had no choice but to turn his head to look at Wang Hui and said, "How about this, Brother Hui, there are too many ships here, so it's hard to find Jin Chang at once. We'd better go find them separately. To save time, you can go to the place where the ship is docked, and I will go to the warehouse at the dock to have a look."

Wang Hui happened to have this intention, and when he heard Zhao Gang's words, he immediately nodded and said, "Then you must pay attention to safety."

Although Jin Chang no longer has those two masters around him, there are still many bodyguards protecting him. If something unexpected happens, it will be difficult for Zhao Gang to escape.

Of course Zhao Gang understands this, but what he hopes to do most now is to catch Jin Chang as soon as possible, so in fact he doesn't care about these anymore, and even if he encounters any dangerous situation, he can think of a way to protect himself.

The two separated immediately, and then went to search separately.

Zhao Gang went straight to the warehouse at the pier. There were many warehouses at the pier. Zhao Gang started from the first one and searched for them one by one. After searching for about half an hour, he couldn't find the usual group of people.

But when he walked to another warehouse, he suddenly found that there was a light coming out of this warehouse, and there was a movement inside.

Zhao Gang had an intuition that this was probably where Jin Chang and the others were hiding, so he walked to the warehouse and quietly looked inside.

I saw that the warehouse was brightly lit, not only that, but also stored a lot of goods, and a group of people were carrying these goods onto the ship in an orderly manner.

Zhao Gang frowned slightly, his eyes swept over the goods.

It's just that these goods were all packed in cardboard boxes, and they were so tightly packed that he didn't even know what was inside.

"Hurry up, all of you, the ship will leave in a while, I must quickly load all these goods onto the ship!" A man who looked like a supervisor stood there and urged loudly.

When the rest of the people heard his voice, they hurriedly moved faster, for fear that they would be a step slower.

Because of this voice, Zhao Gang immediately turned his attention to him.

This voice was too familiar to him, it was clearly Jin Chang's voice.

And when he saw this person's figure and face, he was completely sure of this person's identity.

The person who was urging them to speed up was Jin Chang.

After learning the news, Zhao Gang gradually became a little excited. Since Jin Chang was here, the goods these people were carrying should be the treasures he wanted to take out of the country.

Zhao Gang didn't choose to quickly tell Zhang Yi and the others the news and ask them to bring someone over to resolve the matter, but instead appeared directly in front of Jin Chang himself.

Jin Chang originally directed the workers in a leisurely manner, but now when he saw Zhao Gang, his expression immediately became flustered.

"You, why are you here? How did you find it?" He pointed at Zhao Gang in panic and shouted.

However, Zhao Gang calmly approached him step by step, "You don't need to know how I found you. You just need to know that you can't escape today."

He must bring Jin Chang to justice.

After Jin Chang looked at him in horror, he suddenly had a plan and shouted loudly: "Listen to me, as long as any of you can kill Zhao Gang, I will reward him with 100 million immediately!"

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of the workers who were carrying the goods. When they heard Jin Chang's words, a gleam of hope suddenly rose in their eyes.

It is said that money can turn ghosts. This sentence is indeed good. Jin Chang's words quickly got everyone's response, and a large group of workers immediately surrounded Zhao Gang.

Each of them's monthly salary is only a few thousand yuan, but they often offer a price of one million yuan casually. This is money that many of them will never get after working hard for a lifetime. It was easy to be seduced by Jin Chang, and they were all thinking in their hearts how to kill this Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang also immediately realized this problem. He looked at the group of workers in front of him who were staring at him greedily, and frowned fiercely.

He did not expect that Jin Chang could pull off such a trick, how would he face this problem next?
On the other side, Jin Chang couldn't help laughing triumphantly after seeing those workers surrounding Zhao Gang.

He knew that his method would definitely work, and now that Zhao Gang was trapped by them, he would have a chance to escape.

Thinking of this, he quickly made a look at his subordinates, and then took the opportunity to take a group of people onto the boat. He didn't care about the treasures that hadn't had time to be carried on board, and quickly let his subordinates set off on the boat. Ran.

At this time, Zhao Gang was completely focused on how to deal with these workers, so he didn't notice this matter.

Although these workers all wanted to kill him to get the money, Zhao Gang couldn't kill them all, so he could only control his proportions and knock them all down. Look in the direction you are standing.

It's just that Jin Chang was no longer there at this time. He subconsciously looked towards the sea, only to see that Jin Chang had already gone out to sea in a boat, and Jin Chang was standing at the bow of the boat, making a contemptuous gesture towards him. gesture.

He secretly said something bad.

(End of this chapter)

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