Appreciation of treasures

Chapter 274 The Little Boy

Chapter 274 The Little Boy

After Wang Hui's little dialing, Zhao Gang not only consolidated his knowledge, but also made some qualitative leaps.

After Wang Hui left, Zhao Gang continued to read ancient books on allusions.It wasn't until late at night that I fell asleep unknowingly.

However, I woke up quite early the next day, and I didn't feel tired at all, which was completely different from usual.Curiosity is curiosity, Zhao Gang didn't think too much about it.

Wang Hui didn't come today, and it seemed that this was the first time in his memory that he was earlier than Wang Hui. It wasn't that Wang Hui was lazy, but that he did wake up a little early today.

With a self-deprecating embarrassment smile, Zhao Gang didn't rush to open the store door, and opened the door after tidying up the things in the store.

But the genius is bright, there must be no one at this time, and there is nothing to do anyway, Zhao Gang continued to flip through the ancient books.

These are estimated to be real ancient books, not the kind printed by modern people at all.

It is the real ancient books and classics, things left by the ancestors.

Just when Zhao Gang was flipping through the classics, the immersive feeling came again.But faintly, Zhao Gang actually felt a little tired.

This kind of tiredness is not the kind of tiredness that wants to sleep, but a feeling of mental sleepiness.

As time passed, this feeling became stronger and stronger, but Zhao Gang did not choose to put down the book.

While he was still flipping through the books carefully, a searing pain immediately brought him back to reality.

No one is more familiar with this feeling than Zhao Gang.

This is the scorching heat that only comes from the jade pendant when the crisis comes.

After closing the book, Zhao Gang raised his head.At this moment, at the door, at an unknown time, an eight or nine-year-old child was standing, staring at Zhao Gang blankly.

For a moment when they looked at each other, Zhao Gang felt a little hairy in his heart for some reason.It made him very uncomfortable.

Seeing Zhao Gang staring at him, the little boy didn't speak or move, just wandering around Zhao Gang with a pair of empty eyes.

It was the first time Zhao Gang felt this way about people, and he was still a child.

Putting down the book in his hand, Zhao Gang took a few steps forward and asked with a smile, "What can I do, kid?"

Although he was quite polite, Zhao Gang never let down his vigilance.

Not to mention that my intuition can't be wrong, at least the jade pendant that saves him every time he is on the verge of life and death can't be wrong.

But after asking, the little boy didn't answer Zhao Gang, but his eyes were still looking at Zhao Gang.

Looking at the little boy with a simple face, Zhao Gang felt very weird again. There was a little boy at the door before dawn, so it's strange not to panic.

However, despite being on guard.But Zhao Gang thought that a little boy was not enough to pose any threat to him.

So he came directly to the little boy and gently stroked the little boy's head.

"Little friend, tell uncle, why are you here?"

As he spoke, he gently picked up the little boy.

Just as he picked up the boy, the little boy said, "Big brother, I'm here to kill you."

The little boy's voice was a little childish and hoarse, but Zhao Gang was startled for a moment, and the hand holding the little boy subconsciously let go.

Some looked at the little boy in disbelief.

" said, what are you here for?" Zhao Gang thought he didn't hear clearly just now, so he asked again.

"Kill you!" The little boy replied two words lightly.

After hearing this, Zhao Gang laughed unnaturally: "Why did you kill me?"

"Because someone told me to kill you."

The little boy's voice sounded again, which made Zhao Gang frowned again.

Someone wanted to kill him again. There was Liu Xu before, and now there is an inexplicable kid. Who wants his life?

At the moment of thinking, Zhao Gang smiled and asked again: "Then do you think you can kill me?"

It's not that he underestimated the little boy, he never let go of his inner defenses, it's just that Zhao Gang felt that it was impossible to face such an eight or nine-year-old child.

However, what the little boy said next caused Zhao Gang's calm heart to turn into a turbulent sea.

"You have something to help you. I may not in the future, but now you can't beat me."

The little boy remained expressionless and said coldly.

Those who didn't know really thought that the little boy was just explaining one thing, because he didn't show the slightest murderous intent.

But Zhao Gang is not calm anymore, there are only a few people who know that he has the jade pendant, but the little boy can see through the secrets of him at a glance, how can he not be surprised.

This time, Zhao Gang also withdrew his contempt just now.

While Zhao Gang hesitated, the little boy said again: "Big Brother, I actually don't want to kill you."

Zhao Gang was taken aback again, somewhat confused about what the little boy meant.

"Why?" Zhao Gang asked.

The little boy didn't answer in a hurry, first he went to Zhao Gang and patted the corner of Zhao Gang's clothes, which was covered with dirt at some point, and then said calmly, "Because, I don't think you are a bad person, so I don't want to kill you."

Before Zhao Gang could speak, the little boy continued, "But, I have to kill you. If I don't kill you, I won't have anything to eat when I go back."

The little boy's words made Zhao Gang roll his eyes involuntarily, dammit, what about playing?I don't want to kill, but I want to kill again.

"Who is behind you? Why did you kill me?"

Zhao Gang wanted to see if he could get some useful information out of the boy's mouth.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the little boy rushed towards him.

Accompanied by the sentence: "When you die, I will tell you slowly." The little boy's aura instantly became extremely majestic, and he punched Zhao Gang.

Facing the little boy, Zhao Gang still had a little contempt. Facing the little boy, Zhao Gang punched him out. He didn't believe how much harm the little boy would cause him.

However, Zhao Gang paid the price for his contempt in the next second.

The moment he punched the little boy, Zhao Gang only felt his entire arm go numb, and the majestic force made him take a few steps back.

Look at the little boy again, at this moment the little boy is standing still in place.

Zhao Gang never imagined that a child who was only eight or nine years old could emit such power.

In addition to being shocked, his face was still shocked.

The little boy looked at Zhao Gang, pointed at Zhao Gang with a smile, and said with a slightly smug look: "How about it, I say you can't do it, big brother, don't resist, obediently let me kill you, so that you can suffer a lot less."

Zhao Gang was not frightened by the little boy's words, but when he saw the little boy's hand, Zhao Gang couldn't help being surprised in his eyes.

The little boy's hands were extremely rough, and even had thick calluses. They still looked immature like a child.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that it is not simple, what exactly has this boy experienced.

While Zhao Gang was thinking for a moment, the little boy moved again, but this time the speed was faster than last time, which made Zhao Gang feel a little unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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