Appreciation of treasures

Chapter 288 Unexpected

Chapter 288 Unexpected
Nalande being able to apologize to him at least shows that he is not a pedantic person, at most he has a temper and is a soft-hearted person.

After all, he is also an elder, and his status is not low, so Zhao Gang naturally understands the habits he has developed over the years, so he is not relentless, as long as he can achieve the effect that Aixinjueluo Xinyu expects.

"Hahahaha, Uncle Nalan, this is good. With Zhao Gang joining, even if we don't have the help of Zhenghuangqi, the chances of winning should be even better with the four of us fighting against the Five Banners. What's more, Zhao Gang's identity is relatively strong." Special, he is not counted among us in the Three Banners, so if you want to deal with Zhao Gang in the Five Banners, you really have to think carefully about it."

Nalande naturally understood this truth. After Aixinjue Luo Xinyu revealed Zhao Gang's identity, he immediately thought of this, and immediately understood why Aixinjue Luo Xinyu valued Zhao Gang so much.

This is also where he feels reckless.

"You're right. With Brother Zhao joining us, we'll get twice the result with half the effort. In this way, I'll go back and contact Tang Ruosheng, Xiao Yu, and investigate as soon as possible on your side. We shouldn't be late. The longer this matter is left, the more accidents will happen." More." Nalande said.

"This matter, I will trouble Uncle Nalan a lot." After finishing speaking, Aixinjue Luo Xinyu bowed deeply to Nalande.

After a few more simple greetings, Nalande left in a hurry, apparently starting to handle the matter.

"I'm sorry about today's incident."

After Nalande left, Aixinjue Luo Xinyu looked at Zhao Gang apologetically.

Zhao Gang waved his hand, indicating that it doesn't matter, and said with a smile: "It can be seen that Mr. Nalan is a sweetheart, and he is also doing it for your own good."

Then Zhao Gang said: "Although there are preliminary clues about this matter now, what we know is still far apart, so you investigate as soon as possible. It is best to sort out the relationship between the Five Flags and who is the most suspicious. In this way It is also convenient for us to launch an investigation.”

Aixinjue Luo Xinyu nodded.Even if Zhao Gang didn't say anything, he was ready to do it.

After bidding farewell to Aixinjue Luo Xinyu, Zhao Gang left the gate of the manor, and a car stopped in front of Zhao Gang.

It was obviously Aixinjueluo Xinyu who sent Zhao Gang back.

After getting in the car, Zhao Gang didn't say a word along the way.He closed his eyes gently and fell into thought.

He didn't seem to get any useful clues when he came today to confirm that this batch of things was related to this group of tomb robbers.

Rubbing his head, Zhao Gang felt a slight pain in his head. At this moment, he had the feeling of being trapped in a cage.

He always had a feeling that everything behind the scenes was controlled by a pair of thugs.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the tomb robber Zhang Yi investigated could be related to the loss of the treasure guarded by Aixinjue Luo Xinyu.

According to Nalande, there is no capable person in the Five Banners who can rob graves and fix caves.

This tomb robbery is not simply a matter of digging a hole and getting in. There are many ways to go inside.

Judging from the group of people I met today, they don't have decades of experience, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be so proficient.

And for decades, if it was someone who had flown the Five Banners, it was impossible for Nalande to be ignorant of the news.

So Zhao Gang can now basically conclude that this group of people should not be the ones flying under the Five Banners, but they have a great relationship with the Five Banners.

It is also very likely that the foreign aid was invited by the people under the Five Banners.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Gang had already arrived at the store, the door was locked, and Wang Hui hadn't come back yet.

It seems that the company has been really busy these two days, and Zhao Gang can't help but feel a little tired after a day of running around.

After going to the bathroom for a brief wash, Zhao Gang came out. He didn't know if it was because of too much water in the ground or because he didn't stand firmly.

Zhao Gang staggered and fell forward, and by coincidence, his nose hit the table.

In the next second, Zhao Gang's nosebleeds gushed out like a fountain.

Good guy, straight up a good guy, Zhao Gang quickly raised his head, covered his nose with his hand, and groped with his other hand on his clothes, preparing to block his nose with a piece of paper.

Feeling and feeling, he didn't feel the paper, but the jade pendant.

Just when he touched the jade pendant, a miraculous touch happened. When Zhao just covered his nose, his hands were stained with a lot of blood. The moment he touched the jade pendant, the blood on Zhao Gang's hand was instantly sucked dry.

But Zhao Gang hasn't found it yet, so he continues to grope for paper.

But I didn't feel it after touching it for a long time, maybe the hand covering my nose was sore.Zhao Gang was about to switch hands.

Just as soon as he raised his hand, Zhao just discovered that there was not even a little blood on the hand just now.


A big question mark flashed in his mind, he just covered his nose with this hand, he was sure there was blood on his hand.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao found the jade pendant on his clothes just now, and seemed to remember that he touched the jade pendant just now.

"Is it him?"

Zhao Gang seemed to be suspicious, staring at the jade pendant, and gradually, a miraculous scene happened.

The jade pendant began to glow with a faint red light, flickering and flickering.

"What kind of operation is this?" Zhao Gang showed a little surprised look, and with the heart of trying, Zhao Gang put the other blood-stained hand on the jade pendant.

In just a split second, the blood on Zhao Gang's hands was once again diluted by the jade pendant.

The next second the jade pendant became joyful again, flashing and flashing, the red light became much stronger than before.It seems to be saying to Zhao Gang that there is still more.

But what's even more weird is that Zhao Gang directly put his nose up, and when the nose dripped blood, the jade pendant would suck a drop of blood, and every time he sucked a drop of blood, the jade pendant would shine even brighter than before.

Zhao Gang didn't understand what was going on, but based on his past experience, he knew that this must be something extraordinary.

It kept dripping like this, and Yupei kept sucking. At the end, Zhao Gang felt a little dizzy, so he stopped hastily.

It was only then that he realized that he was almost completely hindered by Yupei. If he continues like this, the blood on his body will be sucked dry, and Yupei will not stop.

Hastily found the paper, Zhao Gang blocked his nostrils, and then looked at Yupei again.

Without the blood sucking, the jade pendant flashed for a while, gradually became dim, and immediately returned to normal.

Zhao Gang quickly picked up the jade pendant. Except that it felt a little warm, there seemed to be nothing special about it.

I patted hard and shook it, but Yupei still didn't respond. "Damn it." Zhao Gang shouted angrily.

If you look closely, you can still see the muscles on Zhao Gang's face twitching.

"Did you suck so much blood from me? Was it for nothing? That's the end of it?"

No matter what he did, Yu Pei still didn't respond, and Zhao Gang simply stopped studying after a while.

He had just been discharged from the hospital, but today he had another day of running around.Already exhausted.

He didn't go home either, and Zhao Gang took a rest in the store directly holding the jade pendant.

(End of this chapter)

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