Appreciation of treasures

Chapter 617 Each has its own autumn

Chapter 617
At this moment, all doubts were answered by Zhao Gang.He also seriously doubts that this bronze unicorn of the Warring States period can be displayed here, and it is probably made by him.

After a moment of hesitation, the old man walked up first with a confident smile on his face, opened the glass cover of the Warring States Bronze Unicorn, and held the bronze unicorn in his hands, his movements were also very careful!
To be honest, collections of this level are close to the level of national treasures in China, and once they are born, they must be listed as cultural relics by the country.

I saw the old man put the bronze unicorn of the Warring States period on the table, and then put the compass just now in front of the bronze unicorn.

As soon as it was put on, the whole compass turned by itself.

And there will be a pointer in the middle of the compass, and the time pointer will also turn left rapidly at the same time.But if you look carefully, the pointer will pause inadvertently. Although it is very slight and fast, it can still be seen clearly.

And almost every time the pointer stops, the old man will record the characters in the direction the pointer points to.

Everyone did not dare to say anything and stared at the old man on the field carefully, for fear of missing some wonderful moment. After all, things like this don't happen often!
Even Zhao Gang carefully watched the change of the old man's compass. To be honest, Zhao Gang has learned a lot today, and this is the first time he has seen treasures identified in this way.

At the same time, several other flags and Aixinjue Luo Xinyu were also looking at the old man, and their relationship with the old man was a little tricky.

After all, Wang Yizhi's ancestors dared to steal even their royal family.

And the royal family spent a lot of thought in order to capture Wang Yangxi back then, and even the current Wang Yizhi has moved a lot of graves related to them.

But they didn't expect Lan Sishan to invite this person directly to participate in their big competition, which is undoubtedly equivalent to slapping them in the face.

At this moment, the compass slowly stopped, and Wang Yi stepped forward to put the compass away.

Then he said with a confident smile, "The Bronze Unicorn of the Warring States Period originated from the Kingdom of Yan, one of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period. The Kingdom of Yan was also the fiefdom of the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou. The frontiers guarded the northern frontier of the Zhou Dynasty for 800 years for the Emperor Zhou."

"In the past 800 years, Yan State has expanded its territory in Liaodong for [-] miles, and its territory has been extended to North Korea. The herdsmen and tribes in the surrounding areas have all surrendered to Yan State. And this bronze unicorn of the Warring States Period was exactly when King Yan Zhao sent troops to go out. At that time, I ordered its skilled craftsmen to make it, the purpose is to boost morale, seeing such a beast is like seeing King Yan Zhao himself."

Wang Yi's words became a prophecy, and everyone was completely shocked, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

No one would have thought that just this bronze unicorn of the Warring States Period contained so much history!

The people present couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement. This good guy has such historical value. If it were left in the world and it didn't have a few hundred million, I might not be able to get this collection at all.

But it seems that this is not the end, I saw Wang Yizhi smiled and glanced at Zhao Gang, and then said: "The territory of the Yan Kingdom is mainly in the current imperial capital, Liao City and the Beijing City area where we are now, so this Warring States Bronze is unique. The birth of the horned beast can basically be concluded that it was born in the Central Plains."

"However, due to successive years of invasion by the Yan State, the bronze unicorn of the Warring States Period was lost in the three provinces, but this bronze unicorn was unearthed in the three provinces, and it has a history of more than 3000 years."

And after hearing all this, everyone was even more surprised from ear to ear. They didn't expect such a treasure to be so close to them.

For a moment, they felt like they had missed out on this Warring States Bronze Unicorn, and their faces showed disappointment.

When Zhao Gang heard this, he couldn't help but nodded, because Wang Yizhi said it exactly.

In the process of Wang Yizhi's tasting, Zhao Gang looked at the bronze unicorn of the Warring States period with a faint light in his eyes.

What appeared in his mind was basically the same as what Wang Yizhi said.

At this moment, Zhao Gang couldn't help but secretly set off a wave of waves in his heart. He was able to understand all this because he had this special ability.

But he couldn't figure out how Wang Yizhi could know so much information through a compass.

I saw Zhao Gang frowning tightly without thinking, but soon Zhao Gang was relieved.

After all, supernatural powers like his cannot be explained by science, let alone Wang Yizhi's compass.

After Wang Yizhi finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Gang, as if he was waiting for Zhao Gang to add something.

To be honest, Wang Yizhi's move completely astonished everyone, and it seemed to them that Zhao Gang was doomed in this round.

As Wang Yizhi's eyes also fell on Zhao Gang, in fact, Zhao Gang's performance in the past few games was enough to amaze everyone, so in their opinion, even if they lost this time, it would not be a shame.

Including Tang Ruosheng and Nalande, they all think so.

Before they knew Wang Yizhi's real identity, they still had great confidence in Zhao Gang, but after knowing Wang Yizhi's real identity and his stunning performance, they suddenly became less optimistic about Zhao Gang.

However, even so they are already very satisfied.

Just when everyone was casting disapproving glances, Zhao Gang smiled faintly and walked over to hold the Warring States Bronze Unicorn in his hand.

No one is optimistic about him, but he himself has never conceded defeat.

Picking up the Warring States Bronze Unicorn, Zhao Gang watched it carefully. At the same time, a bright light suddenly shot out from the Warring States Bronze Unicorn's body and went straight to Zhao Gang's mind.

And when the unicorn entered Zhao Gang's mind, it was as if another world had opened in Zhao Gang's mind, and he felt like he had a sudden enlightenment.

Even the world view has undergone great changes at the same time.

"The Bronze Unicorn of the Warring States Period." Zhao Gang said with a faint smile, not to be outdone. "The bronzes of the Warring States Period are full of the flavor of life in that period. They should pay attention to practicality without losing luxury and splendor. The bronze decorations of that period have evolved from the Spring and Autumn Period. The unrestrained and bold flowers of the period changed to the neat and delicate flowers of the later period, and the patterns also gained a bit of mystery."

Zhao Gang touched the bronze unicorn of the Warring States Period and said, subconsciously looked at Wang Yizhi again.

"Actually, what you said is correct. This thing was indeed made by King Yanzhao for the army that went out, but it was not lost in the three provinces. It was because King Yanzhao was too powerful back then, and the military strength and combat effectiveness of the army were not weak. So much so that it reached the point of blind self-confidence, and this bronze unicorn of the Warring States Period was also an item that was taken away when the Yan army was defeated."

(End of this chapter)

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