Appreciation of treasures

Chapter 69 What do you mean?

Chapter 69 What do you mean?
Jade ruyi was a very auspicious thing in ancient times, and most of it was used by the emperor's relatives as gifts to each other.

Of course, there are also big and small ruyis. Some royal nobles hang the smaller ruyis around their waists, and the slightly larger ones also have the effect of massage, but most of them are placed on the study for observation.

The Ruyi in the old man's hand was just the most common sapphire material. Zhao Gang had seen a real high-grade Ruyi at the auction before.

The base material of Ruyi is actually old jadeite, but that piece of material is probably worth some money.

The old man in front of him is holding the most inferior sapphire. Looking at the carving, although it is lifelike, it doesn't look like it came from the hands of a craftsman.

I saw that Ruyi was three fingers wide, slightly larger than a slap. Judging from the proportion of the overall body shape, it was quite particular.

Ruyi has flattened sides, like leaves.On it are some peonies or other flower patterns, although the carving in the old man's hand is lifelike.

But the details are not handled properly, especially the stamens of the peony flower. You must know that a piece of high-quality material requires a master sculptor to carve for seven to 49 days before it can be completed.

Not to mention the stamens of peony flowers, even the lines on the petals are meticulously carved.

Like this ruyi flower stamen is basically connected into one piece, it can be seen that the sculptor didn't pay attention.

It's just that the sapphire seems to have been soaked by something, and it looks so crystal clear, giving people the illusion of a good object.

Zhao Gang was afraid that he was wrong, so he deliberately used his supernatural ability to look at it, and it really didn't have any halo on it.

The eyeballs of the gold-rimmed glasses almost popped out. I have never seen such an arrogant young man like Zhao Gang.

Ruyi generally became popular in the Ming Dynasty, but it is rare, and the most popular ones also became popular in the Qing Dynasty, especially during the Kangxi period.

Kangxi liked to reward small objects such as the harem and ministers, and he would also place one next to his bedroom and throne.

This jade ruyi is also an imitation of the Qing Dynasty. It is not very valuable in value, but it is worth collecting!

As for Ruyi in the gold-rimmed glasses... Zhao Gang didn't dare to say more.

After listening to Zhao Gang's introduction, there was a burst of applause from the small building on the second floor. Zhao Gang looked up and saw a white and clean man walking down the stairs slowly.

The man had some fat on his face, and he looked arrogant. His eyes were surprisingly big, and he was not angry.

There is always a smile on the two thin lips, but there is a trace of coldness in that smile.

This is the legendary smiling tiger?

Seeing the appearance of the man, these three words suddenly appeared in Zhao Gang's mind, and the man walked to Zhao Gang while clapping his hands.

"Little brother, it seems that you have good eyesight! And you also have a little appreciation for antiques. I hope you can get something you like at today's auction."

After he finished speaking, he jumped onto the temporary platform, and everyone nodded slightly.

"Today, I organized this auction. I hope that all friends in the antique world can get what you want from me. The auspicious time has come, and I announce the official start!"

Zhao Gang stabbed a young man next to him.

"Hey, I said who is this man?"

The man's eyes widened, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"No way, brother, you don't even know who he is! He is the owner of this villa, and all the collections in today's auction belong to him."

Zhao Gang didn't expect that the smiling tiger in front of him was actually the person who organized today's auction. He didn't look like someone who knew how to fight for gold.

However, people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. People do one thing before others and another after others. You can see it more clearly. Who can guarantee it?
The first item in the auction was an ancient painting, and Zhao Gang was not very skilled in identifying that ancient painting.

I just used my supernatural ability to see that there were colorful lights on the painting, but it looked plain on the surface, Zhao Gang was a little puzzled.

"I don't need to say much about the value of this painting, and I don't need to say much about his background, it's still the old rule, the bidding price is fancy!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone scrambled to be the first, and the base price soared from 4000 yuan to 380 million yuan!
Zhao Gang froze in place in surprise. Such a bland painting can be sold for 380 million!

Seeing his expression, the man beside him couldn't help laughing again.

When he first came here, he was called Xiaobai by the old men around him. Now he finally knew what Xiaobai looked like.

"You are curious, how can such a plain painting fetch such a high price? There is a hidden mystery in that painting."

Zhao Gang quickly turned his head to the man, hoping that he could reveal more, but the man just smiled and said, "Don't be confused by the appearance when looking at things, we must see its essence and inner meaning."

With doubts about this sentence, Zhao Gang saw it again.Another item appeared on the stage.

It is an inconspicuous pen holder, just like the painting holder I chose. On the surface, it is just a simple object made of bamboo.

But his whole body exuded colorful lights, and Zhao Gang was so dazed that he couldn't open his eyes.

"Could this thing be a high-quality object? Otherwise, how could it emit such light?"

But pen holders are not very popular with everyone. All collectors are not literati, and real literati may not have the money to buy these things.

The price of the pen container stopped at [-], and Zhao Gang took it into his pocket without hesitation, and the people around looked at Zhao Gang with strange eyes.

Someone bought an ordinary pen holder for 5 yuan.

When the pen container was taken down, a small note was attached, which was also handed over to Zhao Gang, asking how to remove its surface.

It was only then that Zhao Gang suddenly realized that the reason why this painting tube and the painting just now looked inconspicuous on the surface.

It's just that its skin is sealed, and such a layer of sealing makes the priceless treasure look plain.

If this technology is applied to the sale of antiques, I am afraid that even if they are caught, no one will find out that they are selling antiques.

When the buyer receives the goods and removes the surface seal, the original value of the antique can be revealed.

These people really do anything for profit!

This made Zhao Gang have to admire them. Previously, what Mojindaodou did was craftsmanship, and what he earned was hard money.

But now it is not only necessary to be able to fight for money, but also to turn priceless treasures into worthless ones, and to turn worthless treasures into valuable ones.

This can be regarded as an artistic work, and it may be more time-consuming and labor-intensive than real money-making!

(End of this chapter)

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