Appreciation of treasures

Chapter 817 The Story Behind The Father

Chapter 817 The Story Behind The Father

Recalling the first time he met Zhao Hanwen, Sun Zhanting couldn't help laughing.

"What mission are you going to perform?" Zhao Gang asked.

"After contacting your father, I realized that I was going to investigate a rampant tomb robbery gang in the Western Regions. That photo happened to be taken when we went to the Western Regions. I never thought that I would never see your father again after that mission. Yes, hey..."

Sun Zhanting sighed, and then handed the yellowed newspaper on the stage to Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang discovered that there was a half-page report on it, which introduced that the archaeological researchers of the Western Regions in the Tongxing Township of the Western Regions had uncovered a gang of tomb robbers who were running around and committing crimes.

According to the newspaper, this is the largest tomb robbery and cultural relics sale case cracked nationwide. More than 30 people were arrested, which dealt a severe blow to the arrogance of domestic cultural relics dealers.

After reading the newspaper, Zhao Gang felt that there was not much useful information, so he asked, "And then?"

"After the mission was completed, I came back, but I was attacked on the way, and that was the closest I was to death..." Sun Zhanting's orange-peeled face showed a dignified look, as if he was afraid of recalling it now.

"After we had dinner in the Western Regions that night, we were returning to the archaeological site with the car, but we were attacked by a group of mysterious people on the way..."

"Attacked? Zhao Gang was taken aback.

"Well, at that time, I remember that the soldiers in our platoon fought with each other. The fight lasted for more than half an hour. The opponent's firepower was very fierce, with grenades and so on. Later, people from the ninth district came. People left a dozen corpses and left."

Sun Zhanting said while pointing to a scar on his throat, "This is left after the attack. I didn't tell anyone about it because I signed a non-disclosure agreement at that time."

"So that's how it is!" Zhao Gang was completely shocked. He never expected that someone would really dare to exchange fire, but what was the reason for the exchange of fire? It shouldn't be because he was full and had nothing to do?
"By the way, Mr. Sun, did you find out after the incident why these people attacked the car?"

Sun Zhanting nodded, "Afterwards, it was found that one of the other party was seriously injured but not dead, so we sent it to the hospital, but when I was sorting out the corpse, I found a very strange thing."

"whats the matter?"

"This group of people all wear a nine-eyed ghost mask on their faces, and everyone wears it on their faces."

"Nine-eyed ghost mask?" Zhao Gang frowned. He had never heard of it before. "Do you have a picture?"

Sun Zhanting shook his head, "No, everyone signed a non-disclosure agreement at the time, so they definitely couldn't keep photos. Later, when we went back, we interrogated the survivor, and the survivor finally said it was for a jade pendant."

"Jade pendant? What jade pendant?" Zhao Gang hurriedly asked.

"The Double Dragon Jade Pendant is the tomb robber gang we attacked before. They robbed a tomb of King Goryeo and found a Double Dragon Jade Pendant inside. We seized it at that time."

Hearing what Sun Zhanting said, Zhao Gang was even more puzzled, thinking that it would be too insane to exchange fire just for a piece of jade pendant?

"No way, because a piece of jade pendant fired, could there be other reasons?"

"We were also puzzled at that time, and we all thought it was incredible. It was unreasonable to pay a jade pendant with more than a dozen lives, but the man said it was for the Ssangyong jade pendant. We waited for him to rest for a night, and then asked about it the next day. Ask, but when I went the next day, the person died.”

"Dead?" Zhao Gang frowned.

"Yes, I was suffocated to death after being pulled out of the oxygen tube. After our investigation, there may be an insider. However, this matter was later suppressed by the higher authorities, so we did not continue the investigation. However, an incident occurred the next night. Weird."

"What strange thing?" Zhao Gang said.

"The Shuanglong Jade Pendant is gone." Sun Zhanting also frowned, as if immersed in that period of time, "Because the Ssangyong Jade Pendant had been strictly guarded at that time, and we investigated all the people who had access to the Ssangyong Jade Pendant. There is a person who suddenly disappears and evaporates like the world."


"Your father!"

Sun Zhanting's words made Zhao Gang stunned immediately, "You mean to say that the Shuanglong jade pendant was stolen by my father?"

"Well, everyone thought so at the time. After all, no one knew about your father's background, so this kind of suspicion is reasonable. I was deported later. I don't know if there is any investigation or how."

"I think things may not be that simple. Since my dad is going to carry out the mission with you, there is no need to steal the Shuanglong jade pendant."

"what happened?"

"I'll tell you slowly." His thoughts drifted into the distance.

Here, a voice came from a commercial vehicle parked by the side of the road.

"It actually failed. Since it failed, then you have to pay a price."

"Forgive me, Master Ding, give me a chance to make up for my mistakes."

But this Master Ding didn't want to listen, he just felt noisy.


There were horrible screams in the commercial vehicle, but because the place was relatively remote, no one noticed at all. After a long time, a blood-soaked sack was thrown out of the car...

That night, Zhao Gang stayed in Huai Mu Xuan for dinner, but Sun Zhanting's kindness was hard to shake.

Throughout the afternoon, Zhao Gang had almost sorted out the matter, and he was also very curious about the mysterious incident in the Western Regions, and the idea of ​​investigating it also sprouted in his heart.

But when he told Sun Zhanting this idea, Sun Zhanting shook his head, "I don't suggest you go now."

"Why?" Zhao Gang looked puzzled.

"It's been more than 13 years since this incident, and there's no rush to investigate it in a day or two, and you also said that your father was hunted down [-] years ago, there is a time difference."

"Moreover, your father also appeared in the Tu Bao case later. In addition, as far as I know, he was also involved in other missions, so there is a problem that is difficult to explain..."

When Sun Zhanting said this, he didn't continue talking, but turned to look at Zhao Gang.

"Mr. Sun, what do you mean, my father was not seriously injured after getting off the underground facility, and he came out?" Zhao Gang immediately understood.

"Well, but I didn't meet your father later because of work reasons, but my colleague told me at the time that the Ninth Division of the Western Regions dispatched three teams."

(End of this chapter)

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