Appreciation of treasures

Chapter 873 Python

Chapter 873 Python
"Grandpa Sun, run!"

Zhao Gang knew in his heart that if Sun Zhanting's body was touched by a prairie sloth, he would report it to Lord Yan immediately.

Sun Zhanting saw the laziness of the prairie and went crazy. If he didn't dare to wear a man, he rushed in directly towards the iron gate on the side, and then quickly closed the door behind him.

"Bang!" The prairie ground sloth slammed into the iron door. Fortunately, the quality of the iron door was acceptable. Although it was rough and thick and powerful, it couldn't break open at all.

The prairie sloth, which couldn't break through the iron gate, quickly found its next target, which was Zhao Gang who just got up.

"I'll go..." Zhao Gang didn't care about the pain in his body at this moment, and ran forward quickly. In fact, if he really exerted his strength, he could indeed deal with this prairie sloth, but the problem was that it would consume him a lot. Great energy.

This underground fortress is full of weirdness, and Zhao Gang doesn't know what kind of problems he will encounter, so he must preserve his strength, and this grassland sloth can only be outsmarted but not forced.

Zhao Gang continued to run in, and then stopped at a corner to hold his breath.

The night suddenly became quiet, followed by another low growl, and then the sound of footsteps gradually disappearing. Zhao Gang was relieved. It seemed that the giant prairie sloth also used its eyes.

Just when Zhao Gang was about to go out to find Sun Zhanting, suddenly an extremely stench came over his face...

This stench was so disgusting that Zhao Gang almost vomited out last night's meal.

However, because the surrounding area was pitch black, Zhao Gang didn't know why there was such a strong smell. At first, he wanted to turn on the flashlight to have a look, but then he thought, the prairie sloth probably hasn't gone far. If he turns on the flashlight now, It's easy to draw it in.

Zhao Gang had no choice but to move Ma Nan away step by step, but just after taking a step, he suddenly felt that he stepped on something, which was soft and slippery.

Not only that, but the weirdest thing is that the thing under his feet seems to be able to move.

This made people feel hairy, Zhao Gang turned on the flashlight and took a photo.

Good guy, it's a snake tail with thick legs.

And at this time, he felt something suddenly fell on his shoulder, and when he looked back, he almost scared out of his wits.

Behind him is a boa constrictor with forest green patterns, the entire snake head is as wide as Zhao Gang's chest, that is to say, this guy can completely swallow Zhao Gang alive.

"Why is there such a big python here?"

For a while, Zhao Gang thought that he had entered the zoo, and he was a giant sloth and a boa constrictor.

However, this python didn't give Zhao Gang a chance to breathe, its body wriggled quickly, trying to wrap Zhao Gang up.

Zhao Gang knew in his heart that if he was entangled by such a big guy, even if the Da Luo Immortal came down to earth, he would have no way to recover.He quickly dodged to the wall, avoiding the entanglement of the python, and then ran back directly.

At this moment, Zhao Gang was not in the mood to worry about being discovered by the ground sloth behind him. After all, compared to the thick and long python in front of him, the ground sloth was safer.

Zhao Gang rushed to the room where Sun Zhanting was hiding before, knocked on the door and asked Sun Zhanting to open it.

"Why are you sweating profusely? Has that giant sloth gone?"

Sun Zhanting's face was covered. He wanted to look outside, but Zhao Gang pushed him in, and then closed the door forcefully.

"Isn't it just a giant ground sloth? Why did it scare you like this?" Sun Zhanting was immediately confused when he saw that Zhao Gang was so frightened that he was out of breath.

Before Zhao Gang could answer, he heard a loud "boom" of the iron gate, raising a cloud of dust.

At this time, Sun Zhanting's face was ashen, his face turned pale with fright, he knew that the ground sloth didn't have such great strength, "Hey, what's outside here?"

Zhao Gang did not answer him directly, but took a closer look. The whole door is composed of two parts. The front is a steel plate nearly five or six centimeters thick, and the back is four huge reinforcing ribs. The weight of the whole door is estimated to exceed a ton.

"There's a big boa constrictor outside!" Zhao Gang breathed a sigh of relief, at least he is safe now, once the snake outside gets close to him, he will only die.

"Big python?" Sun Zhanting frowned, wondering how could there be pythons in this place?

But it's not practical to think about it now, what should be considered now is how to get out.

"I wonder if there are vents or something here?" Zhao Gang muttered, and then he checked. This room was not the previous warehouse, but a relatively empty room. Except for a pile of Apart from the things, the whole room was empty.

Looking around, Zhao Gang was a little disappointed. There was no so-called air vent here, and there was nothing in the whole room except for the iron door in front of him.

And during this period of time, after the giant python outside hit the door a few times in a row, it seemed to have learned its lesson, and there was no more movement.

But Zhao Gang didn't dare to open the door and go out. The giant python's ability in this passage is much stronger than that of the prairie sloth. Once he goes out and gets entangled by it, it is impossible to escape.

And at this moment, Sun Zhanting, who had been pressing his ear to the iron gate, suddenly waved at Zhao Gang, "Zhao Xiaoyou, come here, there seems to be some commotion outside again."

When Zhao Gang heard it, he hurried over to listen.

Sure enough, there was a different sound outside, it was a very dull 'bang bang' sound, as if something was hitting the concrete wall.

"It seems that something is fighting..." Zhao Gang thought for a while, and suddenly a look of excitement appeared on his face, "It must be that giant python fighting with the grassland sloth!"

"I think it may be, but will that giant python be the opponent of the giant ground sloth?" Sun Zhanting was a little worried. He didn't see what the giant python looked like, and he didn't know how big it was, but he knew the prairie The lethality of the giant ground sloth is definitely not something that ordinary pythons can bear.

Among other things, the sharp and sharp claws of the prairie sloth are enough to tear through the belly of a boa constrictor.

"Open the door and take a look." Zhao Gang suggested immediately. He knew that if he didn't take advantage of the fight between the giant python and the sloth, it would be difficult for him to go out after the winner was decided.

Sun Zhanting thought about it, and finally nodded.

Opening the door slightly, Zhao Gang took a look outside and found that it was pitch black outside, and he couldn't see anything.

"Give me the flashlight!" Zhao Gang took the flashlight from Sun Zhanting and flashed it outside the door, which startled him immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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