Chapter 21

After the gangster ran away, Su Xiaoxiao went back to her stall to make potstickers, while Fang Ze and the others went back to the table to make skewers.

"Youngest, have you been time-traveled or reborn? Why do you seem to be a completely different person recently?" Zhou Ming asked vaguely after chewing on a skewer.

Fang Ze's behavior is too strange recently. Compared with the past two years, Fang Ze has been too abnormal these days. It is normal for Zhou Ming and the others to have doubts.

Li Hao and Lu Kun didn't ask any further questions, but their slightly pricked up ears meant that they were equally concerned.

Fang Ze took a sip of beer and replied with a smile, "I am neither reborn nor time-traveled, I am cheating, of course it will be different from before, from now on you can call me cheating .”


Hearing what Fang Ze said, the other three gave him a middle finger in unison, obviously not believing what he said.

Seeing the actions of his roommates, Fang Ze shrugged helplessly. What he said was indeed the truth, but no one believed it.With the template of a super character, he has indeed opened a sky-defying hook.

After Fang Ze said so, Zhou Ming and the others did not continue to ask.Fang Ze is still the same Fang Ze, a little different from before, but he is still the youngest in their dormitory.

Afterwards, the topic also shifted from Fang Ze to the girls, and Hu Tian commented on all kinds of beauties in the school.

And Fang Ze was inevitably given a lot of alcohol, the reason, of course, was because of Xia Yixue.

But even if the other three go up together, drinking is not Fang Ze's opponent.When Li Hao and the three of them were drunk, regardless of whether they were east or west, Fang Ze still kept his face unchanged, drinking beer after sip.

Fang Ze didn't know what was going on, anyway, he just couldn't get drunk, and he didn't know if it was because of the super character template.

After midnight, Su Xiaoxiao was about to close the stall, and Fang Ze and the others were almost done eating.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao go back alone, Fang Ze was afraid that something would happen to her, so he proposed to send Su Xiaoxiao back.

But when Su Xiaoxiao heard it, she waved her hands again and again to indicate that she didn't need it, and without waiting for Fang Ze to say anything else, she hurriedly cleaned up the stall, pulled the cart for making pot stickers, and left in a hurry.

Before leaving, he waved to Fang Ze and said goodbye.

Since Su Xiaoxiao didn't need someone to send her off, Fang Ze didn't insist anymore, and planned to go back to the dormitory with his roommates.

Seeing that Fang Ze planned to go back to the dormitory with him, Li Hao and the other three directly stopped him.He just said that the girls are more important, they are quite drunk, but they can still go back to the dormitory.

Fang Ze was right after thinking about it, the three big men, what can happen, is more important to escort the girl.

So not long after Su Xiaoxiao left, Fang Ze turned around and followed quietly.Since there's no need to send her home, it's fine to follow her, and it's also okay to watch her enter the house.

There was a steep slope on Su Xiaoxiao's way home. Seeing her strenuous effort to go up the slope, Fang Ze couldn't help but feel sorry for her in his heart as she tried to pull the small car up the slope with her thin body.

A girl of her age should still be studying. I don't know why she wants to set up a night market instead of enjoying her parents' love at home.


Suddenly, Su Xiaoxiao's foot slipped and fell to the ground, and the hand that was holding the cart was also loosened.The potsticker car slid down with a gurgle, Su Xiaoxiao quickly got up and chased after it, but the speed of the car was too fast.

She couldn't catch up at all, but instead stepped on a protruding stone and fell down again.

"My car!!" Su Xiaoxiao looked at the car going away, not to mention how helpless she felt.If the cart landslides, it will definitely break, and then she won't be able to set up a stall in the future.

But before the car fell to the bottom of the slope, Fang Ze had already appeared in front of the car.Although the car slid down very fast, Fang Ze still grabbed the handle of the car in time and dragged the car back.

"Phew, it seems to be quite timely." Fang Ze pulled the car up the hill and exhaled.

Then, he hurried to Su Xiaoxiao's side, "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"

Su Xiaoxiao saw that Fang Ze also understood. It turned out that he had been following her, otherwise he would not have appeared in such timely manner.Suddenly, Xiao Xin was a little touched. This Brother Fang is really a good person.

"Ah, Brother Fang, I'm fine." Su Xiaoxiao said while trying to stand up.But it seemed that she had really fallen badly, as soon as she stood up, she let out a cry of pain, and sat down again, her two slender eyebrows were twisted into a ball.

Seeing Su Xiaoxiao still trying to be brave, Fang Ze felt a little distressed.

Regardless of what Su Xiaoxiao thought, Fang Ze rolled up her trouser legs.I saw that her ankle was red and swollen like a small radish. It seemed that she sprained her ankle.

"You sprained your ankle and said it's okay, you, don't be brave." Fang Ze gently helped Su Xiaoxiao up, and said seriously.

"Where is your home? I'll help you go home." Fang Ze continued to ask, seeing Su Xiaoxiao's feet sprained like this, he couldn't be more worried about letting a girl like Su Xiaoxiao go home by herself.

Su Xiaoxiao also knew that she would not want to go home without anyone to support her like this, but she was a little reluctant to look at her car.She was worried about leaving the car here, what if someone else took it.

Looking into Su Xiaoxiao's eyes, Fang Ze knew what Su Xiaoxiao was worried about.Knowing that she was still thinking about her car when she fell down just now, Fang Ze knew how important this car was to her.

"Don't worry, I will take this car back too." Fang Ze said.

Hearing what Fang Ze said, Su Xiaoxiao pointed forward in embarrassment, and said in a mosquito-like voice, "My house is just ahead, not far away."

So Fang Ze supported the girl with one hand, and walked forward while pulling the cart with the other.

There is a small village not far ahead. Due to the large building area, Fangze School is still far away from the city center, but it is not too remote.Around the school, there are still some urban villages waiting to be rebuilt.

Looking around, there were less than fifty families in that small village.Most of them are self-built small buildings with two or three floors. There are many rented houses in the small buildings, and some students and white-collar workers live there.

Looking in the direction Su Xiaoxiao pointed, what Fang Ze saw was a self-built two-story building, but the second floor didn't seem to be decorated yet, and the dark red bricks were still exposed outside.

"That's my home." Su Xiaoxiao said, approaching the house, Su Xiaoxiao felt that the injury on her foot didn't hurt so much.

Walking into the small building, Fang Ze found that a woman in the middle of the age was waiting anxiously in front of the small building.The woman is middle-aged, and her temples are whitened by the vicissitudes of life, but it can be seen that she was also a beautiful woman when she was young.

"Mom!!" Seeing the woman waiting at the door, Lao Yuan Su Xiaoxiao yelled.

Hearing Su Xiaoxiao's cry, the anxious look on the woman's face disappeared, and she hurriedly groped for the place where the sound came from.

When he walked in, Fang Ze could clearly see Su Xiaoxiao's mother's eyes were blank, and there was a stick like a guiding crutch behind her. It seemed that she was a blind person.

"Xiao Xiao, why did you come back so late? Just now I heard the bell ringing and it was past ten o'clock. I came out to take a look before you came back. You are a girl, how dangerous it is to be outside at night!!" Although the woman was blaming, she could still hear her deep concern.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I made you worry. I encountered some things today, so I came back late." Su Xiaoxiao knew that her mother was inconvenient to move, and made her worry so much, so she couldn't help but blame herself.

"It's okay, it's okay, just come back, just come back, let's go home." The woman waved her hand, wanting to take Su Xiaoxiao's hand and walk back.

However, Su Xiaoxiao sprained her ankle, and Fang Ze was still supporting her. Seeing that the woman didn't notice, he coughed softly.

Hearing the sound of coughing, the woman was startled, "Xiao Xiao, why is there someone beside me?"

So, Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly explained what happened when she fell down just now.

Hearing that her daughter sprained her ankle, the woman felt distressed, and she groped for her little foot, shedding turbid tears, "Xiaoxiao, it's useless to be a mother, I'll let you go out alone at night, otherwise You won’t be injured anymore, do your feet still hurt!!”

(End of this chapter)

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