Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 61: Glowwa's Conspiracy (3)

Chapter 61 Grova's Conspiracy ([-])

"My lord, do you just let them go?" Someone asked, trying to catch up with the young man.

"Let them go. They are throwing themselves into a trap. It's a pity that the staff can't be taken back to us, but the power of the staff is really powerful. I can't figure out why such a powerful staff will be taken away." How can such a level 10 guy hold it in his hand?" Glowa said as he put down the sword in his hand.

The battle that took place here has attracted the attention of the densely packed undead in the dense forest, and those instinctive monsters with almost no intelligence at all are coming here.Looking at those disgusting things, Gloval suddenly felt a trace of fanaticism and fear in his heart.In the past, he longed for power and fame, and he was indeed very famous in Linzuo Town, but after all, his strength is still not outstanding enough, and he is not considered a famous figure in Haiyan Land, let alone in the entire alliance.

In the end, the arrival of that guy made Growa see the hope of becoming stronger. Even if he had to sacrifice his dignity as a human being, he didn't care. If it was true as that guy said, he could receive the Lich King's gift and become A death knight, so even if the land of Sea Rock turns to ashes, what does it have to do with me? I will let the entire Azeroth know my name of Growa!
"Go back, you bunch of brainless idiots." Gloval took out a necklace of skeletons.

Those undead who were heading towards Gloval felt the power emanating from the skull necklace, and felt a pain in their souls, and they backed away howling in pain.

At this moment, Wang Peng and the others had already run out of the forest at a fast pace.

"What to do? They seem to have been dumped by us!"

"This should be far north of Wuqi Town, probably not far from Linzuo Town to the north. The mayor of Linzuo Town is a level 70 holy priest. He should have some knowledge about these undead that appear in the forest. The solution is very high, I think we should tell Lin Zuo Town to the mayor of Biar and ask for their help." Wang Peng said.

Everyone nodded, indeed, this is the best way at present.If a few people went all the way to Haiyan City to report the situation here, they might run out of time, or they might be attacked by Growwa and others on the way.

"Let's go, the sooner the better, we won't rest tonight."

At this time, nearly a week had passed since all the teams left Haiyan City.In the Worthford family in Haiyan City, the middle-aged Earl Worthford is anxiously looking for news, because his youngest daughter Karina, who went out to practice, has disappeared.The incident happened shortly after leaving Haiyan City. Although Karina's team has good people around level 18, Earl Worthford naturally won't rest assured that his most precious little daughter doesn't have the protection of any powerful mentors. Go to the dangerous land of sea rocks to practice.So secretly there is a stalker who has been following Karina's team to protect Karina.

I thought there would be no problem with this level 52 stalker protecting Karina, but it has been a week, and the stalker in charge of protection has not sent back a report on Miss Karina's whereabouts!Even himself disappeared!This made Earl Worthford worried.The Worthford family can be described as a first-class family in the land of Haiyan, with both power and financial resources, but it also provoked a lot of forces. Many people tried to take action against the Worthford family, and Kari, who had experienced outside Na is naturally a better choice.

"You guys, go to various towns to find out the news!" Earl Worthford ordered.

At this time, Karina was waking up from the dungeon in Linzuo Town. She only felt a special pain in the back of her neck and a special dizziness in her head. What happened and where is this place?How am I here?

"Hey, come here! What is this place! Why are you locked up here! Uncle Biar!" Karina shouted.

"Don't call me little girl, it's useless." Suddenly, a kind-hearted middle-aged man's voice came from another direction in the prison.

Karina looked in that direction, the light in the prison was dim, Karina looked down on the man's face, but it seemed that his hair was disheveled, and there seemed to be red blood on his face!The man sat like this in the corner of the prison.

"Who are you?" Karina asked.

"My name is Wendis, the surname is fine." The middle-aged man said with a sigh.

"What is this place? Why am I here, why are you here?" Karina asked.

"This is the underground prison in Linzuo Town. Now there are only two of us in it. The others have been pulled out and killed. As for why you are here, I don't know."

"The underground prison in Linzuo Town? That's right! When I turned around, someone knocked me out, but why did Uncle Biar knock me out!" Karina suddenly remembered why she passed out.

"That's not your Uncle Biar, I guess." The man in the dark said tremblingly.

"Isn't it Uncle Biar? What on earth is going on?" Karina was confused.

"Things are very complicated and dangerous, young man. My name is Wendis, and I was originally a paladin in the adventure team of Growa in Linzuo Town. I thought Master Growa was a kind-hearted person. , I always thought so until someone arrived last year!”

"Huh?" Karina listened while clutching the iron pillar.

"The man in the black hood looked like an old man, but I didn't see his face. At first I didn't know who that guy was, but my intuition told me he wasn't It's not a good thing, I told Master Glova, but my judgment was overruled. I believed in Master Glova, so nothing happened afterwards."

In the dark prison, there was only a man's voice, with a deep lament.

"But then the identity of that person was finally exposed. Growwa told us that he planned to serve the Lich King, which shocked us all! But under the coercion and lure, many people compromised, and the people who finally resisted Those who died died, those who were imprisoned were imprisoned, but at this moment, I am the only one who survived."

"What the hell is going on here!" Listening to the man's story, Karina felt that it was definitely not true.

"What about Uncle Biar? If the one above is not Uncle Biar, then what the hell is he!" Karina suddenly felt a burst of panic. What she faced was a terrifying thing that turned into Uncle Biar!
"As far as I guess, he is the guy with the black hood who came to find Gloval, a lich!"

(End of this chapter)

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