Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 19 Must Get Some Medical Supplies

Chapter 19 Must Get Some Medical Supplies
"Hey!" Xie Yannan couldn't help sighing, then turned to stare at Xiaoxiao, "Little girl, go find Uncle Wang Hui and let him cook first."

Xiaoxiao felt a little embarrassed about this scene, and she seemed unable to help, so she nodded, climbed up the stairs, and walked out of the cave.

"Sister, can you stop barking? I'm really afraid that I can't help it?"

In the past, Xie Yannan had watched a lot of movies, and had never heard of the cry, but recently there was no way to resolve it, and this pig-killing cry made him ecstasy.

Now that Xiaoxiao has left, why does the adult world need to beat around the bush? !

"Oh, that's it." Yang Chen seemed to be a little late, "I understand what you mean, I'm a nurse, I don't care about gender so much, I'm sorry."

Xie Yannan's words made Yang Chen's face flush, pain from his cheeks all the way to his neck.She bent down and wanted to pick up the clothes she had just taken off, but accidentally let her underwear fall off.

Ah this...

Although Xie Yannan was behind her, he understood what happened, so he could only pretend that nothing happened.Is this woman seducing, seducing herself?First she was naked and asked herself to help clean it, and now she deliberately...

He took several deep breaths, he can't mess around, can't mess around!

Yang Chen sorted out a piece of clothing inside and tied it on his back. Although there was still a little blood oozing out, it was much better than the dirty state before. It shouldn't be long before the blood stopped.

"Give me a hand and tie it up." When he was knotting the clothes, because Yang Chen couldn't use his right hand, he had to turn to Xie Yannan for help.

Xie Yannan boldly stepped forward to help tie the knot, but repeatedly accidentally touched Yang Chen's body, and he retracted like an electric shock.

He turned his face to the side, doing things entirely by feeling, otherwise he really couldn't bear it, he has a pretty face, a good figure, and she is a nurse sister...

This was in his era, and any one of them made him irresistible.

Oh, blame the damn medical supplies, if the system had medical supplies, he wouldn't have to suffer this kind of torture at all, he could see it, but he couldn't eat it.

Moreover, medical supplies are the necessities of life. It seems that they have to find a way to get some medical supplies.

After Yang Chen put on the clothes with difficulty, the blush on his face almost completely faded away.

Xie Yannan originally planned to solve the power problem first, and then deal with the mutated bees, but right now it seems that the collection of medical supplies is more imminent.

"Is there any hospital nearby... Oh, by the way, you are a nurse."

Xie Yannan suddenly realized that life is so awesome, you can get what you need.

"Well, you want to ask about medical supplies?"

Yang Chen fiddled with his messy hair with his fingers, and said slowly, "I'm from the No. [-] Hospital, about two kilometers away from here, but..."

She paused, a trace of sadness seemed to flash between her brows.

"Just what?"

"It's just that it has become a gathering place for zombies, and there are countless monsters active in it."

Yang Chen told Xie Yannan that that hospital was the one that first received zombie patients, and it was also the first place that fell.

"That is to say, we can't get close at all?" Doesn't the existence of this hospital have no meaning at all?
Xie Yannan originally wanted to get some medical supplies from this hospital...

"However... our hospital has five basement floors, all of which are storage rooms for medical supplies, including almost all medical supplies. If you can avoid the hordes of zombies, then you can get those things."

Yang Chen analyzed it a bit, "However, we have to take it into consideration as well as take it out. I don't think it's possible to do it."

"The fifth floor underground? Do you know that there are zombies there?" This seemed to rekindle Xie Yannan's hope, and he hurriedly asked.

"Shouldn't be there. You need the fingerprints of internal employees to get in."

Yang Chen can naturally go in.Even if the internal employees become zombies again, their fingerprints will disappear with the degeneration of the skin, so there is no need to worry about zombies getting into that place.

After hearing Yang Chen's words, Xie Yannan had already made a decision in his heart, he was going to try it.The key is that Yang Chen's fingerprints are still needed now, and Xiaoxiao must be brought with him all the time.

When I thought about bringing two women with me, I couldn't help feeling a little more stressed.

"Then can you take me there? Is there anyone like you alive there?"

Xie Yannan understood that his request was unreasonable, but there was no other way.If he was rejected by Yang Chen, he wouldn't blame him at all.

"Now I know, I'm the only one, because... because of various coincidences, I escaped." Yang Chen didn't speak clearly, Xie Yannan was so interested that he didn't continue to ask.

"I can take you there, but can you keep me, you know It's really hard for me to be outside alone as a woman."

Speaking of this, Yang Chen's eyes filled with tears.She must have suffered a lot of grievances outside, so when she came here, she didn't inquire about the identities of Xie Yannan and his group, and just followed in.

"I promise you, it's a small thing."

When Xie Yannan established the shelter, he didn't intend to enjoy it alone. One was because of the tasks issued by the system, and the other was because he wanted to do something practical for this apocalypse.It is a good thing to be able to help one's compatriots.

The room was originally prepared for Xiaoxiao and herself, but now that there is an extra woman coming out, the three of them can't sleep in one room, right? !

"Brother, I'm back. Uncle Wang has already prepared the food, let everyone go over to eat. Sister Yang, please come together."

Xiaoxiao blinked her innocent eyes, said a few polite words, then walked over, still naturally took Xie Yannan's arm.

"Xiaoxiao, let me tell you something. You and Sister Yang are living here. I will live in the cave where Sister Xu lived before. If you have something to do, you can yell, and I can hear you."

In fact, he was worried about leaving Xiaoxiao here alone, but thinking that Xiaoxiao has gradually grown into a big girl, he still needs to avoid suspicion as a man, not to mention the cave environment is so bad, it must not be as comfortable as this ventilated basement.

"How is this possible? Where is my brother and where am I?" Xiaoxiao refused without thinking, and pursed her lips deliberately.

This little girl!It's only because I promised to take her with me no matter where I go, but now I can't get rid of her, what a shame!
"Okay, okay." Xie Yannan moved the screen made by Wang Hui and the others to the middle of the two beds, making a basic privacy screen, "You two sleep over there, and I sleep in this bed."

Unexpectedly, Xiaoxiao just sat down on Xie Yannan's bed, "How can this work, I want to sleep in the same bed as my brother."

 Bu Fei is a waste of names. If you have a name you want, you can leave a message in the book friend circle, and anyone who comes will not be rejected.

(End of this chapter)

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