Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 251 Mechanical Flying Bullfrog

Chapter 251 Mechanical Flying Bullfrog
The division of labor is clear, and the work is done quickly.

Fortunately, these raw materials are still in the system, otherwise it would be very troublesome, but these raw materials are only enough to support this production, and we still need to collect raw materials later, otherwise it will be very old to find them temporarily when needed later.

Xie Yannan paused, and retrieved a lot of raw materials from the system.

Ma Wu has been drawing pictures non-stop since that moment.

Shiliu kept pacing in place, as if he was feeling the sound waves of locusts or something, and occasionally made gestures with his left hand on his right hand, as if he was also calculating something.

Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, has been processing on the sidelines.

Because Xiaoxiao's hands can change shapes constantly, some abrasive tools that can be ground can be made directly from her hands.

And they don't need much to make this flying mechanical bullfrog, one is enough, as long as one is completely produced, it can be copied and simulated later.

Xie Yannan didn't want to get involved in these things, but silently tapped the raw materials in the system.

Only then did I realize that the raw materials in the system were almost gone, especially steel and cement. These two commonly used raw materials had a red light in the storage room of the system.

Xie Yannan paused, then took out the map and looked at it. There was no place that could provide raw materials in the surrounding area. It was only twenty kilometers away.

Zeng Rui had mentioned before, intentionally or unintentionally, that in addition to the mutant species of zombies, there was also a kind of mechanical monster [-] kilometers away. The kind that could uproot a big tree with bare hands looked very similar to a robot, but it was not a robot. biology.

Xie Yannan originally planned not to step out of his current comfort zone if it was not necessary, and he did not want to take unknown risks. However, raw materials were indeed a big problem and must be dealt with.

He was a little entangled. He now had a lot of weapons in his arsenal, but for the real end of the world, it was far from enough. He could use up all his weapons by fighting casually.

What's more, his weapons are all supported by energy stones.


Xie Yannan couldn't help turning his head to take a look at Shiliu. If that mutated monster was of the same species as Shiliu, he would not be a human from Earth at all. Once he offended them, he would definitely die.

After much deliberation, Xie Yannan still decided to give up the plan of finding raw materials first, feeling a little depressed.

Looking around, Wei Xiaofei didn't know where she went, and wanted to talk to her casually, after all, Ma Wu really didn't need him here for making weapons.

After returning to the basement, Xie Yannan found Wei Xiaofei in the kitchen. Wei Xiaofei was holding a kitchen knife in one hand and a chicken that had just been slaughtered in the other, and was about to cook.

"Feifei, what are you doing?" Xie Yannan hugged Wei Xiaofei from the back, and buried her head under her neck.

Wei Xiaofei's hair is fragrant, and there is always a fresh mint smell, which makes Xie Yannan unable to help but think about brooding a few more times.

"Kung Pao Chicken..."

Wei Xiaofei turned her head, and smiled gently at Xie Yannan.

"Kung Pao Chicken?" Xie Yannan's eyes widened suddenly, "Stir-fried chicken?"

You must know that Xie Yannan has always been just a carefree boy, and he is not familiar with these things at all. After much difficulty, today he wanted to relax, so he came to the kitchen to have a look.

"Kung Pao chicken is fried with four kinds of ingredients. Chicken breast cut into cubes, carrots and lettuce, plus peanuts. Unfortunately, we don't have peanuts in the shelter, so we can use soybeans instead."

Wei Xiaofei shook her head regretfully, "Originally adding peanuts could enhance its fragrance, but now there is no way."

After all, this is the end of the world, it's good to be able to eat enough, there are so many picky things.

"Feifei, tell me what else you need. I'll find it together next time we go out."

Xie Yannan really likes Wei Xiaofei, so naturally he doesn't want to see her disappointed.

"I made a list, here you go, take a look, and bring it back for me if you have any." Xie Yannan took the list from Wei Xiaofei's hand, it was some common daily necessities, but happened to be missing.

Like toothpaste, toothbrush, shower gel, shampoo, etc., the shelter has long since disappeared.

However, because the shelter has saponins, it can be used instead of cleaning the body.

It's just that in the long run, it's definitely not the way.

Xie Yannan frowned, it seemed that he still had a lot to do, besides raw materials, there were also daily necessities.

But these should have been prepared before the end of the world. Now that it is the end of the world, it will be much more difficult to find them.

"When I go out next time, I will go to stir fry."

"Okay, I'll cook first, this automatic smoking wall is really easy to use." Wei Xiaofei pointed to the walls around the kitchen.

This was done by Xie Yannan when she upgraded her smart home. The wall can absorb the oil fume directly, and she can't smell the oil fume at all.

Not only that, the wall itself also has a regular cleaning function.

Every Sunday night, the cleaning agent is sprayed, and after cleaning the wall, the wall is not greasy at all, and it is as white as new.

"Actually, Kung Pao Chicken is very simple. Pour the oil into it, and then scoop up a spoonful of bean paste. Oh, we don't have bean paste, so let's use red pepper instead. I will marinate a can of chili sauce tomorrow...etc. After the aroma of chili comes out..."

"Brother Nan, the weapon is ready."

Wei Xiaofei was explaining to Xie Yannan with relish, that Shiliu suddenly broke in a little excited.

"Is it done?"

Xie Yannan was about to leave, but saw Wei Xiaofei feeling a little disappointed, "I'll come over when your sister-in-law is done."

"Brother Nan, go quickly, I'm here for a trivial matter, and your business has been delayed." Wei Xiaofei has always been very sensible.

"Well, I'll go first."

Xie Yannan mainly estimated that with the locust's reproductive ability, if you delay for a while, a lot of locust eggs will be produced, and it will be a lot of trouble to eliminate the locusts.

So if you can get it done as soon as possible, get it done as soon as possible.

"This is delicious. I'll come back to eat it later. After eating, let's do exercise together."

Before Xie Yannan left, he lightly kissed Wei Xiaofei's forehead and smiled mysteriously at her.

"Do exercise, don't we go to the gym?"

Sixteen didn't understand, followed Xie Yannan to the ground, and asked.

"Children are from every family, what to ask."

Xie Yannan smiled.

"Okay, children don't know how to make weapons. If someone doesn't tell me, I won't cooperate."

Sixteen purposely lost his temper, sat down on the ground and refused to leave.

"Okay, okay, let me tell you. Our sports are only mixed sports, don't they make a little noise, and pay public food regularly."

(End of this chapter)

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